I started lifting when I was 15 years old. This was in 1976, and I had the great benefit of training at gyms where the older lifters were only too happy to set us youngsters straight on what was expected. These gyms were powerbuilder gyms, where a diet of heavy weights and basic lifts was the only thing on the menu. Skip Hill, in a recent article, made some very interesting points regarding his early training days in Back to The Future.

Fast forward almost 50 years, and I feel that young lifters have lost the connection to the concepts of heavy and basic, and as Dave Tate often extols, “Time Under the Bar.” Lifting for the long haul is all about preparation and progressions, laying the foundation for what hopefully will be a life-long relationship with the iron.

RECENT: Care Programming Versatility

Recently, I was asked to present to high school coaches and students. I developed the table below to show progressions over time for the high school athlete. This is based on the New Zealand high school system but applies to all. I have added the approximate ages of each stage. The New Zealand school year is made up of four terms, with each term lasting ten weeks in duration. 

I would prefer that student-athletes continue to lift during vacation breaks, but I realize that this may not happen. A break program will be provided, but even if it is not adhered to, they can easily break back into training in the first week of the new term based on the progressions below. 


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To this end, using an exercise selection chart to explain the movements that you want full proficiency in by the end of a certain level is a way of maintaining focus on the goal.

Often, I do not see great technique in a wide range of movements from players as they arrive into academy programs. There is always a need to regress specific exercises to ensure longer-term success. What is more concerning is that many players arriving at an academy setup have minimal lifting experience. With this in mind, but not wanting to cater to the lowest common denominator, I would progress through the following to ensure that after two years maximum, they are ready to graduate into specific needs-based programming.

Three Days a Week

Workout AWorkout B
DeadliftBack Squat
Bulgarian Sprinter’s SquatSingle Leg KB/DB Romanian Deadlift
Military PressBench Press
Chinup or PulldownBent Over Row
ShrugsSingle Arm KB/DB Savickas (Z) Press
RolloutsHanging Leg Raises

Sets And Reps

Alternate 3 x 10 – 12 with 3 x 6 - 8

Regular Gym Training for Six Months to Two Years

Four Days a Week

DeadliftBench PressFront SquatIncline Bench Press
Sprinter’s SquatBent Over RowRomanian DeadliftChinup or Pulldown
Step UpsHalf Kneeling Landmine PressProwler® PushSingle Arm Savickas (Z) Press
Hip ThrustKB Gorilla RowReverse LungeLandmine Kroc Row
RolloutsHanging Leg RaiseBanded Pallof PressPlank

Sets And Reps

Alternate 4 x 8 - 12 with 4 x 4 – 6

Regular Gym Training for more than two years is Needs Based related to the following three categories. Most players are a mixture:

  • Neural – Speed And Power
  • Mechanical – Size And Strength
  • Metabolic – Fitness And Body Composition

Every Workout begins with 10 minutes of Movement Preparation based on the following Dynamic Flexibility 

Dynamic Flexibility Movement Drills

  • 10 reps per movement, each side if applicable
  • Do not rush through them

Inch Worms

4-Way Lunge Pattern 

Mountain Climber 

Supine & Prone Scorpions 


Cat to Camel

Banded Rainbow 

Lateral Leg Swings 

Forward & Backward Leg Swing 

Rock and Rolls 

Thoracic Spine Rotation 

Salute the Sun 

Bird Dog Crunch 

Banded Fire Hydrants 

Hindu Push Ups 

Every workout finishes with five exercises from the following chart as part of your prehabilitation program, CARE – Core Accessory Rehab Exercises.

2 x 8 - 20 reps, Carries 20-40m, time 30-60 seconds

NeckScapularRotator CuffCore
Band Neck Work 
Cable face Pull + External Rotation 
Incline Y & T’s 
Barbell Rollouts 
Plate Extension 
Turkish Row 
Wenning Sequence  
Hanging Leg raises 
Plate Flexion 
Scap Push Ups 
DB L Raise 
Pallov Press 
Neck Plank 
Chinese Back Plank 
DB Scarecrow  
Landmine Twist 
Groin/HipsKneeHamstringLoaded Carry
Monster Walks 
Reverse Nordic 
Pull Throughs 
Farmer’s Walk 
Copenhagen Planks 
Poliquin Step Up 
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Waiter’s Walk 
Side Plank with Leg Raise 
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Single Leg Squat to Box 
Reverse Hyper 
Suitcase Carry 
Goblet Lateral Lunge 
Low Box Step Ups  
Harrop Hamstring Curl 
Combination Carries 




11 Poses for Athletes

Neural Progressions

1a – Loaded Sprint

1b – Velocity Power Movements

Choose 1: Jump Shrug/Hang High Pull/Mid Thigh Power Clean or Snatch

1c Unweighted Lower Body Plyometric Movements:

Choose 1: Box Jumps/Hops, Depth Jumps into long jump or hurdle jump, Repeat Long Jumps/Hops, Repeat Hurdle Jumps/Hops, Borzov Hops, Alternating Bench Blasts, Knees to Feet jumps, Squat to Split. 

2 – Maximal Force Movements

Choose from either the Squat or Deadlift option

3 – Secondary Force Movements: If you chose a squat, do a single-leg hinge; if you chose a Deadlift, do a single-leg squat

4 – Upper Body Push And Pull Super Set

Lower Body


Week 1 – 4 x 6 Week 2 – 4 x 4 Week 3 – 4 x 2


Week 1 – 4 x 12 Week 2 – 4 x 8 Week 3 – 4 x 4

Upper Body


Week 1 – 4 x 6 Week 2 – 4 x 4 Week 3 – 4 x 2


Week 1 – 4 x 12 Week 2 – 4 x 8 Week 3 – 4 x 4

Mechanical Progressions

1 x Lower Body Push (Day 1 Bilateral, Day 2 Unilateral)

1 x Lower Body Pull (Hinge) (Day 1 Unilateral, Day 2 Bilateral)

1 x Upper Body Push & Pull (superset)

1 x Loaded Carry

(Farmer’s Walk, Waiter’s Walk, Suitcase, Combo, Overhead)

Lower Body


Week 1 – 4 x 6 Week 2 – 4 x 4 Week 3 – 4 x 2


Week 1 – 4 x 12 Week 2 – 4 x 8 Week 3 – 4 x 4

Upper Body


Week 1 – 4 x 6 Week 2 – 4 x 4 Week 3 – 4 x 2


Week 1 – 4 x 12 Week 2 – 4 x 8 Week 3 – 4 x 4







Pectoral PunishmentImage result for muscle chest

Big Back Maniachttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6NVbgi9THvI/UnatBosUJ9I/AAAAAAAAAfM/20J15rjZTKQ/s1600/alm7iben.gif

Boulder ShouldersRelated image

Arm Race

1a. Front Squat (6)1b. Reverse Lunge (12)1c. Goblet Squat (25)Triple Drop Incline DB Bench Press (45/30/15)Head Supported Yates Row s/s Landmine Kroc Row1a. Savickas Press (6)1b. Dips (12)1c. DB Laterals (25)EZ Barbell Curl s/sSwiss Bar Close Grip Bench Press
1a. Back Squat (6)1b. Leg Press (12)1c. Leg Extension (25)3-way Standing Cable Flys Complex: Low to High, High to Low,Horizontal to Floor1a. Pullovers (6)1b. Pulldowns to Chest (12)1c. Straight Arm Pull Downs (25)Shoulder Press Ladder on Hammer Press 1 – 10 alternate sidesSeated DB Hammer s/s Skull Crushers
1a. RDL (6)1b. Hip Thrust (12)1c. Reverse Hyper® (25)Mechanical Advantage Push Ups Complex: Feet Elevated, Normal, Hands ElevatedMechanical Advantage Chins Complex: Wide/Shoulder/CloseDB Lateral Raises s/sBradford Press Incline DB Curls s/s Lying DB Rolling Extensions
1a. Trap Bar Deficit Deadlift (6)1b. Back Extension (12)1c. Banded Good Morning (25)Mechanical Advantage Dips: Ring Dips, Parallel Bar Dips, Bench Dips1a. Muscle Snatch (6)1b. Fat Man’s Chins (12)1c. Face Pulls (25)3-Way Shoulder Raise1a. DB Press (6)1b. Seated DB Lateral (12) 1c. Cable Bent-over (25)DB Twist Curls s/sLow Incline Tate Presses

Metabolic Progressions

Day 1: (Beast Circuit) x 6

Deadlift/Power Clean from Hang/Front Squat/Push Press/Bent Over Row/Romanian Deadlift 45 seconds on WattBike going every 4 minutes. (6 reps on each movement, use the same weight all the way through)

Day 2: (Canterbury Circuit) x 5

300m Rowing/50 m Sled Push/DB Hang Clean/Hand Release Pushups/Gorilla Row/See Saw Shoulder Press/One Arm KB Swing & Release. (10 reps on each movement)

Day 3: (Loaded Carry Circuit)

20m Prowler®/20m Single Arm Overhead Carry/20m Farmer’s Walk/20m Zercher Carry/20mBear Crawl with weight plate on back or weighted vest/20 Calories on Assault Bike x 6

Mechanical Progressions

1 x Lower Body Push (Day 1 Bilateral, Day 2 Unilateral)

1 x Lower Body Pull (Hinge) (Day 1 Unilateral, Day 2 Bilateral)

1 x Upper Body Push & Pull (superset)

Lower Body


Week 1 – 4 x 6 Week 2 – 4 x 4 Week 3 – 4 x 2


Week 1 – 4 x 12 Week 2 – 4 x 8 Week 3 – 4 x 4

Upper Body


Week 1 – 4 x 6 Week 2 – 4 x 4 Week 3 – 4 x 2


Week 1 – 4 x 12 Week 2 – 4 x 8 Week 3 – 4 x 4

Ashley Jones has worked in three professional sports across 30 years and four continents. He was awarded the NSCA's Professional Coach of the Year in 2016. Ashley holds his CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) since 1988 and is an honorary lecturer in the School of Therapeutic Sciences, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, SA.

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