The Team elitefts family has grown a little bigger with the addition of athlete Anne Sheehan.
Dave Tate announced that Anne was joining Team elitefts during the closing remarks of the 2019 Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit. He recalled meeting her sometime in 2013 in the old elitefts gym while she was doing belt squats and “trying to fucking kill her.”
And Anne would not let him break her. Nor would that be the only thing Anne refused to let break her, as she wrote in an Instagram post:
"After finally catching up with everything from being away this weekend, I’m getting to process everything that happened this weekend. For those that may not know, I had a very special thing happen. I was awarded a Team elitefts Athlete Sponsorship. I met qualifications I would have never even known about if it weren’t for this sponsorship. When it came up, I decided to take a look. This was shortly after taking a trip up to see Dave and Traci and train with the team at the compound. I was humbled enough by that. And that was at the darkest time of my lifting career. I had been hurt and took time off. I wasn’t sure if I was cut out for this. So, I decided to take a look at OpenPowerlifting, and lo and behold, my open ranking for the 181 class was 27 in 2018. I JUST made it! So I applied. I’m not even sure Dave knew I applied or not when I was explaining to him how in my recovery from alcoholism, I learned that in order to stay sober, you HAVE to help someone else. This relates to elitefts code of live, learn, and pass on. It’s what drew me to Dave, the company, and powerlifting. Because I chose to live, instead of continue to drink myself into prison and/or death, I was able to accomplish some pretty cool things. On my 90th day sober, I earned my IFBB Pro card (Dave, you were right. I got my Challenger on Day 60). Now, here I am, a part of a team that’s a part of a company that I love and respect. A company that would ALWAYS have my loyalty, regardless of this sponsorship. I have learned a lot. I’m still learning and hopefully always will. I look forward to passing on, any way that I can. I pray daily for God to “use me.” I want to be a contributor to something other than myself. Maybe this will be the PLATFORM for me to do that. Thank you, John Meadows, for making me so strong and introducing me. Thank you to everyone who supported me, sent Dave messages, and thanks, everyone for the warm welcome!!"
Welcome to the team, Anne. We’re happy to have you aboard.