A few months back I did a series titled So You Think You Can Bench.
Since this time I've been asked to do a series on the Squat, Deadlift, Overhead Press as well as many other movements.
Last week an idea was suggested to take this to another level and bring in some of our team members to work with selected readers.
I think this is a GREAT idea and to make it even better - I want to try and do something we never done before (not sure anyone has). I want to turn this entire process over to you guys.
- Let me know your thoughts on what lifts to do.
- What team members should instruct them?
- How we should select the winners?
We will take your ideas and create Polls for each section and let you decide how we will do this.
These are some of the ideas we've already received. PLEASE post your comments below and let's make this happen!
***Note from the Editor: Due to my wonderful boss putting a lot on my plate this week - with choosing new people to add to our Q&A Team, training the new guy, interviewing our new EFS Q&A Team, moving over to the new web site and still trying to edit and post three articles a day...I wasn't able to edit your comments. However, we didn't put names next the comments, so if you can't spell or don't use punctuation, at least no one will know it's you!
"In reference to 'CONTEST IDEA' Can we ever expect a 'So You Think You Can Deadlift' series?" I would say it would be great for those people without access to a knowledgeable group of lifters to be able to get some hands on experience with the best around."
"Maybe select a person who will not only benefit from the valuable info themselves but be able to pass this along to clients and teammates. Would be interesting to see those how those individuals teach others as well."
"Of course I think I should get picked because my name is at the top of your log post talking about the contest. I think you could have people post video of lifts at meets or in training and let that help you decide who needs help the most."
"I like how you guys select randomly. Or choose someone who is going to compete in there first meet in the near future. Give them a little more confidence standing on the platform."
"Regarding the contest ideas: this was posted on facebook, but i also think that having readers send in videos (meet videos, even better). "
"Looking forward to this, i think its a fantastic idea. The Bench Video Series you made was quite informative and helped out with a few issues i was having with bench!"
"1min 30sec video.
1 min. Person tells why they lift (job, personal, etc.)
30 sec clip of them Pulling, benching, Squatting, sled dragging, prowler pushing, etc."
"Have readers write a short essay on why this would be such a great opportunity for them. Nothing long, short and to the point."
"This is a reply to the question in your Log Post. The Contest Idea. If I were you I would limit this contest to people who might actually need the help. For example anyone who is a Pro Lifter or Elite Powerlifter should not apply. At the same time you dont want to give it to someone who isnt going to compete. With that said, I would use a similar method you used when determining your new Training Log guys. Examples: How much they support your company, are currently training to be a powerlifter or already a competitive lifter, and maybe once you have your list whittled down to say the top 50, you would have them send in a written letter or email maybe with some vids of why they deserve this possibly once in a lifetime chance. Then choose how ever many you would like to win. I personally have wanted to come to Ohio and visit with you guys. I dont have anyone here to critique my technique and have had to train and figure things out for myself. Ive used the 5/3/1 for the last year and made great improvements, but now Im trying to figure out issues im having with all of my joints. So I had to start training even smarter. Now Im rambling. Those are my thoughts and Im excited to put my name in the hat for this drawing! Thanks"
"To the idea of a contest in having elite lifters teach people how to lift properly.
First off Dave i think that is an AMAZING idea, and would be just another thing to set EliteFTS apart as an organization/team that not only gives a shit but does something about it.
The first idea which came to my mind was give this opportunity to people who show passion, people who really want to learn, as i feel like these are the ones that are going to implement it and see the real difference.
Entries could speak to some training history with reference to recorded training they have done, this would help establish their level of lifting and show an application of consistency. Next would be a section similar to Shelby's recent question "why do you train?" to see the heart of the lifter.
Finally an inclusion of videos so that you can find the people not only most in need of your organizations help but also ones that can serve as a real teaching tool to others.
These are just some thoughts, and again, thanks to you and everyone at Elite, its amazing everything you guys do."
"I think the contest for the next "So you think you can ..." is a great idea. I think you should possibly bring in a relatively new lifter as well as an experienced lifter. This way with the new lifter you can emphasize the major coaching points with each lift, but then with the experienced lifter you can teach the smaller technical points that need to be mastered that maybe the new guy is not ready for or physically cannot handle because his form is not set in stone yet.
Keep up the great work with the site and company Dave. I am never disappointed with level of service I have received from Elite."
"About the ideas on how to pick readers whom could be trained by some of the elitefts athletes I would either have them nominated by other readers or have people write in why they need help."
"The contest sounds like a great idea. It would be like "Fantasy Powerlifting Camp"
"Would totally be interested in a so you can think you can squat...assuming it's as well done as the "So You Think You Can Bench" series."
If you are looking for a reader they should have the following:
1. A history of visiting your site with questions to O&A staff; however, showing progression & proficiency in the sport. This may be difficult to query on your end, but should be considered.
2. A proven history of getting stronger i.e. actual competition in power lifting meets geared or otherwise. For example I have competed at least three times a year since 2006 till date. I went from a geared total in 2006 of 1385 at 198# in the WNPF to 2009 1900 in 220# in IPA. I totaled elite in two meets. Now I compete raw.
3. Existing relationships with a Q&A staff member. If they already know the Q&A staff & there is chemistry, this would make for good reading. For example I know one Q&A guy & so does my training partner; either me or him would be a good candidates for this type of experiment.
4. History of purchasing from your site. If they know your products (gear, books, etc.) & use them this will translate thru this mentoring idea to other readers.
5. Build this on the ideal of mentoring. For example if someone recently switched from gear to raw (which I did) just like Yard, & my bench sucks (which it does) this would be great to see the readers benching progression from shit to something respectable with Yards help.
6. Somehow create a sub-plot. Every one loves drama or a cool other sub-interest (like Wendler and his tattoos and sludge metal). Maybe the guy needs a girl?, new dad, needs to break out of his shell, or is just already cool as shit. If you can find this guy, this will add staying power.
7. If the reader is very successful in business he can be a role model for the Power lifting mentor. I know a few PA power lifting legends they are awesome, but could use some sound business advice."
"contest ideas. that would be amazing to learn from those great lifters the only problem is where i live, away from these lifters and to far away to travel. i think it would be fun to do a pull up or pushup contest or maybe a squat, bench, dead, contest. that could be fun and you could win a t- shirt and if you won all three one could a gift card? thanks for listening to my ideas. and you have a great company and thank you for all that for your website"