Mobility Training is Not What You Think
Everything you do in the gym is mobility training, but not everything you do in the gym gives you better mobility.
INTERVIEW: University of Minnesota's Strength and Conditioning Coac...
Willie walks us through a typical day of coaching and gives you advice of how to climb the ranks to the Division 1 level.
3 Intensity Techniques for MORE Muscle in LESS Time
Here are three of my favorite intensity techniques to add muscle that naturally cut training time: rest-pause sets, isometric pre/post fatigue sets, and cluster sets.
9 Qualities of a Successful Gym Owner
If you see owning a gym as just a revenue stream, I guarantee you will fail. It takes way more than equipment in a room with electricity.
Movement Tiers for Bench Press Weakness
We figured out the movement tiers for the squat and deadlift, so let’s use the movement tiers to combat weakness in the bench press.
#105 - Training YOUR Ass Off with Dave Tate and Coming Full Circle
Sam talks about what it was like going from “Training HIS Ass Off” to “Training YOUR Ass Off” and going from a participant to an assistant.
3 (Surprising) Reasons You Aren't Getting Stronger
These are things that I didn’t appreciate enough when I was in my 20s but have risen to the top of my priority list in recent years.
#104 - Meatheads, Beers, and Being Fat
Matt Goodwin and Sam Brown talk about being fat, beer, and meathead decisions. Let these two be your guide to what NOT to do.
Help If You Can
If you’re hesitating to make the commitment to start any type of training to help out those with less knowledge, don’t. Take the plunge.
In-Season Rugby Programming Utilizing the Westside Conjugate Methods
The key to the program is to never accommodate to movements and exercises. Change some aspects of your training every time you train.
#103 - 3 Steps to Get Stronger NOW!
If you’ve plateaued this training season, let Sam be your guide and deliver 3 steps to help you get stronger now.
4 Hacks to Prevent Back and Hip Overuse Injuries
You’ll want to include some single-limb work, train in multiple planes of motion, provide alternation and stability, plus soft tissue work!
Pain and How We Can Better Manage It
In the moment you say, “Ow, this hurts,” what do you do? Do you push through the pain or go home? Here’s what to know about pain.
5 Max Effort Cycles to Break Your Next PR
How you set up your max effort work is crucial to setting up the rest of the session. Don’t just pick random exercises here.
The Back-Friendly Approach to Leg Training
How can we create the damage and nastiness required for a productive leg workout while sparing our backs?
#102 - Brian Carroll: Hating to Train and the Secret to Deadlifting
In this episode of Dave Tate’s Table Talk, Brian Carroll and Dave sit down and share a cigar and dive into what it means on going “all in” in the gym, not wanting to train, and how the hell these little guys deadlifting so much. Don’t miss this episode, filled with banter between friends and […]
#101 - Speed Training, Training Volume, and the Crack House
You may be wondering how speed training, training volume, and crack houses all come up in one episode. Listen to find out.
Modified German Volume Training to Build Strength
You are still completing the same amount of reps as you would with a 5×10 program, but the overall tonnage is increased.
6 Pre-Internet Gains You Can Use Today
You live in a time of instant access to knowledge to get better at your sport. Before the internet, how did the strength greats ever manage?
Try This Warm-Up Before You Bench
How much you bench is reliant on a good warm-up. Here’s an upper body warm-up to help answer this question while reducing the risk of injury.
The 3-Part Warm-Up You Can Do in 10 Minutes
You likely warm-up extensively or do nothing at all. Instead, try this 10-minute, 3-part warm-up to systematically prime yourself for your next workout!
Build Your Deadlift Without Deficits
There is more to building the deadlift than variety, and there is also a point of diminishing returns to consider.
How to Determine the Right Training Split in 5 Steps
Most people try to cram a square peg into a round hole when choosing their training plan. Why not create a training split that compliments your lifestyle?
I Am Yessica Martinez
Competing now for ten years, we recircle with Yessica Martinez to get an update on life, training, and foreseeable future endeavors.
Escalating Density Training for High School Athletes
Escalating Density Training or EDT is a savagely simple hypertrophy variation to transform teenage athletes into monsters.
Movement Tiers for Squat and Deadlift Weakness
Use these movement tiers to help athletes and coaches program the correct movements for specific weaknesses in squats or deadlifts.
8-Week Reset Program for the Stressed Lifter
Use this 8-week reset program to give yourself an “active break” while reaping the physical and mental benefits of regular training.
The Busy Man's Guide to Strength
As a new father or busy professional in your 30s+, training takes on a whole new look and meaning to meet your demanding lifestyle.
The End of a Strength and Conditioning Career
What do you do when you wake up one morning and realize that your best years are behind you? Retirement is a double-edged sword.
6 Exercises to Improve Posture (and Recovery)
Do you sit a lot? How about those shoulders? Are they rounded forward? Even if you don’t sit all day, many of the exercises you’re doing in the gym place you in extension.
Arm Training for Strength Athletes
Direct arm training will reduce the likelihood of a biceps or triceps tear, strengthen the tendons, improve pressing strength and grip.
Can Training Be Protective Against Injury?
Train balls to the wall and stuff is bound to break, right? Back things off and recovery capabilities won’t be as taxed, right? Well, kind of.
#96 - Training Talk on HIT Training with Sam Brown
Sam Brown talks about HIT Training and how you can use it in your training to better yourself, or your athletes.
3 Steps to an Effective Deload
Before you take a break from lifting heavy (and for those of you that are on the fence wondering if deloads are even necessary), consider three backed-by-science steps.
The Lost Manual for Throwing
The arm is just another part of the body that can be trained like the legs or the biceps if you know how to do it correctly.
7 Myths of Collegiate Strength and Conditioning
“We are a family.” This is the first collegiate strength and conditioning myth I’d like to debunk. Hear me out.
How to Fix Chronically Tight Ankles
Let’s manage posture, patterns, and muscle imbalances to get to the source of the problem—a typical solution for most ailments.
#95 - Matt Mills and Brittany Diamond
Matt Mills and Brittany Diamond talk about training for both strongman and powerlifting, gross gym stories, and competition training.
How to Run a Successful Powerlifting Meet
At Showtime Strength & Performance, we have run close to 30 powerlifting meets of all sizes and for competitors of all types. Here’s how we do it.
#94 - When Dave Made the Best Gains and Why
In this Table Talk episode, Dave Tate addresses when he felt he was at his “BEST” and what made it possible.
3 Ways to Get Stronger Using Your Mind
Your battle to succeed in powerlifting is won or lost in your mind long before you chalk up and curl your fingers around the knurling of a barbell.
#93 - Can Powerlifting Wreck Your Health, Plus Gear Drama
The long-term impact powerlifting can have on health, and if it wrecks your body, as well as the current state of Multiply Powerlifting gear.
#92 - Fear of Lifting, Getting Paid as a Lifter, and GPP
How to deal with the fear of lifting maximal weights, how to get paid as a Powerlifter, and the integration of GPP into your training.
Powerlifting Advice and Idols
You never know who is looking up to you, and wouldn’t it be a damn shame if you turned out just to be another asshole with a singlet and a status.
Make Combat Athletes Strong
The skills for specific sports will rise with the raising of the athlete’s absolute strength. Don’t be afraid to make combat athletes strong.
Three-Times-A-Week Conjugate
Here’s how to use a three-times-a-week conjugate split for your clients. You may just find this split more goal-conducive than a typical split.
The Real Reasons You Didn’t Reach Your Strength Potential
We all need to progress as lifters and coaches. As a year in review synopsis, here’s a list of things to repeat and eliminate for 2022.
#91 - All Things Nutrition and Training with Justin Harris and Dani LaMa...
Justin Harris and Dani LaMartina are guests on this episode of Dave Tate’s Table Talk to discuss training, recovery, and diet in lifting.
A Case for Directly Training the Hip Flexors
Don’t forget to flex the front! As a powerlifter, bodybuilder, and runner, hip flexion is your source of stability, function, and power.
I Am Dani LaMartina
Who’s Dani? Where is she from? What are her passions? What is she accomplishing in her practice and lifting career? She tells you here.
The Immunity Fix for Strength Athletes
Take control of your health and improve your immune response, performance, general health, and well-being by fixing these things today.
The Eternal Triangle of Sports Weight Training
What is the eternal triangle shape of sports weight training? Considering speed, strength, and size, is it a scalene, isosceles, or equilateral?
#90 - Stan Efferding LIVE On The Dave Tate's Table Talk
Stan Efferding joins us on Dave Tate's Table Talk to talk about everything related to lifting, business, and health. Watch Stan's episode now.
A Core Training Blueprint for the Athlete
It's a simple model that uses stabilization, strength, and sport transfer to build the core of your athletes.
8-Week Strength Training Program for the MMA Athlete
Take two athletes with roughly the same skill set, the stronger athlete will win every time. Get stronger with this program.
Technique's Role in Injury Risk
Can we adapt, get stronger, and build tolerance within what could be considered bad technique. Here's how injuries occur and don't.
Try This Warm-Up Before Your Next Lower Body Training Session
We do this warm-up with all our powerlifters and athletes. Prime the system BEFORE you get under the bar to drive performance.
#89 - Powerlifting Injuries and Meeting Some elitefts Staff
Dave Tate and elitefts staff discuss old injuries and how they came to be at elitefts as well as what to expect from elitefts in the new year.
Conjugate Method for Tactical Strength and Conditioning
The conjugate method runs like a well-oiled machine for the tactile athlete who needs to fulfill a wide-range of on-the-job tasks.