WATCH: Hartman Explains Dairy, Vegetables, and Eggs for Physique Competi...
These three areas of diet are debated frequently and fervently. Here is an established position and explanation by someone who has experimented with himself and others.
MythBusters 201-203: Gluten, Clean Eating, and The Fat-Burning Zone
Are you falling for these foolish fitness fallacies? Here’s the research behind these popular claims.
Don't Fear the Carbs: Timing, Sources, and Portions for Muscle Buil...
Intelligently consume this main energy source as a means to a better bulking season.
Mythbusters 101: Don't Fall for These Fallacies
Bad information is passed from lifter to lifter, website to website. Let’s end the charade.
Harnessing the Placebo Effect: If You Care, You’ll Lie to Me
What if I gave you a singular technique that would improve your athletic performance in any way you wanted?
WATCH: The Justin Harris Training Philosophy
This unique, time-proven methodology has made Harris a master of both bodybuilding and powerlifting.
WATCH: Why the Amino Acid Profile of Red Meat is Ideal
As a complete source of essential amino acids, red meats can increase protein synthesis by avoiding the downfalls of rate-limiting factors.
WATCH: Forgotten Benefits of Vegetables and Fiber
Are green-leafy vegetables and “free” foods the missing links to your diet?
Red Yeast Rice for Healthy Blood Lipids—Who’s Foolin’ Who?
Is this “natural” supplement used to reduce blood lipids all it’s cracked up to be?
WATCH: How Justin Harris got Dave Tate Shredded
Dave was a 300-pound powerlifter. 1200 grams of carbohydrates and a stack of double cheeseburgers later, he had more abs than we could count.
The Truth About Energy Systems (Part 2)
The breakdown of food and the conversion of nutrients to energy coincides with the body’s regulation of multiple energy systems.
LISTEN: Inside the Mind of The Research Meathead
Jon Mike simplifies the complex studies of nutrition and exercise.
The Fat and the Furious: A Complete Guide to the Most Misunderstood Macr...
Side-step the fat fearmongers and accelerate towards a healthier heart and better hormone profile.
Revisiting Post-Workout Carbohydrates
When looking to spike insulin, carbohydrates are not the only macronutrient to consider.
To Inflame or Not to Inflame: Is Arachidonic Acid the Answer?
We examine the data to determine if ARA is a quick n ' easy way to gain muscle mass.
Nootropics: Smart Drugs for the Dumb Meathead
While performance enhancers garner a great deal of media scrutiny, compounds that increase cognitive ability often go unappreciated.
The FatBusters Analyze Dietary Trends
When there's something weird hangin' in your fridge, who you gonna call? FatBusters. When you hit an ab shot and it don't look good, who you gonna call? FatBusters. I ain't afraid of no carbs.
Arachidonic Acid Trip
To inflame or not to inflame – that is the question. Whether ‘tis more anabolic in the body to suffer the sets and reps of outrageous volume or to take rest against a sea of sessions and, by opposing, end them?
Muscle Protein Synthesis and the Anabolic Window
When God closes a gym door, he opens an anabolic window.
The Protein Con
Do you really need your two scoops, three times a day of whey protein isolate? Or have you been brainwashed by the Whey/Casein Cartel?
The Intricacies of Peri-workout Nutrition
Skip this interview if you want to stay ignorant about nutrition.
Mark Dugdale's Last Week Conditioning Hacks
When it becomes time to step on stage, these tips and tricks add the final bit of refinement to a pro-level champion.
Rustproofing the Iron Warrior
Aging is inevitable. What are some ways to manage its unforgiving cycle?
Got Recovery?
With all of your efforts to maximize growth and strength increases, how much thought have you put into recovery?
The Muscle Research Proposal Process
Those guys involved with the Manhattan Project did not have to deal with the politics and bureaucracy of modern day musclehead research. This guide will help you get that doctoral dissertation moving forward.
Revisiting Duchaine
Fourteen years after his death, is Duchaine seen as supplement swindler or human performance pioneer?
Science of Lifting: The Research Process Uncovered
Doing research? Follow these four steps and get your project done.
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts (Part 5)
In this QT, we will look at the latest research on heavy lifting and heart health.
Integrative Bodybuilding: Peri-Workout Recovery Supplementation (Part 3)
The final installment in Stevenson’s Peri Workout RS Series.
The Research Meathead: Pre Workout Stimulants and Supplements (Part 2)
In this installment, the Research Meathead takes a look at Creatine, Beta Alanine, and HMB.
Integrative Bodybuilding: Peri Workout Recovery Supplementation (Part 2)
What you should think about when you are sizing up peri—workout RS studies…
Integrative Bodybuilding: Peri Workout Recovery Supplementation (Part 1)
In Part 1 of this series, Scott focuses on the conflicting results of both acute experiments and training studies in regards to peri—workout RS.
The Research Meathead: Pre-Workout Stimulants and Supplements (Part 1)
Have you thought about what those stimulants you are ingesting really do?
The Science of Strength: Reading Research, Pt. II
Being statistically significant doesn’t mean a result has practical applications, however; it’s just measurable, and that measurable amount may or may not be of interest to you.
Low-Carb Diet Q&A with Shelby Starnes
The very low-carb diet (VLCD) is a synthesis of the best of these approaches, but geared towards the carb-sensitive individual.
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