Spacial Awareness
Yeah, I’m pissing and moaning a lot about bullshit, but this just isn’t necessary.
Iron Subculture UNCENSORED with Dave Tate
Dave shows up for work pretty riled up. He feels the need to say some things…
Psychobabble Bullsh*t
Before reading this, just know that while these words reflect my feelings it doesn’t mean that I’m acting on any of it.
When I first decided to pursue powerlifting seriously, I knew I could be good. How good? I didn’t know.
The Angry Coach: Discovery Epidemic
It’s like that old question about Christopher Columbus: Did he really “discover” America if there were already millions of people living there?
The Rough Patch
It seems that when most folk are going through a rough patch in life, lifting gets them through it.
Learn. Apply. Compete.
I’ve heard the saying, “The more I know, the more I realize that I don’t know much.” This saying couldn’t be truer for me.
By the Coach for the Coach: Football Camp
If you’re a coach who works with football or any other fall sport, there are many issues that you must address in early August.
Iron Sport: How to Become a Dominator
The dominator gene is not so much a physical attribute, but an element of will.
Dave Tate on the Learn To Train Seminar 4
Hard training, brotherhood, learning from one another, and all for a great cause…LTT4
Strength: What Are You Going to Do with Yours?
I’m going to push through that ache in my hips, that sting in my shoulder, and get that damn PR.
Marketing Opportunities for Your Sports Business
Most start-up or very small businesses can’t afford much advertising.
Uncompromising Passion
When they complain about the workouts that you put them through and the pain that comes with hard work, tell them about that crazy bastard you used to train with half a lung who would rather die than not finish a workout.
Post-Pregnancy Tummy Flattening
I’m a huge fan of stabilization exercises, standing ab exercises, and the like.
Encouragement: Not Always A Pat on the Back
I had a great workout today, in fact, it was almost too good and got me too fired up.
By the Coach for the Coach: 10 Things I Learned (or Was Just Reminded of...
Now that we’re into summer, and the spring semester is behind us, I think we must reflect on what we did during the school year.
I’m Not Like You
The self that we present to those around us is only the part of us that we’re comfortable letting out.
Reno Hardcore: Sacrifice
It’s just as important to have a strong mind as it is to have a strong body!
The Angry Coach: 5 Travel Tips
I actually managed to make the most of everything by sticking to this plan. I hope this helps.
Six Things to Do After Closing the Personal Training Sale
Most personal trainers want to do one thing as soon as someone hands them money for personal training—run!
War at the Rack
We know that each and every time we get ready for the gym to train, there is battle on the horizon.
If You Won’t Take the Medicine, Don’t Ask for the Prescription
Imagine going to the doctor to get attention for an illness, receiving a drug prescription from the doctor, and tearing it up and throwing it in his face because you don’t take prescription drugs.
Do I Look That Paranoid?
I have noticed another repeat customer that comes in via a creepy full-size Chevy van.
“What can I do to improve, so the judges have no choice but to place me in first next time?”
Why the Microwave Is Affecting Your Progress
Fast food is ubiquitous. Growing up, we had the big three fast food joints—McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s. Now, there may literally be ten fast food joints in your town.
Under The Bar: You Have Choices in Life
If you do make time to do these things and implement and execute, the odds of outlasting your competition increases significantly.
Interview with Vladimir Issurin
What is the history of the block periodization concept, and how has it evolved into what it is today?
The Angry Coach: State of Fitness
I honestly have no idea where fitness is going, but I’m thankful every day that we have this site to help fight it off.
Training and Dietary Considerations for Women
A person’s physique reflects her genetic component compounded with the sum of the decisions she’s made in regards to her health.
The Angry Coach: Interesting Ethical (Business) Question
I’m curious to know people’s thoughts on this.
Under The Bar: Spine and Balls
No Spine. No Balls. No Business. Good Luck. Now what did I just write?
Top 10 Ways to Know You Are Huge
Lately, it has occurred to me that too many people are under the impression that they’re huge when they’re clearly not.
The Angry Coach: But He Played Ball
To sum this up, I was told that the bench press has no application for football players, and that it’s more harmful than helpful.
LTT IV: Thursday Youth Coaching Session
Anyone can learn the science, the research, and the X’s and O’s, but a great coach leaves the kids smiling.
The Decline of Team USA at IPF Worlds
At IPF Worlds last year, the American men and women’s teams finished in ninth place and fourth place, respectively. This is the third consecutive year that neither team has placed in the top three at Worlds.
The Manifesto of Supervillainy
Whenever people question me about my religion, political policies, moral code, business ethics, training program, or any other topic that seeks to classify me in some way, I always reply, “supervillainy.”
Being Hardcore
If I could walk up the stairs I would go directly back down and squat until I physically couldn’t make it back up the stairs.
The Angry Coach: Commercial Gym Nightmares
Commercial Gyms: Where 98 percent of the people walking in the door shouldn’t even be there.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Commitment to Excellence
I would love to hear feedback not on the content of this article, but ideas YOU have about the Commitments you can make to Excellence.
Iron Sport: Do Sumo Deadlifts Suck...or Is It Just Me?
On Friday, I had a rare opportunity to be visited by not one, but TWO of my Facebook tormentors.
News Flash – Congratulations Sam Byrd
This was a good starting point as I ramp it up for the raw 504 in September.
Iron Sport: More Stories from the Hood
Here’s just a little story about a bit of street justice that happened to me today.
The Angry Coach: High School Strength Coaches - Don't Make This Mis...
I learned that it’s pointless to bring a gun to a knife fight, if you will.
The Slight Edge
The slight edge may not be much at the time, but over time, it compounds and gives you a huge advantage in life and in the gym.
By the Coach for the Coach: Follow the Chain
How do we get an athlete who achieved a certain level of strength to change what he is doing in order to achieve even greater results?
EFS Classic: The Intermediate Deadlift Cycle
The deadlift may be the purest test of strength in the iron game. Heavy weight. On the floor. Must pick it up.