The Pleasanton Games did not go as well as I had hoped but all things considered I will take it. I ended up finishing fifth overall against an awesome group of throwers.
It wasn't until the Thursday night before the games that I decided to go ahead and make the trip. I've had some serious personal issues going on lately and my sleep has just been a mess. I was able to get some good training sessions in, but overall it wasn't as good as I would've liked. It seemed like all I really wanted to do was lay in bed. That Thursday night I figured F*&^ it. It was nice to get out of town, throw some heavy shit, and see some old friends. It allowed me to get my mind off some of the other shit going on. I'm really glad I decided to go. I love to drive and I love getting out of town. So, I headed out Friday morning and made a stop to Cytosport to pick up a bunch of RTD Monster Milk products to get me through the two day competition. I tried to get to bed early and didn't sleep too bad for me.
Saturday was the first day of the event. My plan was more to have some fun at this games. I still wanted to put up a good show and I knew prize money was the same for first through fifth place. So, I figured with this being a two day event, I would need to not go too crazy on the first day, or I'd totally mess my sleep up that night and be a waste on Sunday. I figured slow and steady would give me a top five finish. We stared with open stone. This is usually a really good event for me. My fingers were still a bit sore and I had to hold the stone more in the palm of my hand, which took a bit off the throws. I was also having a hard time focusing. I was just so tired I couldn't think very well. I knew I could get pumped up, but that would take its toll on me. So, I did the best I could. I was slow and wasn't driving with my hips hard enough, but managed a third place finish. Then on to my nemesis the 56 for weight. I've been doing better with this in practice, but just couldn't get my brain working. I had been over 35 feet in practice, but ended with a shitty 29-something. I was looking at the ground a lot and got some other really good pointers from the other throwers. They said I was pulling the weight in close to me. A stupid muscle head move! A very bad thirteenth place finish. I had the 56 for distance. It should be one of my best events with my strength, but I just keep fighting. Then, onto the light hammer. I've been having balance issues with this as of late and stopped wearing my spiked boots. I was fairly consistent on throws today with a 110-foot. I still need a lot of work on the hammers because I get my first two swings in, then slow down and nail the third. I need to carry that momentum threw all three swings.
On to the caber which is usually one of my better events, but finished fifth. I never get to practice this event, but have the pick down pretty good. My biggest problem is that I squat to pop the caber and I pause for a second. Then, the caber falls too far for me to get a good flip. It's more or less just a timing issue and something I'll be working on somehow. Then, on to the weight for height. The last games I was having all kinds of trouble with this event, which is also usually one of my better ones. Well, I don't have anything to practice throwing over, but I did get two practices in where I just worked on my timing. I ended up in second place with another thrower and I attemping 16 feet. I had one miss at 14, which gave him the win. I should've cleared 16, but my two big attempts went straight up higher than the bar. They just didn't actually go back over the bar. I was happy I got the timing better though. I want to get that 16 and start working for 17.
That was the end of day one. I wasn't too sure of my standing and was worried about my 56 for distance finish. I decided just to get back to my hotel and start some recovery plans. I was pretty tired and a bit sore already. I've always been a huge fan of contrast baths, so I headed to the hot tub and pool. Spending 5 to 8 minutes in the hot tub and two minutes in the pool (it was not as cold I would have liked, but had a chill). I did this for 30 or 40 minutes tutes and forced down some more food. Then, I watched a bit of TV and tried to sleep. It was another long night. I dosed off a couple of time for a few minutes, but not much sleep at all.
I finally got out of bed in the morning with my shoulder so sore I could hardly lift it. It's the one I've been having problems with, but never like this. I just figured I'd have to get a good warm up. Then, we started with this fat braemar stone. I don't have a neck and my upper body flexiblity isn't that great. Then along with the shoulder - that stone was a bitch to throw. It was really hard for me to get a good release, but I managed a third place again. Then, off to the 28 for distance which I've been throwing really good in practice, but like the day before I couldn't seem to get my brain in it. I was looking at my feet and doing other things wrong I just could not seem to stop. My brain has been so cloudy in the mornings as of late. I did manage a 63 footer and ninth, but that is way under my best. Next was heavy hammer and was pretty much like the day before. I ended with 85 footer and eighth place. So, that was the end of the overall placing and I got fifth. Next we had the caber nationals and weight for height nationals. I was pretty exhausted by this point. I was able to flip the caber, but we had tough competition and it took a perfect throw to win it. I think i finished fifth. Last event was weight for height nationals. I think I blew my wad by this point. I cleared 14 and missed all three attempts at 15. They were high enough, but not actually over the bar.
I really wanted to get a better finish this year, but life is life sometimes. Pleasanton is a huge invitational meet with an amazing class of throwers from all over the world. I always want to win, but I got to look at the whole picture. No matter what, I'm glad I ended up going, I learned a lot of things I needed to work on, and ended up with a better placing then the last time I went two years ago. So, I'll do even better next year if they invite me back.
It's not about winning all the small battles, it's about learning from them the knowledge that lets you win the war!