I am a student of logic. Mathematics taught me a great deal about starting from basics and constructing the complex using small logical steps. Mathematics has a nice built-in crap-detection system as well. Each step can be traced backward and checked for correctness all the way down to the foundation if necessary. If someone used bad logic, it’s easy to find. No one trusts an idea that hasn’t been built upon smaller, proven steps.
The same is not true of the diet and exercise industry. In this world, it’s acceptable to have an idea, come up with another idea as to why it should work and sell both ideas without having tested either, without even having proof of either. There’s no foundation and no experiment to assert the validity. Many of the accepted truths we teach and practice fall within this category, and even when the idea is refuted by solid fact, it often persists out of habit.
What makes it so hard to let go? It’s the logic behind it. For most of us, the idea “if A implies B then B must be true” is very convincing, and if the person talks mostly about B, we forget to check if A is true. This is good logic put atop poor facts and it happens every day. And it’s so damn convincing that even those of us formally trained to recognize it often don’t. This is why research rules science and not intuition or the that-makes-sense acceptance that gets afforded to what are really half-baked ideas in the diet and exercise realm. In the real world, there needs to be proof that the idea is based on facts and testing to ensure the idea works.
In this series, I want to pick apart a few widely believed ideas where the logic doesn’t apply for one reason or another. I’ll start with my favorite that I hope to kill one of these days.
The Idea
Eating smaller more frequent meals increases metabolism and causes the body to burn more fat.
The Logic
If the body has to wait too long between meals, it suddenly thinks it’s starving and begins to store fat, but if it feels adequately fueled, it will release fat and those extra pounds melt away.
The Reality
The reality is simple. No matter how many meals the body gets through the day or how tightly spaced those meals, what matters for fat loss is the total calories consumed. Eat two meals or eat ten, it doesn’t matter—the fat won’t come off any faster.
I know you’ve probably heard the mini-meal hypothesis repeated enough times to make it tantamount to fact and I was once sold on the idea. It’s in the magazines, right? There must be something to it. Even several prominent nutrition certifications teach it as fact. When I searched the last 50 years of scientific literature, I found about seven studies that make that conclusion1-7 (there are two more from the last five years as well8, 9). For several years, I saw many of these studies cited over and over again and I repeated the mantra of mini-meals: eat less more often and the fat melts away.
Then I read the published research that I had been citing. I was suddenly caught in a familiar situation—a relationship where the other person is perfect until you get to know them intimately and then the good times end. So it was with my mini-meal enchantment.
When I sat down and read the studies I noticed a big problem. Four of the studies came from the 50s, 60s and early 70s and seemed poorly controlled by researchers1-4. In none of the other five did the researchers control calories5-9 but yet they still came to the conclusion that eating more frequent meals increases metabolism and aids in losing weight and fat loss. From their work, they could not know if people unconsciously ate fewer calories when eating multiple meals or if eating frequently increased metabolism. I dug deeper.
None of the studies measured changes in daily calories as the participants moved from three squares to six or more minis and I wanted studies that did. When I went through the research, I found 29 studies where researchers tested every feasible number of meals, from 1 to 10 per day, ensuring that daily calories remained the same regardless of the number of meals10-38. In all 29 studies, the result was the same: the number of meals eaten per day didn’t matter for fat or weight loss, only the calories did.
They even locked people in boxes called whole-body calorimeters to get precise measurements of metabolism to find a difference between eating a few big meals and many small meals. Again, no change in metabolism, energy expenditure or fat metabolism. The number of meals per day didn’t even affect what type of weight the participants lost—all of them lost the same amount of weight and the same amount of fat regardless of meal frequency. They tested about everything you can imagine in those studies with no effect. Some researches even went back and reassessed previous studies and looked at the food journal data that was ignored when the original researchers made their conclusions. All the participants that lost weight with mini-meals did so because they inadvertently cut calories.
Where’d the logic go bad? The logic, arguably, is okay. It’s the premise that’s flawed. The body does not trigger a hormonal cascade to signal possible starvation if it goes a few hours, or even several hours without eating. The body copes well with long spans of no food. The signals triggered by starvation—the ones that supposedly kick in after only a couple hours of not eating—take roughly three or four days of very low calories to activate39-48. They will not activate in two hours, or three or eight. The entire premise from which this idea is built is wrong.
A second place the logic goes wrong is with the romanticized idea that the body has some latent desire to be skinny when it’s happy. Give it all the food it craves and it will reward you by shedding the fat. The body doesn’t work that way. It turns out that longer stretches between meals makes the body release more fat to be burned as fuel27, 28, 37, 49, 51. What the body wants is to use fat if there’s no food coming in and store fat when there’s too much food. Such routine frequent feedings actually slows resting metabolism50 and lowers another component of metabolism called the thermic effect of food51-54.
There’s not much upside to mini meals when dieting and the downside of a slower metabolism is not enticing either, but for the average person, mini-meals are a pain. Granted, this is Elite, and you’re reading this because you’re willing to make the sacrifices and accept the challenges of being extra-ordinary, but for those of you who train others who might not be on the path to exceptional, telling them they must eat every few hours—as I’ve heard and read from trainers countless times—can set them up for failure. In the studies using multiple meals, more people quit because of having to eat too often rather than not enough. They found eating many meals inconvenient, and this despite having all their meals made and delivered to them by the people conducting the study30, 31, 33.
I’m not saying eating frequently isn’t without its uses. If you’re trying to create a long-lasting anabolic environment, then meal frequency can be very important. Many of these studies also showed the importance of eating on a schedule: eating at the same time each day increases insulin sensitivity55, and again, if you want a peak anabolic environment, you want increased insulin sensitivity. Multi-mini meals can also be good for hunger control56, 57, if hunger control is a problem. But for fat loss, it’s not logical; it’s senseless.
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