Pro Squat Tip: Perform Eccentrics
Pro Squat Tip: Perform Eccentrics
If you’re new to the squat or lose technique once it gets heavy, train the eccentric to become one with the bar.
Training the Aerobic System to Maximize Adaptations
Training the Aerobic System to Maximize Adaptations
How do we train power athletes to continuously display high outputs, while also being able to fall back on their aerobic system for recovery?
5/3/1 and Run
5/3/1 and Run
Concurrent training, commonly known as hybrid training, can be a frustratingly fine line to walk. Here’s the recipe.
Program Variation Based on Recovery Status
Program Variation Based on Recovery Status
I like using the bell-shaped curve when considering where a player fits into a type of training session: reviving, surviving, or thriving.
Reverse Lunges: The Weapon for Strength Development in Running Sports
Reverse Lunges: The Weapon for Strength Development in Running Sports
After exhausting the back squat, I experimented with a more efficient approach to strengthening the lower limbs of my athletes.
3 Things I Learned From Training YOUR Ass Off
3 Things I Learned From Training YOUR Ass Off
Regardless of how strong you are, there is always room for improvement and growth by adopting a white belt mentality.
Write for elitefts!
Write for elitefts!
As an Outside Submission Author, climb the writing ranks for a chance to become a Featured Writer or Columnist. Write for elitefts today.
3 Intensity Techniques for MORE Muscle in LESS Time
3 Intensity Techniques for MORE Muscle in LESS Time
Here are three of my favorite intensity techniques to add muscle that naturally cut training time: rest-pause sets, isometric pre/post fatigue sets, and cluster sets. 
9 Qualities of a Successful Gym Owner
9 Qualities of a Successful Gym Owner
If you see owning a gym as just a revenue stream, I guarantee you will fail. It takes way more than equipment in a room with electricity.
Movement Tiers for Bench Press Weakness
Movement Tiers for Bench Press Weakness
We figured out the movement tiers for the squat and deadlift, so let’s use the movement tiers to combat weakness in the bench press.
3 (Surprising) Reasons You Aren't Getting Stronger
3 (Surprising) Reasons You Aren't Getting Stronger
These are things that I didn’t appreciate enough when I was in my 20s but have risen to the top of my priority list in recent years.
4 Hacks to Prevent Back and Hip Overuse Injuries 
4 Hacks to Prevent Back and Hip Overuse Injuries 
You’ll want to include some single-limb work, train in multiple planes of motion, provide alternation and stability, plus soft tissue work!
How to Determine the Right Training Split in 5 Steps
How to Determine the Right Training Split in 5 Steps
Most people try to cram a square peg into a round hole when choosing their training plan. Why not create a training split that compliments your lifestyle?
Movement Tiers for Squat and Deadlift Weakness
Movement Tiers for Squat and Deadlift Weakness
Use these movement tiers to help athletes and coaches program the correct movements for specific weaknesses in squats or deadlifts. 
8-Week Reset Program for the Stressed Lifter
8-Week Reset Program for the Stressed Lifter
Use this 8-week reset program to give yourself an “active break” while reaping the physical and mental benefits of regular training.
The Busy Man's Guide to Strength
The Busy Man's Guide to Strength
As a new father or busy professional in your 30s+, training takes on a whole new look and meaning to meet your demanding lifestyle.
6 Exercises to Improve Posture (and Recovery)
6 Exercises to Improve Posture (and Recovery)
Do you sit a lot? How about those shoulders? Are they rounded forward? Even if you don’t sit all day, many of the exercises you’re doing in the gym place you in extension.
Arm Training for Strength Athletes
Arm Training for Strength Athletes
Direct arm training will reduce the likelihood of a biceps or triceps tear, strengthen the tendons, improve pressing strength and grip.
Make Combat Athletes Strong
Make Combat Athletes Strong
The skills for specific sports will rise with the raising of the athlete’s absolute strength. Don’t be afraid to make combat athletes strong.
Three-Times-A-Week Conjugate
Three-Times-A-Week Conjugate
Here’s how to use a three-times-a-week conjugate split for your clients. You may just find this split more goal-conducive than a typical split.
The Real Reasons You Didn’t Reach Your Strength Potential
The Real Reasons You Didn’t Reach Your Strength Potential
We all need to progress as lifters and coaches. As a year in review synopsis, here’s a list of things to repeat and eliminate for 2022.
A Case for Directly Training the Hip Flexors
A Case for Directly Training the Hip Flexors
Don’t forget to flex the front! As a powerlifter, bodybuilder, and runner, hip flexion is your source of stability, function, and power.
The Immunity Fix for Strength Athletes
The Immunity Fix for Strength Athletes
Take control of your health and improve your immune response, performance, general health, and well-being by fixing these things today.
8-Week Strength Training Program for the MMA Athlete
8-Week Strength Training Program for the MMA Athlete
Take two athletes with roughly the same skill set, the stronger athlete will win every time. Get stronger with this program.

Items 60 to 83 of 83 total
