I have tried tons of fat burning products that are also supposed to boost energy. I haven’t seen much of a difference in fat loss and tend to get burned out quickly. Why does this happen? After I stop taking stimulants, I’m tired for weeks. What is different about Dr. Serrano’s Fat Reduce?
Fat Reduce is a multifaceted, permanent, fat loss solution designed to manipulate several key metabolic, cellular, and hormonal factors governing fat loss. A comprehensive day and night formula rapidly increases fat burning over the entire 24-hour daily cycle without the use of ephedrine or Mau Huang.
Deactivating fat storage receptors
I became interested in hormones many years ago, as they govern all body composition and performance progress. Following the evaluation of tens of thousands of blood test results, I was able to determine the optimal ratios of hormones to support maximum fat burning and that was the easy part. Developing a formula to create these optimal hormonal changes was the big challenge. Along with proper nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle management, Fat Reducehas consistently improved the fat loss fortunes of trainees wanting to get to single digit body fat levels with a great set of abs.
We conducted a 30-day trial a few years ago that demonstrated an average increase of over 400 calories in daily expenditures and follow up blood work revealed great improvements. Most importantly, the participants lost a tremendous amount of body fat, and some of these trial participants had been struggling for years to break plateaus.
Fat Reduce PM was designed to lower stress in the evening to support an easy transition into a deep level of sleep and accelerate fat burning. Don’t underestimate the importance of restful sleep, which is vital for hormonal recuperation. Clients tell us that within a week, they wake up feeling well rested with greatly improved daily energy. Increased daily energy results in better food choices and exercise performance based on years of feedback collection. Several research studies demonstrate that inadequate sleep will lead to depressed levels of fat burning hormones.
Winning the battle against adrenal fatigue
A majority of fat loss products are designed solely to increase metabolism by the use of stimulants such as Ephedra without any regard to many other important factors that play a role in the fat loss equation. Over time, people become acclimated to the stimulants and increase the dosages to maintain energy levels and feelings of normalcy. This will gradually burn out the adrenal gland, which is what makes you feel like a zombie in the morning or any other time you haven’t gotten your “fix” of stimulants.
Fat Reduce can remove stress from the adrenals, allowing for rapid repair, by feeding the glands with the necessary combination of raw materials. Reviving the adrenals in this manner will improve natural energy levels while turning back hunger. The better people feel, the better the food choices they will make. Improved daily energy levels also lead to higher daily activity levels and heavy exercise frequency, which are important contributors to rapid and sustained fat loss.
Proprietary fat burning mechanisms
Most people would associate fat loss with an increased metabolic rate or expending more energy than what is consumed. These elements are just fine if you’re looking for an average rate of progress. Those wanting rapid yet permanent fat loss have to consider other factors. Accelerating the rate at which stored fatty acids can be used as fuel is crucial for rapid fat loss and is possible through several proprietary mechanisms supported by Fat Reduce.
Blasting trouble spot areas—the hormonal connection
It isn’t any secret that men store body fat in the midsection while women tend to pack it on the hips and buttocks. These areas contain more body fat storage receptors than anywhere else on the body and can be activated by certain signals. Stress (elevated cortisol levels) is perhaps the most menacing hormonal signal, as the body believes famine is near, As a result, fat storage is accelerated to preserve survival.
You can counter the fat storing instincts of the body by Amino Loading with 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis. Taken between meals and around workouts, these specially designed formulas will make the brain believe that huge amounts of food are being ingested causing a metabolic surge to burn the “phantom” food. Despite the lack of caloric value, the aminos provide a huge anabolic punch, accelerating fat loss, recovery, and performance.
Who doesn’t have their fair share of stress?
Let’s face it. We’re a highly stressed society. This stress comes not just from being cut off in traffic or being late for an important appointment but also from long-term stresses related to any number of hard to solve problems. There is strong evidence to suggest that rising stress levels over the last ten years are a major contributor to unwanted increases in body fat levels. While getting rid of your stress is easier said than done, Fat Reduce can help prevent the fat storing impact of stress and allow your body to function more optimally to not only burn off unwanted body fat but to also prevent future fat storage. Do you wake up feeling stressed about the day? By mid-afternoon, do you just feel like taking a nap to make the hassles go away? These are signs of persistently high stress than can correlate to increased rates of fat storage.
Scott has been using the Alpha Omega for two months and finds it to be the most effective fat loss tool he’s used in a long time. It has helped him drop three percent body fat and he wasn’t fat to begin with. He has had a hard time explaining to others though why it’s so effective in comparison to other fish oils that can be purchased at a drug store.
Alpha Omega helps to manage the fat storage hormone insulin, which is partially responsible for the obesity epidemic around the world. Food refinement, high sugar contents, and lack of fiber have sent insulin soaring over the last 25 years, and increases in waist lines have also expanded at the same rates. Compounding problems, the intake of refined foods, sugars, and trans fats provide ample raw material for the body to produce more ugly body fat by not only overfilling fat cells but also increasing the number of fat cells, creating more storage dumps for future fat gains.
The specific actions of the Alpha Omega forces the fat cells to expel trans fats and other unwanted materials that have been sticking around like unwanted relatives overstaying their welcome following the holidays. The end result? Fat cells are elastic in nature. Collectively, if they contain less material, they can shrink, which is in essence one way you can reduce your body fat percentage.
Set fire to unwanted body fat
The Alpha Omega helps to force stored fat out of the cells. You need to burn these materials as soon as possible to support your goals. Fat Reduce was designed to increase rates of fat burning via metabolic stimulation and optimization of the hormonal factors regulating fat loss. Hormones play a crucial role in your success or failure. The combination of elevated insulin and cortisol specifically increases rates of fat storage, and managing these levels through proper supplementation, diet, and exercise is extremely important for those who already have a large “warehouse.”
Fat Reduce is made up of a unique AM and PM combination. While the AM version handles metabolic enhancement, the PM formula supports reduction of cortisol and other stress markers to support relaxation and potentially improve sleep quality. Due to a lack of space, I can’t show you patient case studies and cite thousands of research papers, but to summarize, this stack works by addressing every step of the process from start to finish.
People with a large fat warehouse are very sensitive to carb intake, making for a very tricky situation because a few missteps can completely stall progress. Carefully positioning carb intake instead of eliminating them altogether makes a huge difference in the bottom line. Have you found that nutrition plans previously effective don’t work any longer? You control certain training factors to create a specific response, correct? This consists of exercise selection, sets, reps, rest periods, and other factors that you rotate regularly to avoid progress staleness. You must do the same with nutrition to achieve your fat loss or muscle growth goals. Your factors of change include food choices, timing, portions, and percentages of carbs, fats, and proteins. These elements must be manipulated in a customized fashion to achieve the best results.
Macronutrient cycling is the most effective nutrition breakthrough for both gaining muscle and losing body fat that I’ve come across in many years. Scott has mastered these techniques and understands how to integrate all of the factors, including training!
Infinity Fitness INC provides training, fitness, and nutritional information for educational purposes. It is important that you consult with a health professional to ensure that your dietary and health needs are met. It is necessary for you to carefully monitor your progress and to make changes to your nutritional and fitness program to enjoy success. Infinity Fitness does not employ dieticians or health professionals and assumes no responsibility or liability for your personal health and condition.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. SST™, Superior Supplements and Training™, 100% MR™, Muscle Synthesis™, Muscle Synthesis Powder™, Alpha Omega M 3™, Amino Loading™, Fat Reduce™, and Zero Tolerance Fat Loss Plan™, are Trademarks of Superior Supplements and Training LLC, OHIO USA. Your results may vary and depend on many factors. No Endorsements of any product or training system is intended, expressed or implied, by any athlete who may be pictured in illustration of this Article. Copyright © Infinity Fitness & Training Inc, OHIO USA 1999-2010, All Rights Reserved.