Cable Zercher Squat
The Zercher squat has been one of the biggest secrets of powerlifters over the years.
Cable Up Row Press Out
When you train in a gym with very limited equipment you come up with interesting ways to train different muscles.
Cable Front Squat
This is one of the movements that to be honest with you we just said “what the hell try this” and did it.
Bent Over Cable Press
I will admit it. This is one movement I discovered just screwing around in the gym.
Belt Squats
This exercise is designed to work the glutes, quads, and hamstrings while keeping the stress off the lower back.
Belt Squat - DD Handle Squat
This movement is great for so many reason I am not sure where to begin.
1-Arm Cable Prone Extensions
This is not a major mass builder or strength developer but it a great movement for adding Volume to your tricep training.
Wide Grip Row
Maintain approx 90 degrees shoulder abduction as you flex your elbows and retract your scapula
Suspended Push-Ups with Blast Straps
Grab the handles and set your body up in a standard push-up position.
Rear Delts w/ Blast Straps
This is a very challenging exercise but a tremendous way to develop your upper back.
Overhead Triceps Extension With Straps
Initiate movement with shoulders and elbows flexed just past 90 degrees
Zercher Squats
This is a great exercise to build your deadlift and teach you to maintain proper position when squatting.
Zercher Lunge with SS Bar
While this exercise is based off a basic lunge, I suggest you give it a try.
Wide Stance Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
This is a killer hamstring movement that my good friend Todd Brock used to live by when trying to build his sumo deadlift.
Supra Bar Biceps Curls
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, someone comes out with another curl bar.
Stiff Leg Dead Lifts - Close Stance
This has become a classic hamstring and lower back movement over the years for one reason, it works!
Standing EZ bar Curls with Chains
Do you ever do an exercise and then think to yourself, “What the hell was I doing?”
Standing "Strip the Rack" Close Grip Shoulder Presses
To set up for standing “strip the rack” close grip shoulder presses, you set the J-hook in the power rack at chin level.
Side to Side Supine Rows
Setup in a power rack and perform supine rows side to side while maintaining a straight torso line.
Safety Squat Bar Pin Squats with Chains
This is a HARD CORE max effort movement that will blow your head off.
Safety Bar Box Squats
This movement is performed the same as the regular box squat except you will be using the Safety Squat Bar.
Pin Press w/ Shirt
I can’t lie. I’ve done these a couple of times and before the RAW Mafia come blazing, let me explain.
Incline Barbell Press
The incline press is a fairly standard lift, so I don’t think that there is too much that needs to be said about this lift.
Barbell Rotational Abs- Elbows In
I love this exercise. It’s a great rotational ab exercise that powerlifters and athletes alike should use.
Barbell Leverage Deadlift
This is a great supplemental or accessory exercise to help build your deadlift.
Barbell Abs- Arms Straight
Hold the collar of the barbell with both hands, interlocking your fingers for a good grip.