T-Bar Retractions
T-Bar Retractions
Setup in a T-bar and perform protractions and retractions with head in neutral
Supine Internal Rotation
Supine Internal Rotation
Loop one or two bands to the bottom of a power rack.
Supine Band External Rotation
Supine Band External Rotation
Loop one or two bands to the bottom of a power rack.
Side Lying External Rotation
Side Lying External Rotation
Be sure to keep your elbow at your side.
Shoulder Horn with Cables
This is a great exercise for strengthening the rotator cuff.
Shoulder Horn
Shoulder Horn
This is best done before a training session or after.
Shoulder Band Traction (overhead)
Shoulder Band Traction (overhead)
The average time per set will be close to 2-4 minutes per arm.
Shoulder Band Traction (forward)
Hook the hand around your wrist so you are NOT holding it with your hands.
Shoulder Band Traction (bottom)
Shoulder Band Traction (bottom)
This process will take between 2-4 minutes per arm.
Reach and Roll
Reach and Roll
Arms out front. Walk sides to one side until you reach max position then twist slightly for a greater stretch.
Prone Shoulder Cable Pull
Prone Shoulder Cable Pull
To do this lay face down on a bench at a slight angle from the cable machine.
One Arm Cable Pull Over
One Arm Cable Pull Over
This movement is more for flexibility and Mobility of the shoulder than anything else.
Foam Roller - Glutes
Foam Roller - Glutes
To foam roll the glutes, cross your right ankle over your left knee.
Leg Adduction / Leg Abduction
Leg Adduction / Leg Abduction
Leg Adduction / Leg Abduction
Hip Extension with bands
This is one more exercise in the hip/band hip series.
Hip Crossovers - Knees Side To Side
Feet flat on the floor drops knees from side to side.
Guard Back Extensions
Guard Back Extensions
Locked onto the top of a flat bench with a guard (between legs) position.
Front Laterals with Olympic Plates
Front Laterals with Olympic Plates
Perform front laterals on various degrees of an incline bench.
Foam Roller - Quads/ Hip Flexors
Foam Roller - Quads/ Hip Flexors
To foam roll the quads and hip flexors, lie on your stomach, supporting yourself with your elbows.
Foam Roller - IT Band
Foam Roller - IT Band
To foam roll the IT Band, place the foam roller directly under outside of your thigh.
Foam Roller - Hamstrings
Foam Roller - Hamstrings
Foam Rolling is a great rehab tool for all parts of the body.
Foam Roller - Adductors
Foam Roller - Adductors
Foam Rolling is a great rehab tool for all parts of the body.
Pull Through - Sled
Pull Through - Sled
Ensure tension on strap at start
Prowler & Kettlebell Conditioning
Prowler & Kettlebell Conditioning
Working the prowler is downright brutal for conditioning and VERY applicable for combative athletes.
Hip/Leg Abduction - Sled
Hip/Leg Abduction - Sled
Secure strap around ankle
Harness Dragging
Harness Dragging
I have used both the harness and the belt for sled dragging.
Hand Over Hand Rope Sled Pull
Hand Over Hand Rope Sled Pull
This can also be done as an alternative to rope climbing for heavier guys and / or for safety reasons.
Front & Rear Raise - Sled
Front & Rear Raise - Sled
These two movements have saved my shoulders too many times to count.
Forward Belt Drag
Forward Belt Drag
Maintain upright posture in order to activate the posterior chain muscles
Sled Bicep Curl
Sled Bicep Curl
Ensure tension on strap at start
Bent Over Forward Drag
Bent Over Forward Drag
Strengthen posterior chain
Bear Crawl
Bear Crawl
Attach strap to shoulder harness or belt
Backward Belt Drag
Backward Belt Drag
Quadriceps are on fire!
Backward Ankle Drag
Backward Ankle Drag
Hamstrings, Glutes, Erectors
Prowler Bear Crawls
Prowler Bear Crawls
I LOVE the prowler and the prowler loves me!
Squatting Med Ball Throw
Squatting Med Ball Throw
This is one variation of throwing a medicine ball.
Spread Eagle Sit Ups with Med Ball
Spread Eagle Sit Ups with Med Ball
This one is as old school as you can get.
Med Ball Pushups
Med Ball Pushups
This is a tremendous exercise that really puts a lot of emphasis on stability.
Single-Arm Med Ball Pushup
Single-Arm Med Ball Pushup
Start in a pushup position with one hand on a med ball and one hand on the ground
Med Ball Front Raise
Med Ball Front Raise
Backwards hat is worn for style, not because he is trying to hide his wrap-around.
Med Ball Chest Pass
Med Ball Chest Pass
This exercise is a great plyo drill for the upper body.
Med Ball Backwards Throw
Med Ball Backwards Throw
This is a great exercise for developing power in the legs.
Gripper Ball - External Rotation
Gripper Ball - External Rotation
Hey! We found a great use for the Magnum Curl Machine.
Zercher Keg Lunges
Zercher Keg Lunges
Take a zercher hold on your keg and keep the keg right under the chin, upper body stays upright
Windshield Wipers
Windshield Wipers
Torso Strength and Stability Supplemental Means
Stone Lifting without Stones
Stone Lifting without Stones
In the gym, you know that one bar where the end collar is always loose?
Sandbag Front Squat
Sandbag Front Squat
This is an excellent movement for the legs AND upper body. The weight sits on your hands as if you were about to perform a military press with palms up.
Rickshaw Deadlift
Rickshaw Deadlift
The Rickshaw deadlift is very similar to a rack deadlift in that it is a limited range of motion.
Rickshaw Box Dead Lift
Rickshaw Box Dead Lift
The Rickshaw is a devise originally designed for strongman training for different lifts and walks.
Prowler Vertical Push
Prowler Vertical Push
Vertical push: This is the easiest motion to do with the Prowler.
Prowler Tricep Extensions
Prowler Tricep Extensions
To set this up, we attached a sled strap to the Prowler and then attached the blast straps (see picture).
Prowler Rear Raise
Prowler Rear Raise
Who doesn’t want a bigger upper back and traps?
Prowler Pull
Prowler Pull
Grabbing the top horizontal handle, simply pull the Prowler towards you.
Prowler Press
Prowler Press
These are a great way to pump up your chest and shoulders and aid in recovery.
Prowler Front Raise
This is another good way to pump some blood into sore shoulders.

Items 1004 to 1062 of 1278 total