Meets and Training
I was supposed to have had the WPO Finals at the Fit Expo coming up, but due to the infamous WPO, the meet was cancelled. I’m rather irritated by this because of all the work put into this training cycle and the fact that I had lined up a bench seminar with the Fit Expo people. Luckily, my good friend Ted from Diablo Barbell and the UPA are having a meet the weekend after the WPO finals was supposed to have taken place. Ted, being the good guy that he is - please don't let him know I said anything like that about him - was concerned about all of us lifters wasting our training cycles, and generously extended an offer for all the WPO lifters to come to his meet.
This was a great thing, and it solved one of my problems, but I had to cancel my seminar because I can’t afford to take two trips right now. This completely disturbs me because I hate not following through on things - thanks again to the WPO. So, I’ll be competing at the UPA Diablo Barbell meet in Concord on February 23rd. This sort of seems right, anyway. Diablo has been a big help to me since the beginning of my powerlifting career, so it’s only fitting that I go there and put up a huge total.
Training has been going well, except for a few minor setbacks. I’m trying a schedule that’s basically one heavy workout a week and one supplemental workout a week. The biggest thing I’m trying to work on is listening to my body. I have the schedule, but my body really decides what I will do. If I feel good, I’ll go for it - balls to the wall. If it doesn't feel right, then I’ll do something light or nothing at all. I’m still experiencing bad sleep problems, but I do think it’s gotten a little better. I’m feeling a lot better - with my body being able to recover a little more - and even though I haven’t been able to test my strength like normal, I still feel very strong.
The one thing I have noticed is that my abs and obliques seem to be a little weaker. I know these are muscle groups that can take a beating, so maybe I’m detraining them. So, what I’m thinking is that I’ll start training them heavy two times per week instead of once. I’ve also been doing a lot of rehab on the injured left hip and hamstring. They’re getting stronger very quickly and I think they will be good to go for the meet. I’ve been having little setbacks because of getting sick. It feels like I’ve been sick a few times over the last couple of months, but I’m almost over the last one and hopefully will be good the rest of the way to the meet. The real test for this program will be the meet in three and a half weeks. Right now I feel very good about it and expect a huge total. For more info on my training for this meet, check out my training log.
Life and Business
I have been busy as hell lately trying to manage a full-time job, training, trying to write some articles, training logs, answering e-mails, working on new graphic art for shirts and posters, getting the business taxes ready, trying to spend time with my niece and nephew, dealing with sponsors, and all the other crap that’s killing me. I’m beginning to understand why more powerlifters aren't out there trying to market themselves - it's a lot of damn work. Then, I find out my t-shirt guy is shutting down his shop. Luckily he’s keeping all his computers so he will still be helping with artwork, design, and setup. This basically means my cost will be going up. I’ve managed to build up some stock, though, so shirts will still be available. In the meantime, we’re working on redesigning some of the shirts to help lower the printing cost. The ones we’re currently working on are looking really good. Once the artwork is done, I can pin down the production cost and get some final prices. I’m afraid I’ll have to raise the price a few bucks, but I’m doing my best to keep them reasonable. I’m a powerlifter, and I understand none of us have that much money because we all spend it on powerlifting itself. So, it’s just more stuff to keep me busy and make me nuts at the same time. Just the price of being aggressive, I guess.
I’m still working on the training video and posters. The artwork for a few posters is done, so right now, I’m just looking into production costs and how much is needed up front. As for the video, I have a ton of footage shot already. Getting time to start production is the problem. I’m beginning to think I’ll have to scrape some money together to have someone do it for me. No worries, though - I will eventually get both done and have them ready to sell.
Training is going well, and I’m getting stronger. My hamstring and hip are progressing nicely. I need to quit getting sick and figure out how to get more sleep. Had a minor setback with the shirts, but this gives me a chance to be more creative in redesigning them. I’m sure it will all work out, and in a few months the new ones should be ready to go. Everyone should get the current designs now, because they might be collectors editions one day.
Yeah, Right.
The posters and the training video are progressing. It may be a slow process, but they’re moving in the right direction. So, that’s about it. All this business stuff will be taking a back seat to the meet coming up. As it gets closer, my focus on lifting will increase. This means I may be a little slow in answering e-mails and such over the next few weeks. I really want all this other stuff in my life to succeed, but I’m still a powerlifter and that’s my main focus right now. I hope that everyone's training, life, and families are doing well. Be strong in body and mind.
What are the main movements and accessory work you would have someone perform to improve their raw bench?
I think about this question every now and again, because I do hope someday to take six months or so to see what I could do raw. I think I would keep all the accessory exercises the same. The max effort movements would change a bit. I still like the very heavy partial max movements like 3-board presses and higher. They allow the body to lift heavier weight, which helps recruit more muscle fiber, strengthens tendons and ligaments, and allows the body to get used to heavy weights. What I would do differently is to do less partial movements and more full range work. Stuff like floor presses, fat bar bench presses, full bench presses, and decline presses. Maybe throw in one of the partial movements every six weeks or so.
If you’re training just to get the bench up, you’ll be able to do more upper body work. Remember, though, that the lower back and legs are still very involved in a proper bench, so you still want to work them. Also, keep in mind that all big benchers have thick upper backs, huge inner head triceps, and thick lats. I think those are three of the most important muscle groups to focus on for a big bench. Your upper back will not take the same beating if you’re not stacking tons of weight on your back (squats), so you’ll be able to add more upper back work into your program.
What do you mean by “turning the palms in” while benching? Does this have something to do with trying to bend the bar in the middle?
Yes, you’re right about picturing the bar bending and the palms facing each other. Once I grab the bar, I leave my fingers open and twist my hands so that it pushes my thumb against the bar. Then wrap your finger around the bar. Know you can pick the bar up and bench, but keep the twisting the whole time. This should really make you keep your elbows in, activate the inner triceps, and activate the lats. If you’re doing it right you will know.
What’s a Kaz press?
The Kaz press is performed in the Smith machine. It’s similar to a JM press, except there is no rocking back or to a skull crusher - and it’s over the clavicle. Start in the Smith machine lying on a flat bench. Have the arms straight up at shoulder width or a little wider. The bar should be over the clavicles. Keep the elbows tucked in and lower the weight until you are 5 or 6 inches above the clavicles. Then push up with elbows in. This will really work the inner head of the triceps - the one you should be using to bench. This is one of my favorite triceps exercises because it really hammers them.