1. Eat multiple times per day starting with breakfast. Eating three meals and two snacks per day works well for most individuals because it tends to result in eating every three to four hours. Just think about what happens when you don’t eat for over six hours. Do you get a headache? Do you enjoy your food when you eat, or do you eat quickly because you are so hungry and anxious? Eating multiple times per day controls hunger and keeps you energized, which makes for a very productive day.
2. Eating fruits and vegetables every day is essential for health, weight management, and feeling great. If you’re trying to lose weight, think about this. On average, the calories of one slice of bread equals the calories of two apples. Yet, the two apples will give you more nutrients with fewer calories and more dietary fiber and water to keep you feeling full. The apples are a prime example of the concept of volumetrics. They provide more volume than another food of comparable caloric value (apples have more fiber and water than breads) and therefore fill your stomach up and make your stomach expand, which then tells your brain you’re full.
3. Your body will always compensate. For example, if you skip breakfast one day, you will notice that you get really hungry later in the day. Another example is if you eat too much one day, the next day you’re likely to be less hungry and eat less because your body wants to compensate for the amount you ate the day before. However, many people don’t listen to their body’s signals. This is one of the reasons there is so much “mindless” eating in the United States.
4. Make small goals. By making one small goal, you’ll focus solely on accomplishing just that goal. This will make the process of change simpler and easier. Have you ever encountered a person who is trying to lose weight and attempts to change everything at once to do so? They usually do it for a couple of days but are back soon to their old habits. Keep it simple and make one small change at a time.
5. Stay consistent. If a change in your nutrition habits is your goal, it’s absolutely critical that you be patient and stay the course. If you stay consistent, the new behavior will eventually become permanent. Make your goals long term and realistic. This will take the pressure off because you’ve given yourself ample time to accomplish your goals and make them permanent.