This was my second raw training cycle this year. I did the USAPL State meet to qualify for the Raw Nationals and didn't get to train for it. I had eight weeks to train for this meet, and the maxes that I based my training on were very conservative. The heaviest deadlift that I pulled in training was 550 lbs for six repetitions. My stamina was good, and the 5/3/1 method really helped. I performed multiple reps instead of the 1RM and 3RM that I used to do following the conjugate/Westside method.
I weighed in at 243.8 lbs and competed in the 275-lb weight class.
First attempt: 451.9 lbs
Second attempt: 501.55 lbs
Third attempt: 551.15 lbs
Bench Press
First attempt: 330.7 lbs
Second attempt: 363.8 lbs
Third attempt: 385.8 lbs (Master 1 American record)
Fourth attempt: n/a
First attempt: 584.99 lbs
Second attempt: 633.82 lbs (Open and Master 1 American record)
Third attempt: 666.89 lbs (Open and Master 1 American record)
Fourth attempt: 677.91 lbs (Open and Master 1 American record)
1603.84 lbs
1614.86 lbs total with fourth attempt deadlift (Master 1 American record)
Second place Open: 275 lbs
First place Master: 1 275 lbs
Best lifter
I want to thank Adam for his help and support at the meet. Although you can get by without having a handler at a raw/unequipped meet, having Adam there made a huge difference. I knew when I hit the platform that my depth would be good on the squat. The support, encouragement, and coaching helped me have a successful meet. Thanks once again to my awesome wife, Tiffany, for filming my lifts and for supporting me. Thanks to Henry for his support. This was hands down my best meet ever. I’m on the right track with my training thanks to Jim Wendler and his 5/3/1 program. This is an awesome program for raw lifters and could be used for equipped lifters as well.
To give everyone a point of reference, here are the results of my prior raw meet done in July 2008.
First attempt: 440 lbs (missed for depth)
Second attempt: 440 lbs (missed squat command)
Third attempt: 440 lbs
Bench Press
First attempt: 314 lbs
Second attempt: 352.5 lbs
Third attempt: 363.7 lbs
First attempt: 600.7 lbs (missed)
Second attempt: 661 lbs (missed)
Third attempt: 661 lbs
Total: 1405.4 lbs
Fifth place Open: 242 lbs
First place Master 1
To read more about Phil’s training, visit his training log at www.badattitudegym.com.