Swiss Bar Military Press
The Swiss Bar military press is a great exercise to improve the strength of your shoulders and triceps.
Swiss Bar Press with Bands Around Wrist
Video demonstration of Swiss Bar Press with Bands Around Wrist.
Swiss Bar Overhead Press
The overhead press is a staple for bodybuilders, powerlifters, strongmen, and pretty much everybody.
METAL Gym Training, GM with camber bar and green bands..
METAL Gym Training, GM with camber bar and green bands..
METAL Gym Training, deadlift with chains..
Ano Turtiainen, Olli Ruohola, Jari Malinen, Vesa Taavitsainen, Kalle Hyotylainen, Lari Liukkonen, Kalle Rasanen, etc..
Short Bands
Bands were first introduced to Dave Tate close to 10 years ago. After experimenting with accommodating resistance and the use of chains, Dave took his squat from 760 to 855 in 12 months.