Originally published in May of 2014
Single-Arm Blast Strap Variations
Mark Watts explains three single-arm row variations using the elitefts Blast Straps in the Collegiate Power Rack.
One of the advantages of a suspension system with an individualized anchoring system is doubling the potential workload in a team setting.
Incorporating single arm rowing actions can address unilateral imbalances and more prominent torso activation including anti-rotational properties.
Using single-arm exercises can also alleviate logistical issues in the weight room by providing a more desirable work-rest ratio. For example, 6 sets of straps can allow 12 athletes to perform the same exercise at one time.
This circuit can be adapted to meet any athlete's needs by adjusting the distance from the rack.
Exercises in this video:
- Single-Arm Row (retract-row-rotate)
- Single-Arm Row (straight leg)
- Single-Arm Row (table top)
Blast Strap Shoulder Circuit
This circuit is beneficial to athletes in a team setting due to the quick transition time between exercises. The four specific exercises performed are:
- External Rotation
- Scarecrow
- Reverse Fly
- Serrano Press
These four movements address critical components of shoulder stability and deceleration properties of the throwing motion. The combination of transverse/ sagittal plane abduction, external rotation, scapular retraction, and scapular depression all aid in preventative measures for the shoulder, specifically for high-velocity movements such as throwing, serving or shooting (lacrosse).
This circuit can be adapted to meet any athlete's needs by adjusting the distance from the rack.
More Blast Strap Exercises
- Push-up
- Pull-up
- Triceps Extension
- Rear Delt Fly
- Lying Down Row