Iron Cross
Iron Cross
Begin this exercise on your back with your arms outstretched.
Hip Mobility Over Bench
Hip Mobility Over Bench
There are a lot of ways to increase your hip mobility, but one of the easiest is to use a bench.
Hip Lift with Band
Hip Lift with Band
Hook a mini band up to the power rack as shown so that it spans across the bottom of the power rack.
Hip Flexor Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
Many athletes suffer from having tight hip flexors.
Hip Circles
Hip Circles
This is pretty easy but a tremendous exercise to do for hip mobility.
Hindu Push-ups
Hindu Push-ups
Horizontal Push Supplemental Means
Hilljack Hamstrings
Hilljack Hamstrings
Hilljack hamstrings
High Knee Step Up
High Knee Step Up
I think my mom does these in aerobics class.
Hanging Shrugs
Hanging Shrugs
One good tip is to try and keep your chin down. This will keep you from pulling into the start of a chin.
Hanging Leg Raise
Hanging Leg Raise
This exercise is designed to strengthen your abdominals.
Hamstring Plate Slide
Hamstring Plate Slide
Lifter maintains dorsi flexion while pulling/sliding the plate towards their glute then resetting.
Ring Pull Ups
Ring Pull Ups
The power of these is like blast straps, you can turn your hands any which way you please to alter the angle in which your upper body gets worked.
Grasshopper Pushups
Grasshopper Pushups
This is a great way to make your pushups harder and get the core and abs working more.
Leverage Flyes
Leverage Flyes
These are a great way to add some stretching with slight loading to your program, or, you can add these to a long complex of Grappler movements using the bar or very light weights.
Leverage Overhead Squats
Leverage Overhead Squats
Perform these either with one or two hands, facing the grappler base or from the side as if you were at the top of the snatch.
Leverage Double Rotations
Leverage Double Rotations
The double bar version loads the rotation more and on this version I definitely prefer the natural rotation of the feet.
Leverage Front Squat
Leverage Front Squat
You can load these up quite heavy and this is a great way to not have to worry about balancing a barbell in front of you in an awkward
Leverage Rows
Leverage Rows
You’ll need to add smaller plates here so the weights don’t hit your legs
Leverage Snatches
Leverage Snatches
Those who enjoy oly lifts, this is a great way to perform 1 arm snatches.
Leverage One-Arm Pulls
Leverage One-Arm Pulls
Grab the sleeve for thick handle – grip work
Glute Stretch
Glute Stretch
Many people neglect stretching their glutes
Glute Ham Raise on Bosu Ball
Glute Ham Raise on Bosu Ball
This is yet another exercise that was conjured up due to lack of equipment at a commercial gym.
GHR - Glute Ham Raise
GHR - Glute Ham Raise
To do a GHR, you’ll start with your body in a horizontal position on the bench with your toes pushed into the toe plate.
Glute Bridges
Glute Bridges
This is a great warm-up exercise to help activate the glutes.
Gator Crawling
Gator Crawling
Goal is to stay as low to the ground as possible and crawl for distance
Begin in a squat position with your legs and feet close together.
Front Neck Support on Stability Ball
Front Neck Support on Stability Ball
This exercise can be done for anyone that needs extra neck strength, like wrestlers, football players and MMA fighters. All you need is a stability ball.
Flings are another great warm-up exercise that dynamically stretches the shoulders, chest, groin and hips. These are done very similar to jumping jacks.
Fire Hydrant
Fire Hydrant
To do a fire hydrant, get on your knees and hands.
Feet Elevated Stability Ball Push Ups
Feet Elevated Stability Ball Push Ups
This is a great movement to be performed after a heavy upper body movement.
EZ Pushups
EZ Pushups
The biggest problem that I have with the EZ Pushup is not the exercise and not even the Easy button; it’s funny and I did get a laugh out of the picture.
Donkey Calf Raise
Donkey Calf Raise
The only thing I have to say about this is that I enjoyed taking this picture.
I’m not going to explain this exercise because everyone has done it before and there are a million places and people (at the gym, on the internet, on DVD’s, your grandmother) that will tell you how to do this exercise.
Cobra Stretch
Cobra Stretch
To do the cobra stretch, iie on your stomach in a push-up position.
Begin on your back with your arms outstretched.
Chain Press
Chain Press
This movement is outstanding for tricep and top end bench strength.
Chain Handle Extensions
Chain Handle Extensions
I then found a bench and started doing extensions.
Box Jumps
Box Jumps
This would be more impressive if he was loaded up on Ho-Ho’s, Ring Dings and a Family Sized bag of Doritos.
Arm Swings
Arm Swings
I like to increase my ROM during the exercise, so I don’t go for broke on the first rep.
Abdominal Wheel
Abdominal Wheel
This isn’t an exercise for everyone as it requires great core strength.
Thick Rope Pull Ups
Thick Rope Pull Ups
Moving along now…..
45 Degree Back Raise on Pro Bench
45 Degree Back Raise on Pro Bench
This bench can be set up to work a variety of different ways.
Prisoner Squats
Prisoner Squats
This is also a great exercise to do for athletes and kids that are not ready to squat with a barbell.
Weighted Dips
Weighted Dips
As with everything, moderation is the key.
Weighted Moderate Wide Grip Chins
Weighted Moderate Wide Grip Chins
Start with a full stretch, back arched and chin up.
Wheel Barrow Run
Wheel Barrow Run
Go find an old wheelbarrow at a garage sale.
Russian Twist with Sledge
Russian Twist with Sledge
Leave it to Martin Rooney to show me a bunch of stuff I have never seen before.
Rope Pull Ups
Rope Pull Ups
These will test your grip big time.
Rollover to Hurdle Stretch
Rollover to Hurdle Stretch
This dynamic stretch is great for your low back and hamstrings.
Don’t let the name fool you. This is a very difficult ab exercise.
Two Arm Dumbbell Front Raise
Two Arm Dumbbell Front Raise
I don’t think I have to write much about this exercise.
Standing DB Curls
Standing DB Curls
So what’s the deal with all these exercises for biceps?
Single-Leg DB RDL
Single-Leg DB RDL
This exercise is taken from the regular two-legged RDL.
Seated Side Raise
Seated Side Raise
This exercise is one that you do after you hit a huge PR on a board press or something similar and just don’t care what you do.
Seated Rear Delt Dumbbell Raise
Seated Rear Delt Dumbbell Raise
Stay bent over and raise the dumbbells out and to the side.
Seated DB Military
Seated DB Military
The seated DB military is a great way to develop overall shoulder strength.
Rolling Tricep Extensions
Rolling Tricep Extensions
This is an old favorite.
One Arm Seated Clean & Press
One Arm Seated Clean & Press
This exercise can be used as a warm-up or as a progression to the standing version utilizing a barbell or various odd objects.
Incline DB Curls
Incline DB Curls
If I’m not mistaken the incline DB curl was one of the staples in Arnold’s arm training.

Items 827 to 885 of 1278 total