I am huge fan of the floor press and think this variation is about as good as the original. The floor press w/ chains is great for developing all of your pressing muscles because you cannot use any leg drive. Also, for me, this helped quite a bit with strength off of my chest. This is going to be dependant on the thickness of the lifter as the the thinner lifter will have less of a ROM than a thicker person. So many will see this as a compliment to 2 or 3 board press.
The biggest thing to notice is how the chains are set up. There is no lead chain used when doing this. The 5/8" chain is simply draped over the barbell sleeve (see picture).
There are two different ways to do the loading of the floor press w/ chains.
1. Use a set amount of chain weight (for example, 3 chains/side) and add bar weight to each set.
2. Use a set amount of barbell weight (for example 225, 275 or 315) and add chains each set.
The first is most common as most of us do not have access to 10-12 5/8" chain.
This is best used as a max effort lift and going up to a 1-3RM.
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