Long-Term Carb Back-Loading

Hey Julia,
 I recently saw your posting on Dangerously Hardcore of the gains you made while carb back-loading.
Do you still back load?
How long do you plan on back-loading for, or do you think you can back-load for the rest of your training career?
I wanted to see how you feel/felt on the program.
If you stopped back-loading, how did you ease back into a regular diet?


I've been backloading for nearly 15 months. I'm a very carb sensitive person...meaning...I bloat, I crash, I fatigue and I just feel like crap when I eat carbs at the wrong (for me) times.

I will probably backload indefinitely. It just works for me and my training, it works with my job and my family. It's easy to maintain and I can tweak it as much as I need to depending on how loose or strict I want to be.

I feel GREAT. My energy levels for training are awesome. Again, for me, it just doesn't make sense to "ease back into a regular diet." This IS my regular diet. Not only because of the reasons I mentioned above, but because I'm eating better foods. I moved away from chemically processed junk (hydrogenated oils, sugar alcohols, fake fats, processed wheat/gluten) and towards lots of green veggies, grass fed beef, good fats like real butter and coconut oil, different nuts, etc. It's not about finding low caloric foods (like those silly 100 calorie packs that everyone thinks is awesome because they are "only 100 calories" but they are made and processed with ZERO nutritional value), it's about finding foods that will fuel my training sessions, make me feel better, make my insides function better and overall, be "healthier."

And backloading allows me to do just that...with the occasional ice cream treat!

P.S. What's really interesting is every female that I've helped implement this "diet" (it's not really a diet) has said the same thing...not only does it improve their performance and help them shed the body fat, but that it's easily maintainable with nearly zero thought process behind it...and they've also said they could/will eat this way indefinitely.