Prep time 2 minutes
This recipe is rich and satisfies any chocolate dessert craving.
2 scoops Nutrabolics Isogainer Chocolate Protein
1 cup Greek Gods Kefir cheese
1/8 teaspoon powdered cinnamon
10 drops Stevita Vanilla Stevia
Place kefir cheese in bowl add 1 scoop chocolate Isogainer and stir with a fork. Once blended well add the second scoop continue to stir until smooth and then add remaining ingredients.
Supplement and nutritional facts:
Calories: 860
Calories from Fat: 106g
Total Saturated Fat: 25.33g
Cholesterol: 220mg
Total Carbohydrates: 74.66g
Dietary Fiber: 2g
Sugar: 16.3g
Protein: 56g
Sodium: 260mg
Potassium: 190g
Magnesium: 20g
Calcium: 260g
Iron: 2mg
The benefits of this live food snack are endless it contains living probiotic cultures and the Stevita Vanilla Stevia sweetens it nicely along with a touch of cinnamon that is recognized for glucose modulation and tastes great. It’s like eating a chocolate cheese cake filling and makes for an awesome post work out or before bedtime snack for those serious about making gains. In addition I like to wash it down with Synergy’s Gingerberry Kombucha soda a live culture contribution that has awesome alkalizing properties and cleanses your palate nicely.