I received my Fat Gripz from EliteFTS about six months ago and they’ve become a staple in my program. These things fit on to any bar or dumbbell, and in just a few sets, your forearms will burn so bad that you’ll curse at these things. We love to use them for benching, chins, pull-ups, rows, shrugs, deadlifts, and basically anything involving a barbell or a dumbbell.
For the bench press
Kroc rows (amuch more badass way to do dumbbell rows)
Then we got to thinking. We could use our Fat Gripz all the time instead of just at the gym! How so? These are just a few ways that we’ve been incorporating them into our daily lives.
Drinking beers
Taking notes
Grilling steaks
When attempting to have good hygiene
Fat Gripz fingers
Driving around
At spinning class…wait…I forgot we don’t do cardio.
We’re now well on our way to the ripped, massive forearms of our dreams! Our grip strength will be envied by many, and our manliness will be sought after by all those who we come across. We will soon be bending steel with the pinch of our fingers and crushing the hands of our inferiors with our firm handshakes. Get your Fat Gripz today and reap the benefits.