Examine this carefully. This is the state of consciousness, the state of reversal that is transcendent action. The philosopher’s stone. Action on a lower plane that is initiated and put into effect from a higher plane. The union of the causal and the experiential united by a thread of spiritual life breath that joins the human and the divine. Anything else that is regarded as “strength” is merely a limited masturbation!
And, of course, it is quite easy to obtain this state. All one must do is reverse the circulation of his blood flow. But one must discover within himself the switch that reverses the circulatory order.
This begins with the organic realization of this statement—everything you know is wrong!
A newborn infant’s first reaction of consciousness upon birth onto the earth is an agonizing cry, the anguish of a soul who knows that it’s fucked. All of this then takes the heart of a warrior. Thus, a system of training body-mind-spirit as an integrated unit…the warrior’s heart system.
Integration of all factors at the moment of force so that they all meet within the intention—this is strength. Because it’s a bit difficult to do a max squat with your dick in your hand.
Worldliness and all the false concepts that depend upon ignorance for their survival: To the average person, it seems impossible that the accumulated bullshit that passes for knowledge can be comparatively value-less.
We hasten to embrace that which has been made “respectable” by general acceptance and then wonder why WE SHARE IN THE COMMON DISASTER!