Good Mornings - Buffalo Bar
Good Mornings - Buffalo Bar
This is performed the same way as the good morning.
Good morning - Broomstick
We are placing this here to show you all that you can still do good mornings if you suck so bar you can’t use the bar.
Good Morning
Good Morning
This exercise is performed in one way or another 70% of all max effort workouts.
Foam Squats
This is a great devise to help those who have a hard time keeping their back arch when coming off the box while box squatting.
Foam Pressing
I always remember the famous quote from Dave Tate, “I’ll press off of anything. Give me a hoagie and I’ll press off that thing!” I swear I’m not making that up.
Floor Press w/ Chains
Floor Press w/ Chains
I am huge fan of the floor press and think this variation is about as good as the original.
Fat Bar Over head Press
There is not much to an over head press that has not already been said 100 times.
Fat Bar Floor Press Lockout with Chains
This is not as complicated as the title suggests.
Fat Bar Chain Press
Fat Bar Chain Press
The chain press is a max effort movement to help develop the lockout power of the bench press.
Fat Bar 2 Board Press
The fat bar 2 board press is a great variation to the regular 2 board press.
Drag Rows with Trap Bar
Drag Rows with Trap Bar
This is a great exercise to build up your traps.
Double Band Rack Pulls
Take a band (band strength depends on your strength and how much extra tension you want to add to the DL).
Conventional Dead Lifts
This max effort exercise is designed to test overall body strength.
Close Grip Fat Bar 1/2 Foam Press
Close Grip Fat Bar 1/2 Foam Press
This movement is intended to work the triceps.
Close Grip Chain Lockouts
Close Grip Chain Lockouts
This is a great exercise to increase your lockout strength and is a good variation on the standard rack lockout.
Cambered Bar Box Squats
Cambered Bar Box Squats
The cambered squat bar is an excellent variation to a straight bar for several reasons.
Cambered Bar Bench Press
Cambered Bar Bench Press
The cambered bar bench press is one of the best ways to increase the strength off of your chest.
Buffalo Bar Squats
Buffalo Bar Squats
This is a great bar for bigger guys like Mike (see picture).
Buffalo Bar Box Squat
Buffalo Bar Box Squat
The buffalo bar is a specially made bar that has a slight camber to it.
Bradford Press
Bradford Press
Begin by un-racking a barbell much like you would during a military press.
Box Squat With Chains
Box Squat With Chains
The first thing is to learn how to box squat.
Box Deadlifts
Box Deadlifts
The box deadlift is a great training tool for many reasons.
Board Presses Without Partner
Board Presses Without Partner
Many times it is hard to find someone to train with and this can be especially difficult when you need a spot or someone to hold the boards when performing a board press.
Board Press with Bench Shirt
Board Press with Bench Shirt
I do understanding most readers don’t bench press with a shirt and more than likely never will.
Bent Over Barbell Row
Bent Over Barbell Row
This is a great exercise to develop your lats and upper back.
Belt Squat with Bar
Belt Squat with Bar
Then I thought about the genius of this exercise.
Barbell Shrugs
Barbell Shrugs
I have talked extensively about building a big yoke.
Barbell Front Raise
Barbell Front Raise
This is considered an old school exercise.
Barbell Curls w/ Chains
Barbell Curls w/ Chains
I’m not a big fan of curls. In fact, I can count on my back hairs how many reps I’ve done over my lifetime.
Back Hyper Complex
Back Hyper Complex
Work the entire posterior chain. Lifter performs a back hyper extension and then rows the barbell to their midsection.
Back Extension / Row Combination
Back Extension / Row Combination
Setup in a GHR, Back Extension or Roman Chair. Extend hips and lock into place close to parallel to the floor.
5 Board Press
5 Board Press
The 5 Board Press, along with the 4 Board Press, is one of of the best ways to increase lockout strength for your bench press.
5 Board Floor Press
5 Board Floor Press
The 5 Board Floor Press is performed just like a regular 5 Board Press except that you are lying on the floor.
4 Board Press
4 Board Press
I think the 4 Board Press is one of the best lockout exercises you can do.
4 Board Floor Press
4 Board Floor Press
The 4 Board Floor Press is performed just like a regular 4 Board Press except that you are lying on the floor.
3 Board Press
3 Board Press
The 3 Board Press is also a great way to control the range of motion if you are dealing with shoulder and pec injuries.
2 Board Press
2 Board Press
The 2 Board Press is one of the top 5 all-time max effort exercises.
1 Board Press
1 Board Press
The 1 Board Press has become a favorite of lifters, from raw to equipped lifters. To perform this exercise, all you need is a one board (a 2×6 works perfectly) and a regular bench.
X Band DB Bench Press
X Band DB Bench Press
The X Band press is a great tool used to mimic using a bench shirt.
X Band Barbell Bench Press
X Band Barbell Bench Press
The X Band press is a great tool used to mimic using a bench shirt.
Tricep Extension with Band and Chain
Tricep Extension with Band and Chain
For this exercise you will need chain and a band.
Thrusters With Band
Thrusters With Band
Take two bands and loop them around the bottom of the power rack.
Straight Arm Band Pulldowns
Straight Arm Band Pulldowns
So every time you want to do this exercise, remember Troy and his annoying ways.
Spider Walks
Spider Walks
To do this, wrap a mini-band around your wrists several times.
Side Bends w/ Band
Side Bends w/ Band
Hook a band underneath the power rack.
Side Bend Pushdowns
Side Bend Pushdowns
Grab the band with one hand and keep your arm straight the whole time.
Reverse Band Incline Press
Reverse Band Incline Press
This isn’t a common exercise but it great variation to throw in as well as a great way to do inclines if you have shoulder problems.
Reverse Band 5 Board Press
Reverse Band 5 Board Press
This lift is usually only done by lifters that have a very long wingspan and have a very large ROM.
Reverse Band 3 Board Press
Reverse Band 3 Board Press
This lift isn’t very popular but I have seen it done by lifters wishing to do something very different and for those that do have shoulder problems.
Pushups with Band Behind Back
Pushups with Band Behind Back
Now this excise is great for shoulder, chest and triceps strength.
Pull-Thru Band Goodmorning
Pull-Thru Band Goodmorning
Loop the band around the base of the rack. Place the other end of the band around your neck.
Piston Pushdowns
Piston Pushdowns
Many would regard this as a finisher movement.
Pin Pulls with Double Mini Bands
Pin Pulls with Double Mini Bands
Using Bands with Pin Pulls is a great way to get extra work out of the glutes.
Mini-Band Rear Delt
Mini-Band Rear Delt
This is a cool exercise to do for your upper back.
Low Row with Band
Low Row with Band
Attach two bands (any size, depending on your strength level), each to one side of the power rack. Run a lat pull bar through the middle of the bands.
Leg Raises with Mini Band (med ball)
Leg Raises with Mini Band (med ball)
Loop a mini band to a power rack or other stable piece of equipment.
J-Hook Band Pulls
J-Hook Band Pulls
Looking for a great conditioning movement for your shoulders?
Hip Squat with Bands
Hip Squat with Bands
This is a special exercise I use to teach the hips to fire while keeping the back arched.

Items 1181 to 1239 of 1278 total