This article is intended to give a brief background of the original Warrior Diet and provide a consolidated source for the recommendations and guidelines of my modifications. It is not intended to be a detailed scientific reference article, so please don’t look for that aspect. We can discuss the science at a later time or through the Q&A. I do appreciate all the interest I’ve received through the Q&A and I look forward to continuing to help everyone that writes in!
The Warrior Diet is a concept originally developed by Ori Hofmekler, whom also released a book by the same name. In it, he outlines the general concepts and ideas upon which the diet was based. His primary goal was developing a lean, athletic “warrior” body as seen in the times of the Romans and Greeks and doing so in a manner that promoted health and well being.
Ori’s original work is excellent for anyone looking for a simple, healthy, easy, and feel-good diet, while dropping some bodyfat in the process. In its original form, it works well for the average Joe, but for athletes and strength sport competitors - it needs some modification.
Ori recommends periods of underfeeding and overfeeding. He claims that this style of eating is most natural to us as hunter/gatherers, and warriors were active and working during the day with little time or available food to eat. The Greek and Roman warriors usually set up camp at night and that is when they would feast, refueling themselves for another day of battle. This system works well with our body's natural tendencies, following CNS output patterns and circadian rhythms. The underfeeding portion keeps us in the sympathetic nervous system (the fight or flight system) which is perfect for being alert and ready for battle or hunting your food. The overfeeding portion triggers the parasympathetic system, which lets you rest and digest your feast and recover for the next day.
This is all good and well for folks of days past, but what about today? How does this fit our busy lifestyles and demands as strength athletes? Exceptionally well is the answer!
I want you to think about going to train after eating a thanksgiving dinner and how you normally feel after crushing a copious amount of food. Ready to train? I didn’t think so. You’re ready to take a nap and that is the power of the parasympathetic nervous system. Your body is much better suited to train in an underfed state. You’ll see what this looks like in the meal plans below.
For athletes, especially sports that are explosively oriented like football, track and field, basketball, MMA, baseball in some cases, and strength athletes, I found that there was too much margin for error when eating by feel as Ori recommends in his book. This aspect certainly applies to the fellow bodybuilders out there. There needed to be an emphasis on more protein and selectively timed carbohydrate intake with a steady source of healthy dietary fats. Certain supplements like BCAA’s and hydrolyzed whey play an important role here. This is where the tweaking comes in. Ori wasn’t concerned with maximal muscle mass and strength/explosiveness, but I am and you are. With some guidelines set for certain goals, be it a recomposition effect, pure fat loss or a mass gaining phase, it gives the trainee a more adjustable plan where modifications can be measured and monitored and the outcome tailored to the specific goal.
This approach also allows for the body to take in the bulk of its calories when it needs them most - during and after training. When you're finished training, it’s the perfect time to refuel and give your body the building blocks it needs to come back stronger for the next session.
With the adjustments I’ve made, there's more of an emphasis on macro counting vs. calorie counting. They may seem the same to some people, but I assure you that they are quite different. A mixture of 70% protein and 30% carbohydrate will elicit a much different response in your body and on your physique than a mixture of 70% carbohydrate and 30% protein, yet the calorie content of each mixture is the exact same. I have accounted for this with the meal plans that follow. These plans are not the only that I’ve developed or used, but they are the base plans for the three major goals most often encountered: muscle gain, fat loss and body recomposition.
Regarding food choices, it is best to consume whole, unprocessed foods on this (or any plan), however I do understand that sometimes you just go with what you can get, clean or not and that is ok from time to time. Eating “dirty” food also has its place when someone is really struggling to put on weight or just doesn’t have the appetite to throw down enough clean calories during the day. If this is your case, don’t feel too bad for the occasional cheeseburger or slice of pizza. The underfeeding foods need to be light and easily digested. Save the heavier stuff for the overfeeding portion of the day.
Remember, these are just guidelines and a good starting point to base your numbers off of. Each person will need to find the right ratios that work for them.
The plans below are for afternoon training sessions. For morning trainees, I recommend consuming ¾ of your pre/during/post workout meal and resuming underfeeding from there until it is time to feast at night.
I look forward to everyone's feedback and I certainly appreciate everyone that has written in after having success with this approach. Train hard, eat smart and become the best you can!
Fat Loss Plan
- 180-pound Male
Weight Training Day
- Carbohydrates: 1-1.5 grams per pound of body weight
- Protein: 1.5–2 grams per pound of body weight
- Fats: 0.25-0.5 grams per pound of body weight
Non-weight training day
- Carbohydrates: 0-0.25 gram per pound of body weight
- Protein: 1.5–2 grams per pound of body weight
- Fats: 0.5-0.75 grams per pound of body weight
Sample Fat Loss Meal Plan - Training Day Evening Workout
Rise at 6-7AM
9-11AM: Underfeeding Meal 1
- 5g BCAA- Optional but helpful
- 6oz 0% fat Greek Yogurt
- 3g fish oil
12-2PM: Underfeeding Meal 2
- 5g BCAA - again optional
- 1 scoop low carb protein powder or 2oz lean meat
- 1oz raw almonds
4-5PM: Pre-workout Meal
- 5g BCAA- optional
- 1 scoop low carb protein powder
- 1 slice Ezekiel bread
5-7PM: Train
During Training
- 1 scoop low carb protein powder
Post workout
- 1 scoop low carb protein powder
- 50g Swedish Oat starch/Waxy maize/Maltose/Dextrose/8oz sweet potato
Main Feeding or “Feast” 1 hour later and last until 1 hour before bed
- 14oz cooked chicken breast or 14oz top round steak
- 2 scoops casein based protein powder
- 3g Fish Oil
- 1 Food for Life Brown Rice bread english muffin drizzled with 1tbsp honey
- 8oz cooked sweet potato
- 2tbsp natural peanut butter
- 1tbsp coconut oil
Daily totals
- Protein 270g 1.5g/lb
- Carbs 180 1g/lb
- Fats 45 .25g/lb
Total Calories: 2,340*
*Trace macros were not counted in totals (For example: did not count fats in english muffins)
Mass Building Plan
- 180-pound Male
Weight Training Day
- Carbohydrates: 2–4 grams per pound of body weight
- Protein: 1–1.25 grams per pound of body weight
- Fat: trace
Non Weight Training Day
- Carbohydrates: 1–2 grams per pound of body weight
- Protein: 1.5–2 grams per pound of body weight
- Fat: 0.25-0.5 grams per pound of body weight
Sample Mass Building Meal Plan - Training Day: Evening workout
Rise at 6-7AM
9-11AM: Underfeeding Meal 1
- 5g BCAA - Optional but helpful
- 6oz 0% fat Greek Yogurt
- ½ scoop low carb protein
- 3g fish oil
12-2PM: Underfeeding Meal 2
- 5g BCAA- again optional
- 1 scoop low carb protein powder or 2oz lean meat
- 1 medium apple
- Pre-workout meal at 4-5pm
- 5g BCAA- optional
- 1.5 scoops low carb protein powder
- 1/2 cup uncooked measure rolled oats or 1 large apple/orange
5-7PM: Train
During workout
- 1.5 scoops low carb protein powder
- 25g Swedish Oat starch/Waxy maize/Maltose/Dextrose
Post workout
- 2 scoops low carb protein powder
- 75g Swedish Oat starch/Waxy maize/Maltose/Dextrose/8oz sweet potato
Main Feeding or “Feast” 1 hour later and last until 1 hour before bed
- 12oz cooked chicken or Tilapia
- 6 brown rice cakes
- 12oz cooked sweet potato
- 1 cup Cascadian Farm Organic Oats and Honey granola cereal
Daily Totals
- Carbs 360 2g/lb
- Pro 270 1.5g/lb
- Fats trace
Calories - 2,709*
*Not including trace fats or other macros
Recomposition Effect Plan
Weight Training Day
- Carbohydrates: 1-1.5 grams per pound of body weight
- Protein: 1.5-2 grams per pound of body weight
- Fats: 0.4-0.75 grams per pound of body weight
Non-weight training day
- Carbohydrates: 5-.75 gram per pound of body weight
- Protein: 1.5–2 grams per pound of body weight
- Fats: 0.75-1 grams per pound of body weight
Recomposition Effect Sample Meal Plan Evening Workout
Rise at 6-7AM
9-11AM: Underfeeding Meal 1
- 5g BCAA- Optional but helpful
- 6oz 0% fat Greek Yogurt or 4 egg whites
- 1 Tbsp flax seeds or .5 Tbsp olive oil
12-2PM: Underfeeding Meal 2
- 5g BCAA- again optional
- 1 scoop low carb protein powder or 2oz lean meat
- 1oz raw pecans
4-5PM: Pre-workout Meal
- 5g BCAA- optional
- 1 scoop low carb protein powder
- 1 medium orange/grapefruit
- 1oz raw almonds
5-7PM: Train
During workout
- 1 scoop low carb protein powder
Post workout
- 1 scoop low carb protein powder
- 50g Swedish Oat starch/Waxy maize/Maltose/Dextrose/8oz sweet potato
- Main Feeding or “Feast” 1 hour later and last until 1 hour before bed
- 14oz cooked ground turkey breast or 14oz top flank steak
- 1.5 cup cooked brown rice pasta
- 2 scoops casein based protein powder
- 3g Fish Oil
- 8oz cooked sweet potato
- 1.5 Tbsp natural almond butter
- 1 Tbsp Walnut or Avocado Oil
Daily Totals
- Protein 270g 1.5g/lb
- Carbs 180 1g/lb
- Fats 70 .4g/lb
Calories: 2,565*
*Does not include trace macros
what you will eat during workout and post workout ?
my Main Feeding is at 6h00 pm to 10h00 pm.
thank you very much