Being the "boss" (as some people like to refer to me) can be rewarding and empowering. But it can also be very challenging. I'm not the most confrontational when it comes to addressing someone about an issue at work.
When you're put in a position that requires to you take care of those below you but answer to those above you, you don't have much of a choice. You. Must. Adapt.
Change. That awful word that so many people hate. We think change is bad. It pushes us out of our comfort zone to do or be something we're not used to doing or being. And while change is hard, I think it's often times brought upon us to improve. And right now, that's one thing I'm working on.
At home, change is tough as well. My Monster Man just turned 2-years-old last month. We are in the early stages of potty training...you know, where candy is a wonderful bribe and kids' books take up the empty counter space in the bathroom. Potty training has to be one of the toughest times of change...for the kid and the parent! The ease of throwing on a diaper is now replaced with setting the timer for 20 minutes so he doesn't pee on the carpet. The ease of throwing a diaper bag in the car is now replaced with the intense challenge of making sure he stays dry at the grocery store.
We've taken on this challenge with our Princess before. In fact, I took a Friday off of work and spent three intense days running a half-naked toddler to the potty every 15 minutes. But by day four, she basically had it down. Wish me luck as I fear this might not be as easy as the first time.
And this was one of those weeks where training just took a back seat. And I'm feeling it now. Aches and pains and bad food leave me feeling like it's been weeks since stepping foot in the gym. I was busy with speaking at elementary schools and getting caught up on meetings and work. When you don't schedule your workout time, it's easily missed. But when I did train, I did well. A good max effort upper body day of board pressing, dumbbell rows, and triceps left me feeling strong, but also realizing that I'm only a bit off of my best ever. My lower body day was a mish-mash of goodmornings, glute hams, kettlebell lunges and swings.
Change leaves you feeling...what's the word...uncomfortable. And right now, as uncomfortable as I feel, I see good things on the horizon.