This exercise is great for a warm-up and for less qualified athletes that are lacking lower back strength.
T Push Up
T Push Up
This is a great way to add a little twist to your normal push ups.
Thick Rope Pull Ups
Thick Rope Pull Ups
This is an awesome movement for developing pulling and grip strength.
Squat – push-up – squat – press.
Thumbs-in Push Ups
Thumbs-in Push Ups
We use every imaginable angle with push ups, and utilizing the handles helps ease strain on the wrists while allowing for more experimentation.
Towel Fat Man Rows
Towel Fat Man Rows
To start, set the bar in the power rack at approximately waist height.
Up the Rack Push Ups
Up the Rack Push Ups
This one had “conditioning” and “finisher” movement written all over it.
Waiter's Bow
Waiter's Bow
The lifter will perform a bent over row and hip extension movement with multiple plates.
Walking Dips
Walking Dips
This is certainly not for the weak.
Weighted Dips
Weighted Dips
The weighted dip has been met with love and criticism in the strength training world.
Weighted Moderate-Wide Grip Chins
Weighted Moderate-Wide Grip Chins
Chins, what can we say about them?
Riding the Short Bus w/ Triceps Rope
Riding the Short Bus w/ Triceps Rope
Things completely wrong with these pictures: 527
Power Squat With Bands
Power Squat With Bands
This exercise was recently done by Dave for higher reps (15 reps) and done as a lactic acid tolerance workout, which is code in Dave’s world for getting a big pump.
Power Squat Machine
Power Squat Machine
The Power Squat is a machine that we jacked up a bit to make it better.
Power Squat Good Mornings
Power Squat Good Mornings
The Power Squat Good Morning is a great lower back movement when you are too worn out to deal with Good Mornings.
Pec Deck
Pec Deck
Use a slow and controlled making sure to get a full stretch throughout the pec region.
Parallel Grip Biangular Chest Press with Band
Parallel Grip Biangular Chest Press with Band
This is one way to take a great machine and make it better.
Single-Legged Leg Press
Single-Legged Leg Press
This is the real reason we designed this machine.
Mystery Exercise
Mystery Exercise
Let me tell you how this works
Magnum Biangular Chest Press
Magnum Biangular Chest Press
This one is not that complicated to explain.
Machine One-Legged Squat
Machine One-Legged Squat
One leg squat with machine
Machine Curls
Machine Curls
I don’t think so.
Scooby Leg Press
Scooby Leg Press
Find a leg press machine and push.
Handle Squats
Handle Squats
This exercise has been used for years, but many have forgotten about it.
Close-Stance Leg Press
Close-Stance Leg Press
I guess it’s heresy to like the Leg Press these days.
Chest-Supported Shrugs - 45 degree
Chest-Supported Shrugs - 45 degree
One of the biggest weaknesses I have seen over the years is the upper back
Chest-Supported Rows
Chest-Supported Rows
Any rowing motion where the chest is in a supported position.
Biangular Row
Biangular Row
What am I going to say about this? It is a machine row.
Biangular Lat Pulldown
Biangular Lat Pulldown
I have never been a big fan of machine training.
Assisted Leg Press
Assisted Leg Press
This exercise is used for people that cannot lift the leg sled by themselves.
Walking Two-Hand Kettlebell swings
Walking Two-Hand Kettlebell swings
This exercise is an excellent movement for improving conditioning and improving strength endurance in the posterior chain.
Side Raises With KBs
Side Raises With KBs
The difference is where the weight is distributed.
Side Plank with Kettlebell
Side Plank with Kettlebell
Perform a side plank and hold a kettlebell in your top hand, with your arm extended straight.
Pistol Squat/ Single-Legged Squat
Pistol Squat/ Single-Legged Squat
This is a true single leg squat.
Parallel Rack/Catch Position
Parallel Rack/Catch Position
This is the parallel catch position to rack the kettlebell
Kettlebell Pulls with Sled Straps
Kettlebell Pulls with Sled Straps
Just loop together as many sled straps as possible to a few heavy kettlebells and go to town pulling hand over hand.
Kettlebell Farmer Walk Relays
Kettlebell Farmer Walk Relays
Notice the extra KB’s in the background.
Kettlebell Bear Crawl
Kettlebell Bear Crawl
This is a great conditioning exercise as well as a great exercise for your shoulders, abs and well, your whole body!
KB Burpee
KB Burpee
Begin this exercise with 2 kettlebells, one in each hand.
Hand-to-Hand Swing
Hand-to-Hand Swing
Increase strength-speed with a heavier kettlebell
Kettlebell Flyes with Bands
Kettlebell Flyes with Bands
This exercise is pretty simple, despite the name.
Front Raises with Kettlebells
Front Raises with Kettlebells
This movement is performed the same way you would a standard dumbbell front raise except you will be using Kettle bells.
Fat Bar Extensions with Kettlebell (on floor)
Fat Bar Extensions with Kettlebell (on floor)
Now this is a new one and pretty strange.
Elbows-Out Extensions with KB
Elbows-Out Extensions with KB
Finally a way to blast your triceps for guy with beat up shoulders and elbows.
Double Kettlebell Rack Walks
Double Kettlebell Rack Walks
These are excellent for developing work capacity and strengthening your trunk and core area.
Double-Kettlebell High Pulls
Double-Kettlebell High Pulls
Another plus is that there truly is no resisting the bells on the way down.
Double Bentover Kettlebell Rows
Double Bentover Kettlebell Rows
This is an excellent substitute for bentover BB rows.
Double-Arm Swing (Squat Position)
Double-Arm Swing (Squat Position)
Initiate movement by swinging the kettlebell backwards through your legs
Double-Arm Swing (Lower Back Emphasis)
Double-Arm Swing (Lower Back Emphasis)
Increase explosiveness of hip/back extension with low reps
Bentover Rear Delt with KBs
Bentover Rear Delt with KBs
This movement is performed the same way as rear lateral raises with dumbbells.
Bear Crawl Sled Drags with Kettlebells
Bear Crawl Sled Drags with Kettlebells
This movement is one of my favorite sled training exercises, but I guess it can go here as well!
2-Hand Zercher Squat
2-Hand Zercher Squat
This is one of the easiest variations to learn to squat with.
1-Arm Swing (Squat Position)
1-Arm Swing (Squat Position)
Increase explosiveness of hip/back extension with low reps
1 Arm Swing (low back emphasis)
1 Arm Swing (low back emphasis)
Increase explosiveness of hip/back extension with low reps
One-Arm Kettlebell Military Press w/Bands
One-Arm Kettlebell Military Press w/Bands
These are an added variation to military pressing with kettlebells.
1-Arm Hang Position
1-Arm Hang Position
Situate the kettlebell between your legs
1 Arm Kettlebell Dead Position
1 Arm Kettlebell Dead Position
This is the position from which any 1 arm pull, clean, snatch, etc will be initiated from if you opt to perform the lift from the floor.
1-Arm Kettlebell Clean
1-Arm Kettlebell Clean
Perform from the Dead or Hang position
Tricep Extensions with an Olympic Plate
Tricep Extensions with an Olympic Plate
Tricep strength and shoulder stability while maintaining beneficial elbow and wrist positioning

Items 945 to 1003 of 1278 total