Welcome to the long-awaited follow-up to Matt Wenning's popular "SYTYCS" series. This time, Matt targets the pull in the same expert fashion that he did with the squat. We brought in loyal elitefts™ customer and amateur strongman competitor Ryan Minney as our training subject. His form is broken down, analyzed and a thorough plan to improve his deadlift is laid-out.
In Part 4, Wenning shows a variation of the straight-deadlift using the belt squat machine.
In this installment, Matt has Ryan perform swings on the reverse hyperextension. This is another key exercise that will develop hypertrophy in his tail bone, glutes, and hamstrings while keeping muscles strong, tight, and contracted when picking up heavy things.
When using the reverse hyperextension to build structural static strength:
1) Raise ankle strap with glutes and lower back.
2) Use an 1-2-3 up count and an 1-2-3 down count.
3) Keep legs locked throughout.