Dietary Fat Loading plan
I’ve been using the Dietary Fat Loading plan since the article was posted about a month ago, and I’ve seen a 10-lb drop in body fat based on a caliper test. Summer came on quickly, and I have another 20 to lose before I’m not only ready to make weight but also ripped for some summer fun! While I’ve done very well with the 100% MR Muscle Synthesis and Alpha Omega so far, I don’t quite understand the role of the Fat Reduce in the fat loss picture. Please explain. Also, how long before I have to change the nutrition plan before it gets stale?
Based on 20 years of patient research, I can tell you with certainty that optimizing the hormonal environment with proper nutrition, exercise, rest, and supplementation can double and possibly triple your rate of fat loss. Unfortunately, most fat burning products are jacked so high on stimulants that they create jitters and tremendous anxiety while having little impact on fat loss.
Fat Reduce is not a product intended for people looking for a miracle cure while sitting on the couch. Rather, it’s for those who eat and exercise properly. This will earn results much faster. Quite simply, your hard work pays off with Fat Reduce because it breaks through hormonal barriers to fat loss while mobilizing fat to be burned as fuel around the clock.
The Fat Reduce has a morning and evening component, which makes it very unique. Timing is critical, so I wanted to position specific ingredients at certain times to capitalize on the body’s clock and associated hormonal rhythms. The combination of ingredients can simultaneously support increased metabolic rate and mobilization of stored fat to be burned as energy. Each ingredient works synergistically to not only burn fat but to also increase caloric burning, and components also exist to support optimization of insulin. The evening formula will help with a transition into restful sleep by lowering stress hormones, which also supports fat loss.The value of high quality sleep is underestimated, as it is vital not only for recovery but also for daily energy levels. You should wake up daily feeling well rested. Otherwise, something is wrong, and this may translate to suboptimal anabolic hormonal output.
I can tell you are on top of things because your question about changing up the diet is important. Just like training, the diet must change frequently. The nutrition plan must change every 8–12 weeks by way of macronutrient cycling and possibly energy intake. It isn’t wise to follow a strict fat loss plan for more than 12 weeks. Following 12 weeks, I would emphasize trying to gain lean muscle, which will support fat loss in future cycles because every new pound of muscle burns additional calories 24/7.
Summer heat making it hard to eat?
The 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis training plans are awesome. I’m looking to grow this summer, but it’s tough with the heat zapping my appetite, as I work on underground utilities in Alabama. Can I use the MR and MS between meals to grow?
Yes, you can use the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis between meals to grow. It’s also a great way to keep your water intake up. The large influx of amino acids will protect muscle from being catabolized while providing building blocks for new growth. With a low appetite, I would prioritize proteins and good fats from grass fed beef and other organic products. Aim to eat three square meals and a large snack at night.
In a case like yours, you might also try shifting training volume to the weekend when there are better recovery conditions. I bet your appetite is higher on weekends, so this is a good time to increase your carb intake. It can support the training on those days. During the week, try a carb intake of 0.25 grams/pound and on weekends bump it up to 0.5 grams/pound.
Getting rid of elbow pain with essential fats
My elbows and other joints hurt like hell after training. My diet is pretty good with 50 percent carbs, 30 percent protein, and 20 percent fats. Assuming my training technique isn’t the problem, what do you suggest?
Your macronutrient ratios are part of the problem. I would like to see your good fats be at least 30 percent and drop the carbs down to 40 percent. The right fats lubricate the joints and improve anabolic hormone levels. I designed the Alpha Omega to help patients get over joint pains like you described. I can’t get into all of the proprietary elements, but the combination of ingredients and ratios have powerful anti-inflammatory actions. I have had numerous patients experience dramatic improvements.
Lately, I’ve seen a growing number of elbow problems, taking the lead over shoulder injuries. I think this has much to do with the increase in functional movements such has kettlebells, sandbags, Farmer’s walks, sleds, and other implements, which require a lot of grip work. In many cases, there may be an imbalance of the flexors and extensors. I can’t venture a guess as to how to treat you without seeing you in person. I suggest you see a soft tissue specialist who can work on the trouble areas and assign a rehabilitation program if needed. Exercises to avoid when having elbow pain include skull crushers with a bar, dips, and Smith machine presses.
Best time to train
My only choices for training times are first thing in the morning or 8:00 pm at night. My strength seems lower in the morning, and I’m somewhat stiff, but my energy is inconsistent by 8:00 pm after a long day of work and the stresses of the day. What time slot is better? How do I peak performance for each?
I would go with the first thing in the morning option because it will be your best for consistent energy after the body has had some time to adjust. You don’t want to sacrifice sleep by getting up earlier so getting to bed each night will help you establish an appropriate sleep pattern.
In my opinion, the release of stress hormones is amplified when preoccupied with a problem during training. Scientific data also exists to support this claim. The result of the compounding stress is an elevation of counterproductive hormones that will lower performance and cause workouts to be less beneficial for several reasons. If you train first thing in the morning, it’s easy to clear your head and focus solely on training. It will take 2–4 weeks to acclimate to the morning training time, and initially your strength may suffer. You must pay more attention to the warm up to ensure you’re prepared to train from several perspectives. Increasing body temperature is very important and so is coordination. You might try bouncing a rubber ball against the wall and reacting to retrieve following the bounce.
Most trainees have some difficulty eating shortly before the training session, and training without consumption of any nutrients is a bad idea. Your best option is amino loading with 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis to provide an alternative energy source for muscles, increase utilization of stored fat as fuel, improve performance, and lay the foundation for new muscle growth. Amino loading also sharpens the mind, which is especially important early in the morning because a lack of concentration will make sessions less productive.