This is the second article of a seven part series.
Step 2: Define your preparatory work
The will to reach the peak is not as important as the will to prepare to reach the peak
I once heard the great wrestling coach, Dan Gable, say, “Never let your physical or mental conditioning be the reasons for your defeat.” He made sure this never happened to his champion wrestlers by thorough preparation. This preparation was exactly what I was lacking when I made my climb in Brazil. I didn’t do any research about the climb. I didn’t prepare my body physically or mentally for the demands that day. I didn’t have the proper equipment. It’s no wonder that my results and experience were tarnished. Before you’re about to make the climb on your own personal quest, there’s much preparation to be done. Without taking the proper steps, it’s easy to slide right back to the bottom shortly after you start.
If you have a big enough “why,” you’ll figure out “how”
By now, you should have a well-defined goal that’s important to you. Since it’s so important, it should be easy for you to tell someone why you want to achieve this goal. The stronger this “why” is, the easier it will be to figure out exactly “how” to get there. There’s a famous story about two parents who had a child with a disease thought to be incurable by doctors. These two parents researched and developed the cure that everyone else thought was impossible. Today, the cure is known as Lorenzo’s oil after their son, Lorenzo. This discovery is one great example of how a big enough “why” will help you figure out the “how.”
Failing to plan is planning to fail
Defining your mountain is the first step toward forming your plan to reach the peak. Once the plan is set, you need to develop the system to carry that plan out. The system is a group of strategies woven together to reach the peak. Each strategy is carried out through the proper execution of tactics during the trip. This means that your plan can be fine, but if you have the wrong system, strategies, or tactics, you’re going to be in trouble.
Don’t try to reinvent the wheel
Now, you might be saying, “How am I going to figure out all the systems, strategies, and tactics to get to the peak?” Don’t worry, most of them have already been figured out long ago. The secret is to track down the people who have already created them. Success leaves clues so they’re going to be easy to find. Just find out who the top people are in the field that you want to master and find out the strategies that they’ve used to get there.
Leonardo DaVinci believed that a key component to being successful was to imitate what successful people have done to get there. We choose whom to imitate. DaVinci believed that throughout our lives, we learn to choose the right models for the right circumstances and get rid of the ones that we outgrow. For example, if you want to become a better basketball player, study Michael Jordan. Study what the successful people do to find your path up the mountain. This will save you much time and you’ll make fewer mistakes along the journey.
It all must begin at the base
If you were dropped off at the top of Mount Everest, you wouldn’t survive long. Your body wouldn’t be acclimated. Without spending the proper amount of time on the mountain, the peak is unattainable. Everyone must start at the bottom and do their preparatory work. Before you start the ascent, you must know what physical and mental equipment you’ll need. You must spend the right amount of time at the base and make sure everything is ready before you begin. Find out what type of baseline physical and mental condition you need to be in and get there. Find out what equipment you’re going to need and get it. Read everything you can get your hands on about the topic before you take the next step. Do it once, and do it right!