Are You Box Squatting or Squatting to a Box?
Are You Box Squatting or Squatting to a Box?
This man can break your leg like a Kit-Kat bar. Listen to him.
4 Steps to Target Your Deadlift Plateau
4 Steps to Target Your Deadlift Plateau
This man can punch through your face and pull out your spine. Listen to him.
Dave Tate's Guide to Supplemental Movements with FULL Video
Dave Tate's Guide to Supplemental Movements with FULL Video
Updated with Dave Tate's FULL presentation (video) on supplemental strength from the LTT8.
Friday Technique Video: Overhead Press
Friday Technique Video: Overhead Press
Considered by some strength experts as “the fourth lift” in their list of basics. Learn how to do it correctly by one of the top gym authorities.
Elitefts Classic: 10 Nuggets of Wisdom
Elitefts Classic: 10 Nuggets of Wisdom
If you want to lose fat and do so by diet and increasing your conditioning, is it no wonder you got weaker?
Friday Technique Video: How To Set Up Chains
Friday Technique Video: How To Set Up Chains
If you want to know how to use chains for dynamic effort training or accommodating resistance, JL Holdsworth will show you everything you need.
WATCH: Bench Press Hand–Off
WATCH: Bench Press Hand–Off
It’s not gay to have your crotch over a man’s face if they’re bench pressing. If they’re not bench pressing, it’s another story.
Non Linear Periodization for Beginners
Non Linear Periodization for Beginners
Mark Watts explains how deviating from a traditional linear periodization approach in young athletes may yield greater performance.
Friday Technique Video: Shoulder Integrity Exercises
Friday Technique Video: Shoulder Integrity Exercises
Do you want to keep benching, deadlifting, and squatting heavy? Then you better keep your shoulders healthy.
Are You a Program Hopper?
Are You a Program Hopper?
She only gave the program SIX MONTHS before scrapping it.
Benefits and Proper Use of Weightlifting Belts
Benefits and Proper Use of Weightlifting Belts
If you wear your belt while doing curls, make sure that you’re wearing color coordinated fingerless gloves
Kentucky Strong: Should You Compete?
Kentucky Strong: Should You Compete?
If you’re serious about your training and passionate about strength sports and are even considering competing, you should.
Friday Technique Video: Foot Placement for the Bench Press
Friday Technique Video: Foot Placement for the Bench Press
How is your body built to maximize your leverages?
Tips to Help Five Common Deadlift Mistakes
Tips to Help Five Common Deadlift Mistakes
Technique tips and accessory movements to help fix five common mistakes in the deadlift.
WATCH: Bench Press Grip
WATCH: Bench Press Grip
JL shares how to fix a common bench press grip mistake.
WATCH: The Romanian Deadlift
WATCH: The Romanian Deadlift
We love the RDL as a general pattern builder.
WATCH: The Pull Through
WATCH: The Pull Through
Modify your pull through stance to help build your sumo or conventional pull.
Friday Technique Video: The Good Morning
Friday Technique Video: The Good Morning
You do not want to end up with a blown disc. Trust me.
Friday Technique Video: Squat Set Up
Friday Technique Video: Squat Set Up
Lock in your glutes and abs, THEN unrack.
WATCH: Pelvic Tilt for Deadlift Lockout
WATCH: Pelvic Tilt for Deadlift Lockout
Is your lockout holding you back from breaking deadlift PRs?
WATCH: Leg Drive for Bench Press
WATCH: Leg Drive for Bench Press
The key to a big bench is to keep this technique from an open bar to over 600 pounds.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 9)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 9)
Have you tried this shrug variation to build your deadlift?
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 8)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 8)
This is the hardest exercise for hamstrings.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 5)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 5)
To build structural static strength, incorporate reverse hyper swings.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 4)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 4)
If your hands cannot hold it, typically your body is not ready to lift it.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 3)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 3)
Learn how goodmornings can improve your deadlift.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 1)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 1)
Matt targets the pull in the same expert fashion that he did with the squat.
Three Things You Need to Know about Training
Three Things You Need to Know about Training
Dave Tate debunks these common training myths.
How it all started - Teenage Powerlifting
How it all started - Teenage Powerlifting
How Dave Tate used to train back in the day.
Bob Wahl and the "Snot-nosed Kid"
Bob Wahl and the "Snot-nosed Kid"
You don’t debate with a world champion.
Training The Bench Press
Training The Bench Press
The training program explained here is one based on the principles of Westside.
Could This Be It?
Could This Be It?
After strain, abuse, and injury, “Why do you do what you do?”
elitefts™ Classic: In the Beginning
elitefts™ Classic: In the Beginning
Bob Youngs describes his first training program while at Westside.
Developing Extraordinary Resolve
Developing Extraordinary Resolve
You do not have to wait for the New Year to develop extraordinary resolve, but if the calendar is a useful reminder, use it to your advantage.
Developing Your Own Training Philosophy
Developing Your Own Training Philosophy
To be a great lifter, you must be willing to find out what works for you in a program and what doesn’t. And you must be willing to devote the time to doing so.
Block Periodization for Powerlifting: Revisited and Revised
Block Periodization for Powerlifting: Revisited and Revised
It’s been two years since his first article on block periodization was published. What has Gabriel Naspinski changed?
elitefts™ Classic: Things I Have Learned in My First Year of Exploring Conjugate Training
elitefts™ Classic: Things I Have Learned in My First Year of Exploring C...
Whether you are new to Conjugate Training or whether you are a seasoned veteran, I think you will relate to many of these…
Powerlifting 101: Why You Need to Compete…Now
Powerlifting 101: Why You Need to Compete…Now
By far, the most important reason to compete is because it’s a blast.
Kirschen's Powerlifting 101: What’s Up With The Chains?
Kirschen's Powerlifting 101: What’s Up With The Chains?
If you’re familiar at all with the sport of powerlifting, the idea of using chains as a training tool is probably nothing new.
Strength 101: Part IV - Training Periodization
Strength 101: Part IV - Training Periodization
Parallel systems train multiple skills simultaneously, and they progress mainly by manipulating volume, intensity, and technique as a way of teaching the body what to expect from a competition.
Strength 101: Part II - The Methods of Strength Development
Strength 101: Part II - The Methods of Strength Development
A lifter uses multiple lifting techniques because the body has many different modes of adaptation.
Strength 101: Part I Strength and the Body
Strength 101: Part I Strength and the Body
The following series is intended to give new lifters some general information on major aspects of weightlifting science.
The Final: So You Think You Can Squat?
The Final: So You Think You Can Squat?
Do you think you know how to squat now?
So You Think You Can Squat (Part 4)
So You Think You Can Squat (Part 4)
Kids, put your learning caps on and watch this video.
So You Think You Can Squat? (Part 3)
So You Think You Can Squat? (Part 3)
The long-awaited So You Think You Can Squat video is here! Matt Wenning discusses how to squat properly, so pay attention.
So You Think You Can Squat? (Parts 1 and 2)
So You Think You Can Squat? (Parts 1 and 2)
The long-awaited So You Think You Can Squat video is here! Matt Wenning discusses how to squat properly, so pay attention.
Part VI: So You Think You Can Bench?
Part VI: So You Think You Can Bench?
See what Josh learned in Part 6 of So You Think You Can Bench?
Part V: So You Think You Can Bench?
Part V: So You Think You Can Bench?
By this point in the process, I wasn’t anywhere near an expert, but things were starting to click.
Part IV: So You Think You Can Bench?
Part IV: So You Think You Can Bench?
The good news was that my shoulder felt fine with the much-needed grip change.
Part III: So You Think You Can Bench?
Part III: So You Think You Can Bench?
The first thing I learned here was I wasn’t using the proper intensity and mindset in my warm-up.
Part II: So You Think You Can Bench?
Part II: So You Think You Can Bench?
Who knew the traps were an important part of the bench press?

Items 119 to 177 of 192 total