Power Squat with Chains & Bands
Muscles Targeted: Quads, hips, hamstrings
This exercise was recently done by Dave for higher reps (15 reps) and done as a lactic acid tolerance workout, which is code in Dave's world for getting a big pump.
I have been a big believer in the Power Squat. This thing really helped build my overall leg strength without having to worry about my form. I think this machine is great for athletes to build lower body strength and teach them what it feels like to sit back (you can't NOT sit back when working with the EFS Power Squat). I hear all the time how important it is to work the posterior chain; well, guess what...train your legs in a full ROM and you will be pleasantly surprised. I think the over abundance of posterior chain training is a result of an industry that has longed turned their noses at full range squatting.
As many of you know, squatting with bands is a great way of accomodating the strength curve, but it also allows you to fall faster than normal. Done correctly, this will help your reversal strength.
In this picture, Dave has 3 strong bands per side. This is a lot of tension, but not something that can't be handled by most atheltes that have above average leg strength. i.e. you don't have to be an 800lb squatter.