The Final Weeks
Many people inquired regarding my diet and supplementation plan leading up to the Olympia 212 competition, especially in light of the fact I posted on Facebook that I performed zero cardio in preparation for the string of contests I entered in 2013. Yes, you read that correctly. I performed no cardio work in preparation for all four of my competitions this past year – NY Pro 212, Toronto Supershow 212, Olympia 212 Showdown, and the Europa Phoenix 212. Here is a look into my diet the final 3-4 weeks before competing.
5 AM
Drink: Warm to hot water with lemon juice
Supplement: Goat milk colostrum
7:00 AM: Meal 1
Mushrooms and baby kale
Wild boar patty
Liquid egg whites
Dry roasted almonds
*Cooked in frying pan with coconut oil spray
Supplements: Digestive enzymes, multi-vit/min, Flameout (EPA, DHA, CLA), Curcumin, Allicin, DIM
9:30 AM: Meal 2
Shredded lettuce
Baby arugula
Greek yogurt
Shredded chicken breast
Olive oil
Supplements: Digestive enzymes, multi-vit/min, Flameout, Curcumin
11:00 AM: Meal 3
Protein Pulse
Supplement: Mag-10
12:00 PM: Meal 4
Shredded lettuce
Baby arugula
Greek yogurt
Shredded chicken breast
Olive oil
Supplements: Digestive enzymes, multi-vit/min, Flameout, Curcumin
2:00 PM: Meal 5
Protein Pulse
Supplement: Mag-10
4:00 PM: Meal 6
Protein Pulse
Supplement: Mag-10
5:30 PM: Training
Supplements: Indigo-3G, Plazma (3-4 servings)
*Indigo-3G is taken 30 minutes pre-workout
*Plazma is consumed 15 minutes pre-workout and throughout workout
7:30 PM: Meal 7
Metabolic Drive (2 servings)
Vitamineral Greens
Super Food
Supplements: Digestive enzymes, multi-vit/min, Flameout (EPA, DHA, CLA), Curcumin, Rez-V (resveratrol), DIM
9:00 PM
Supplement: ZMA
12:00 AM
Supplement: Goat milk colostrum, elite minerals
The macros on the aforementioned diet are roughly 210g carbs, 300g protein, and 45g fat. The total calorie intake is roughly 2,445 calories per day. In light of the mega-calorie diets I hear about, this is fairly low considering I burn some calories doing hot yoga, along with daily weight training sessions. The real key to my recovery and ability to hold muscle during the most grueling part of the diet is attributable to the Biotest products I consume, daily.
Here is a brief video discussing the supplements I use and why: