Whether you think so or not is insignificant and unimportant. In fact, whatever you think and whatever opinion you might have, I couldn’t give two shits about. I am not one of those people that says they don’t care what other people think to cover up the fact that I DO care what other people think. I am old enough, wise enough, have been in this industry long enough, have spent enough hours, months and years in the gym that I can do pretty much whatever I want to despite what you or anyone else thinks or wants to whine about.
Too many people these days have too many opinions about everything and yet about nothing. In fact, most of the people with whiny opinions are not qualified to have an opinion on anything and yet they do. Yes, everyone can form an opinion but we all judge or “qualify” opinions based on experience, wisdom, etc., and there is nothing more uncalled for and annoyingly arrogant than getting someone’s opinion that has no credibility. Despite everyone feeling they can opine on whatever they like, I have earned the right to do whatever I want to.
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I have earned the right to wear whatever the fuck I want to wear in the gym. You don’t like the most popular brand of dry-fit workout gear and you think I am somehow conforming and not being an individual? I don’t give a shit. You don’t like that my shirt matches my shorts? You don’t like my compression tights when I train legs and take my sweats off? I think that wearing shorts over tights looks stupid, but I see it every day and never bust anyone’s balls over it or judge them for wearing them. I just don’t like the look and would never do it. I have the legs to pull it off and even if I didn’t, it wouldn’t be any of your business. You can wear raggedy-assed clothes that don’t match and are stained and wreak of ammonia if you want to — I won’t care or even pay any attention to you. I have my workout to focus my attention on.
I have earned the right to carry a gallon jug of workout water. You think it labels me a meathead? I am a fucking meathead. However, I am not carrying a jug so that you and everyone else knows I am a meathead; I don’t like or want that label. I carry a gallon jug of water in the gym because it is practical. I need at least a half-gallon of water when I train and I can’t think of another container that has a handle, can carry the volume of fluid that I want when I train, and costs less than two bucks and will last at least two months before I need another one. Maybe a Nalgene bottle that I have to fill every thirty minutes? I work out; I don’t wear Jesus sandals and shower once a week. Maybe a Gatorade squirt bottle? So that I can be considered a corporate sellout by using a Gatorade-labeled bottle much like I am judged for being a brand whore when I wear something like UA? I’ve got a better idea: mind your own fucking business.
I have earned the right to use a belt for any exercise that I see fit. If I am wearing a belt for tricep pushdowns, you don’t know my history of back injuries. While you have been training for maybe five years, I have been training with back injuries for fifteen of my thirty-two years, so explain to me why your opinion holds any credibility, at all.
I have earned the right to train heavy, light, or at any point in between. If you curl twice what I curl but your arms are not even close to what mine are, shut the fuck up now. If it were all about weight moved your arms would be impressive – certainly more so than mine. They aren’t. Go whine somewhere else. I train the way I do because I have learned over time what works for my body and what is in my best interest as far as potential for injury and cost-to-benefit. Dorian won the Olympia several times but can’t train hard anymore. I have not won the Olympia but I want to train hard for the rest of my life and continue to better my physique for another twenty years, if at all possible. Is it your business? It shouldn’t be.
I have earned the right to essentially do whatever the hell I want to without being questioned by someone that can’t hold a candle to my experience and wisdom that I have acquired over the last thirty-plus years. And as much as I have written this in first person, it is meant to be READ in the first person —meaning this isn’t just about me; it is also about YOU. Why? Because I am not the only one that has to deal with the relatively new concept in this industry of being judged by people who have no business even opening their mouths in the first place. The above list of rights applies to anyone that has put in the time (and truth be told, whether you put in the time or not) — it shouldn’t matter to ANYONE what you do, how you train, and what you wear. That is arrogant, petty shit, and anyone that complains or even has an opinion is nothing short of an asshole. Just Sayin’.
PLEASE keep them coming. Who gives a rats ass if the double digit IQ masses of minions don't get your sense of humor. Those of us that do, truly enjoy it! Never hold back!
Even though I'm a Powerlifter (Raw at that), I still enjoy reading these articles. I did train in the BBer fashion for about a decade, so I guess my heart still has a place for BBing. I imagine I'll have to shift to that kind of training again when I grow older.
Keep em coming!
I haven't trained for 5 years, I have had operations and good dose of self pity so I made a mess of myself, no ones fault but mine and my responsibility to change. Yeah so I have a gut now and I am not a good shape. I will be again... and to all those people looking at the old guy (I'm 50 this year) using small weights and not wearing the last gym fashions.... read this article please :-)