I have now been staring at my computer screen for 30 minutes. I know what I want to say, I just don’t know how to say it. I’m not very good at self promotion and I’m trying to write an article that promotes my book. I guess I should start at the beginning. Dave Tate encouraged me to write a book about my fight with leukemia. About half way through, I thought the book was terrible and wanted to just stop. Dave said to keep going and if nothing else I could just give it to my friends and family as a kind of thank you. So, I finished the book. I poured my heart and soul into it and I'm very proud of the finished product. But, I still wasn’t sure if it was any good. So, I figured I would send it to my close friends and family as Dave had originally proposed and see how it was received. I sent out this email along with the book after the second edit:
Dear Family and Friends,
I just got back from doing something I thought I would never do. I just walked 10 miles. I had set the goal for myself and went out and did it. I'm not going to lie, it flat out sucked, but I did it. I am going to attach an early copy of the book I have written. I looked back and on this date last year I was in a coma. Only three days earlier they had read me my Last Rights. What a difference a year can make.
I want you all to know that the letter to my family and friends at the end is about all of you. You have all touched my life in a way that has helped shape who I am. You are all a part of my family. I am here to write this today because you believed in me. So, please enjoy the book and let me know what you think. We still probably have another month or so before the final version is ready for sale.
As far as the update, life is good. No, life is great. As you will see from the book it took me a long time to get to a point where I was at peace with everything I went through. I am currently spending a lot of time getting into good physical shape. I should start taking my Six Sigma Black Belt Management class next month. Michele is doing well. She is working as the Vice President of Default Servicing at Bank United. She has been very busy with work, but I am very proud of how much responsibility she is taking on. Christopher is doing well. He made the Honor Roll to end the school year. He is currently going to Summer Camp at his Elementary School and loving it. He is very much his Father's son and has the stubborn streak to prove it. But, he is a great kid and we are getting to spend a lot of time together.
I hope this finds all of you doing well. I look forward to the next time we get to see each other.
It didn’t take long for me to start getting responses back. I knew everyone would probably tell me it was good. Who among your friends and family would tell you a book about fighting leukemia and winning sucks? But, the responses I received blew me away. I received very lengthy emails about how the book had caused them to look hard at their own lives and re-think what really is important to them. I thought the book might actually be okay at this point. Here are some of the messages I received. I’ll leave them as anonymous quotes:
- “Very powerful mate! This will help a lot of people.”
- “I just finished reading your book and I must tell you I don't think I have ever read anything like it in my life. I really respect the way you let it all out and have such respect for yourself and your feelings for others.”
- “Your book made me realize that I can’t change people and that I need to change my perspective on things. We spend so much time wasting quality time on dumb shit that before you know it time is up.”
- “I had tears in my eyes during 3/4 of your book.”
- “The book was extremely thought provoking. Not just because it was you, but because it was a man like me. It brought many messages home, made me think.”
But, I still wasn’t sure if the book would have an appeal to people who didn’t really know me. So, I had to go out on a limb and have some people who were not close to me read it. I sent it to some people who had written books of their own and asked for their opinion. Here is some of the response I received:
- “I am very blessed to have been sent a copy of your book. I devoured it in one (long) sitting last night.”
- “Wow. Incredible. I've never met you and I've never spoken with you. But now I feel like I know you and your incredible fiancée: to open your hearts and souls and spill those innermost thoughts is a hell of a helpful thing for the rest of us. Thanks for the kick in the gut about acting upon the important things in life - friends, family and making a difference.”
- “Your book really opened my eyes to what is important in life!”
- “I had to keep reminding myself that you live in the end. What an incredible story.”
So, I thought I might actually have a book that people would enjoy. More importantly I was discovering that the book was really causing people to look at their own lives. I was then asked to play in a company poker game by a friend of mine who owns a Military supply company (www.buysourceone.com). The majority of the employees are either former military or law enforcement personnel. We got on the subject of my book and many of them wanted to read the book. I figured it would be another good chance to get some feedback. Here are some of the responses I received:
- “I very quickly developed a lump in my throat. My God what resolve!!”
- “Your strength and attitude are incredible.”
- “It’s very rare that a book moves me like yours did. Job well done!”
- “Once I got started, I just couldn’t put the book down.”
Now comes the hard part for me. The book will be available as an e-book on EFS. I’m still not sure how it will be received. I think there is something in there for everyone. I was very lucky to get some of my good friends to help me with the project. Alwyn Cosgrove and Dave Tate both wrote Forwards for the book. They stood next to me during the whole time I was fighting leukemia and never wavered in their support of me. To say their Forwards are moving is an understatement. I have also included three Appendices at the end that cover a lot of powerlifting and training info. I hope you enjoy the book as much as those who have read it so far.