Elitefts™ Sponsored Pro Powerlifter Julia Ladewski and Social Media Coordinator Matt Ladewski demonstrate an isometric sumo deadlift cycle in these 3 videos.
At this point in our careers we need to keep looking for new ways to attack weak points. For us it is just off the floor. Isometric deadlifts are a great way to build specific areas of a lift. Doing rep after rep might give me fraction of a second in the specific position. With the isometrics I get 6 seconds per rep in that weak point. The isometric paired with CAT deadlifts helped both of us hit a deadlift PR at our meet.
- Matt Ladewski
From Julia Ladewski's Training Log
Isometric Deadlifts- against pin 2
225 x 6 second hold
2 minute rest
2 singles of speed pulls @ 275
5 total sets