No one on team elitefts uses the Prowler as regularly or as aggressively as Harry Selkow. His love for the Prowler is known well by anyone who has attended a seminar with Coach Selkow, who takes great joy in watching attendees push the prowler nearly (or all the way) to the point of puking. You probably don't need to go that extreme to get the benefits of the Prowler, though. In this article, Selkow explains how he uses the Prowler and what you can do with it to build better conditioning.
The condition level and the body weight of the athlete determines starting weight to be added to the Prowler®.
For our purpose, the “frame” weighs nothing. We don’t count it!
Body weight under 150 pounds will use 50 pounds. If over that, will use 90 pounds.
Also, we will refer to the number of times you push the Prowler® as “sets” X the distance.
Beginners should push ONE to TWO times per week.
Novice Level
Session 1 and 2:
6 x 40 yards
Session 3 and 4:
8 x 40 yards
Session 5 and 6:
10 x 40 yards
Session 7 and 8:
6 x 40x +10 pounds
Session 9 and 10:
8 x 40x+10 pounds
Session 11 and 12:
6 x 40x+10 pounds
Session 13 and 14:
8 x 40x+20 pounds
Session 15 and 16:
10 x 40x+20 pounds
Etcetera, Etcetera...
Test for Novice:
Do 10 x 40 yards x recommended weight in 10 minutes or less.
Repeat the above program if not yet able to pass the above test. Do EXTEND the distance to 60 yards.
Test by doing 10 x 40 yards in 10 minutes or less.
Junior Varsity Level
When you pass that test move on to the Junior Varsity level, which is next.
Push the prowler as many times as you can in 12 minutes.
If you push it under 12 FIFTY yards then do Prowler® Suicides:
Set a course of three different distances.
Push the prowler down 20 yards and back. Turn it around and push it down and back 30 yards. Then do it a third sprint of down and back 40 yards.
REST and REPEAT it for a total of 5 TIMES!
If you push it 13-15 times then repeat the suicides for 7 reps or times.
16 and above will need a total of TEN reps.
Test for Varsity Level:
Do 5 x 100 yards without walking any of them. Total time is not to exceed 20 minutes.
If you CAN’T run them ALL:
Session 1 and 2: 5 x 100
Session 3 and 4: 6 x 100
Session 5 and 6: 7 x 100
Session 7 and 8: 8 x 100
Session 9 and 10: 9 x 100
Session 11 and 12: 10 x 100
At the 13th session add 10 pounds in total to the Prowler® and start over.
When you CAN run them all: Do ALL of the above sessions on the lower handles.
Please take note, the above is designed for people that are CLEARED to engage in HARD physical activities.
The “Prowler Flu” is an experience that is NOT pleasant. Although every participant has had it in some sort of another, this should NOT be the gauge by which you measure your fitness level.