The best lifters make specific modifications to their lifting technique. Ed Coan’s modified sumo deadlift stance is famous for this very reason — it looked like no one else’s.
But before you can specialize technique, you have to reach a mastery level. To get there, your fundamentals need to be perfect. For this Friday Technique Video, JL Holdsworth covers the sumo deadlift. This stance recruits more hips than a conventional deadlift. It can be used as a training tool to build a conventional deadlift (JL shares that he has hit conventional-stance PRs after training exclusively in a sumo stance, primarily due to its lockout-building capability) or can be trained as a competition stance.
If you decide to use the sumo deadlift, there are several simple guidelines to remember:
- Feet wide (more height = wider stance)
- Flat shoe
- Hands directly below shoulders
- Under hand set half an inch wider than over hand
- Take in air at the top (a more flexible lifter can do this after squatting to the bar)
- Drop straight down until butt is slightly above knees
- Force the knees out (NOT forward)
- Keep chest up, torso as vertical as possible
- Move the bar in a straight path up
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