“What does NEVERsate mean?”
For a bit of background on what NEVERsate is, it’s the name of Brian Alsruhe’s gym; but it’s more than that to him, too.
It was, at one point, the name of his friend’s band. Funnily enough, his Brian asked his friend the same question; what does NEVERsate mean?
His friend explained that the “sate” in NEVERsate came from the word “satiable,” which means full or satisfied. NEVER is pretty simple. So NEVERsate means “never satisfied.”
Brian liked how the name wasn’t super obvious as to what it meant, but it left you thinking about it when you knew what it meant.
“I’m a very thankful person. It gets real dicey when you talk about thankfulness like never satiated, never satisfied, and you’re like, ‘Are you never happy?’ and I’m like, ‘Different things.’ What NEVERsate means is even if you can no longer squat, right, we work with a lot of people who don’t have their arms, don’t have their legs can’t do things like normal people can do. That doesn’t mean that they’re not part of the team, you know? It means that if you can’t do something physically, then you’re going to try to get better mentally. If you can’t get better mentally, then you’re going to try to get better emotionally.”
It’s about constant, never-ending improvement that you’re working toward all of the time. Or at least it does for Brian, who admits that NEVERsate might mean something different for other people. That might be why he has such an “umbrella” of people — NEVERsate doesn’t have a super metal or tough name, so people from all walks of life feel comfortable enough to enter through its doors and train.
As long as you give it your all, you’ll find yourself feeling welcomed and at home at NEVERsate.