I read the articles that Dave and Matthew wrote, and figured that I'd pile on, or add to the discussion, depending on your perspective. However, while Dave and Rhodes have awesome schedules, I don’t really have too much going on.
8:30 AM – Alarm clock goes off. I roll over and shut it off.
8:17 AM – Realize that my eyelids can no longer defeat the sunshine pouring into the spare bedroom and wake up.
8:34 AM – Realize the desire to not piss the bed now trumps the desire to find a position that keeps the sun out of my eyes. Get up and pee.
8:35 AM – Walk downstairs and see Wendler eating breakfast. Realize that I still live in his spare bedroom. Make mental note to eat something soon, and appreciate how low the rent is.
8:36 AM – Realize that I’ve walked downstairs with no shirt. Walk back upstairs and put a shirt on. Wendler is still eating.
8:37 AM - Walk back downstairs. I wonder if this many trips count as cardio. Say yes. Make mental note to put it into my training log within four days.
8:40 AM - Pound Spike Shooter, assume position on the couch. This will be my position for approximately the next three-and-a-half hours. Think to get up and eat something soon.
12:36 PM - Wake up from my nap. Realize I'll now be at least 30 minutes late to work.
12:42 PM - No gas in the car. Bump that to 45 minutes
1:36 PM - Arrive at work. Claim to have made it nine minutes early and pat self on the back for being a responsible adult. Eat meal one for the day. Lunch meat sandwich and water.
4:30 PM - Eat again. Free employee lunches kick ass. Think to put back the eight dollars I would've spent to move out of Wendler's spare bedroom. I also tell myself that if it's not semi-good for me I wont eat it. Realize it's chicken wings. Eat approximately three dozen soaked in ranch, and rationalize it as “low carb.”
8:30 PM - Yell at the college kid for sleeping in the supply closet. Again. Do my best to hide my jealousy at not thinking of it first.
9 PM - Off of work. Time to train. Realize that a plan outside of squatting and pulling at Lexen on Saturdays may be of some benefit. Remember that I suck and literally nothing will help my bench. Do some hammer curls for the pump
11:06 PM - Start the drive back to Wendler's. Realize that I should put the eight bucks I saved on lunch towards a new exhaust on my car and not moving out of Wendler's spare bedroom. It’s a civic, not a NASCAR.
11:34 PM - Stop at Speedway and get a pop. Realize I haven’t eaten in seven hours. Get eight dollars worth of Krispy Kreme donuts the delivery guy just unloaded. Decide its ok, I did walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes.
11:43 PM - Get back to Wendler's. Fire up internet. Answer Q&A posts, update training log, and peruse various powerlifting sites. Troll everyone who is stronger than me ruthlessly.
12:46 AM - Realize I’ve been trolling Rhodes ruthlessly for the last hour. Pat myself on the back repeatedly for a job well done. F*&% his 17 percent body fat.
1:23 AM - Eat some pretzels. Reread article that post workout meal carb and protein intake is vital. Justify it by acknowledging that they were buffalo wing flavored pretzels.
2:38 AM - Leigh An gets up. Demand nachos. Eat a Klondike bar instead...three of them. Calcium from the ice cream will help keep my bones strong.
2:54 AM - Drift off to sleep. Realize that I’ve got a pretty busy day tomorrow, doing this all over again.