Resistance Training for Youth Lacrosse Athletes
I introduced my daughter to resistance training a couple of years ago. This August, we ramped up the training with two weekly sessions and speed training. This article details some excerpts from the resistance training portion of our program.
Progressions in Exercise Selection Based on Technical Proficiency
I firmly believe you have to start at the simplest movement that someone can master correctly, and then, over time, progress from that simple movement to the more complex movements. The process is one of progressive skill acquisition.
3 Easy Ways to Be a Better Training Partner (Even as a Newbie!)
You don’t have to be an expert lifter to make your training partners better. You just have to always be actively watching and engaged in training. Here is how you can be an asset to your group — even as a newer lifter.
The Most Underutilized Kettlebell Exercise You Should Be Doing
We think of the Kettlebell Windmill as a largely upper body exercise, but I’d like to make a case that it’s one of the most underutilized exercises to promote hip loading and control bilaterally.
The elitefts Internship Guide
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about internships, all in one place.
Practical Prilepin Plans
It is this article’s intention to impart an easily identifiable progression in accordance with Prilepin’s stipulations and practical examples of it, all of which I’ve used at the Division I level.
How to Build Careers for Other Coaches
I thought the problem was just economics: that coaches could only make an hourly wage, but owners make profits. But that wasn’t the real problem. The real problem was that I could have made more, but I didn’t know how. And my boss didn’t know how, either.
5 Weeks to Goblet Squat Dominance
Think goblet squats are wimpy exercises? Follow this program for five weeks, and you’ll change your mind. You’ll likely improve your squat mechanics, too.
9 Ways to Upgrade Your Sleep Hygiene Tonight
People tend to agree that it’s important to get a good night’s sleep, but most probably don’t actually get that sleep. Using what I’ve learned from something called sleep hygiene, you can finally get those 8 hours of shut-eye you’ve been whining about not getting.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate's Favorite Part of Powe...
For someone who says he doesn’t like the competition aspect of powerlifting, it comes off as a surprise that Dave Tate’s favorite part about powerlifting is a moment that happens at meets.
Use the Air Bike to Train All 3 Energy Systems
Believe it or not, the Air Bike can provide more benefits than just smoking your clients.
6 Business Lessons No One Talks About
You’ve heard a lot of business advice from everyone. But what about the things you haven’t heard?
The Injury Equation
Whether they know it or not, most therapists and trainers who are following the current injury paradigm are focusing solely on one part of the equation; they are exclusively focused on tissue tolerance, which is essentially a one-dimensional view.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #31 with Doug Heath
Ohio is the mecca of powerlifting, and elitefts is just one stop on the journey. Doug Heath, one of the Ohio powerlifters who inspired Louie Simmons to develop the Westside Method, joins Dave Tate on this Table Talk Podcast episode.
Chad vs. The World: Redefining Dedication
Even the smartest, strongest, and best of us can learn and improve on what we do or how we do it. The journey for strength is all about education and learning, and this is how we continue to get stronger. All of this takes dedication.
The Training Effects of Intramuscular Pressure
Why is it that you feel weak after returning to the gym after a little bit more than a week? It really comes down to intramuscular pressure. Use it to your advantage to maximize performance.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #30 — How Dave Tate Trained His Clients
If you train gen pop, how do you get into your clients’ heads? What exercises do you choose? Dave Tate answers these questions based on his experiences from training gen pop.
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team: Absence of Trust and Fear of Conflict
I used the book The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team to help bring my athletes closer together, especially when there was a major shift in the team. These exercises helped bring us closer together and improved performance and morale.
5 Alternatives to Olympic Lifts
I have nothing against the Olympic lifts. They’re fantastic movements that create explosive power. It’s just that there are safer alternatives that still force the lifter into triple extension.
What To Do When You Are Stuck
If your lifts are stagnating, it’s time to think and look outside of the box.
The Dogg Shitt Method™ 12-Week Powerlifting Program
This 12-week cycle is very effective when followed to a T. If picked apart, it won’t work as well, so listen closely.
How to Get Huge in Less Than 1,000 Words
Train hard and train to failure. That’s it. That’s really all it takes to get huge.
Making the Max Effort Easy
There are a ton of questions on how to work up to a 1RM on max effort day. While many lifters don’t use percentages, it certainly makes it easier on coaches and novices on how to pick attempts. Since many people who are new to doing these movements are not familiar with their maxes, use the following to help guide
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — A Message to High School Coaches
Ideally, the kids should be learning from the coaches’ example. So what does that say about coaches who are calling kids lazy?
Conjugate for General Population Personal Training
Not sure how to apply the conjugate method for training general population clients? Don’t worry about it; I’ll break it down for you right here. It’s easier than you think.
Editor's Letter for October
If you’re after Gobstoppers, Reese cups, Jolly Ranchers, Snickers, or Candy Corn this October, knock on your neighbor’s door. If in fact, you’re after exercises to strengthen your spinal erectors, a conjugate triphasic program, an injury equation, intramuscular pressure, and alternatives to the Olympic lifts, click here. And of course, you’ll find the most popular content from September in here
Combining Dynamic Hip and Stabilization Drills for Runners
Strength training for runners is the chassis that underpins the abilities of speed and endurance to help these withstand practice and compete at a higher level — no meathead approach here! Plus, all you need for this program is a buddy and a band. Easy peasy.
15-Week Peak Program Using RPE
RPE training is great at helping you learn about your body on a daily level and what you can and cannot handle. Plus, you don’t have to worry about percentages, which is a bonus if you’re a powerlifter who isn’t all about doing extra math.
WATCH: Training Frequency Considerations for Strength Sports
Keep in mind the training frequencies listed here can still vary a lot depending on the person. These are just numbers to keep in mind as you figure out the best frequency for you!
Cast-Iron Pork Tenderloin Fillet with Jasmine Rice
Tired of eating chicken breasts? Mix things up with some seared pork tenderloin with a side of jasmine rice. It’ll hit the spot after a tough workout.
A Conjugate-Triphasic Program for a PR Squat
It’s hard to argue that triphasic training produces results. But what happens when you combine triphasic and conjugate training methods? I decided to find out with an experiment and apply it to my squat. The result: I added more than 50 pounds to my squat in 4 months.
6 Exercises to Strengthen the Spinal Erectors
This article will focus on the spinal erectors, when one needs to place a focus on them, the exercises/equipment used to strengthen them, and how the variations should be used, progressed, and changed throughout the training process.
WATCH: Joe Sullivan's Knee Wrap Tutorial for Raw Lifters
Wrapping someone else’s knees might seem easy, but when it comes to being a self-wrapper, that’s another story. Luckily Joe Sullivan’s familiar with being a self-wrapper, so he’ll show you the ropes — and how to better wrap your training partner’s knees.
Managing Training Schedules and Economies
My hope for any of you lifters, young or old, novice or elite, would be that you can take a more educated approach to your next training program, and managing your training schedule and economies is a great place to start.
WATCH: Business and Branding From the Mill
In 2009, Dave took on the treadmill, the mortal enemy of powerlifters, as he answered questions about business and branding. This feat is not for the weak of heart or constitution, so abandon hope, all ye who enter here…
How My Programming's Improved Over the Years
I love and hate programming. When I’m doing research and reading stuff, my brain goes a million miles per hour. Of course, everything I read seems like the greatest idea ever, so I have to dial it down, but I’ve gotten better at it over the years, and it shows.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Chuck Vogelpohl Made Dave Quit After 4...
There are two kinds of athletes: the ones that love to win and the ones that hate to lose. The athletes who hate losing are the ones you should be afraid of. Dave Tate learned that the hard way when challenging Chuck Vogelpohl at Westside.
Brainstorm: Changing Perspectives on Human Strength — Human Grip
Today I’m going to address one line of scientific inquiry that has a direct impact on our current understanding of human strength: the changing view of the human grip.
Career- and Body-Killing Food Allergies From Eating the Same Foods Too O...
Eating the same foods too often can lead to a wide range of significant problems, such as difficulty breathing, an upset stomach, bloating, joint pain, low energy, skin rashes, lack of motivation, inability to focus, mucous build-up, and more.
Which Max Effort Method is Right For You?
I’ve seen a lot of articles about the max effort method on here lately, but I haven’t seen many address the fact that there are two types of max effort methods! One method might work better than the other for you, so before you give up on conjugate, give this a read.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #29 — A Simple and Effective Template for Con...
Dave’s going to go over more simple conjugate method and answer more questions, so be sure to have your questions ready and are tuned in to listen closely.
Chad vs. The World: Widening My Tunnel Vision
It is tough to look back with a clear open mind to see from a different perspective. It is with a clear open mind that I was able to see I did it wrong — and it’s not just in terms of my powerlifting career, but my life as whole.
Don’t Let The Things You Love Destroy You
The things that gym owners and coaches love to do are destroying them. Find what you love to do without it taking too much of a toll on your health, both mental and physical. #BeThe1ToAsk others if they need help.
Peak Week for the Physique Competitor
You’re at the point where you have nothing left, but you still keep going because you see yourself at the end of this crazy 20-plus-week diet complete with one month of self-induced torture, a week full of waterboarding, starvation, and a pissy temper. Welcome to peak week.
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
I think that sometimes-spontaneous people, those that fly by the seat of their pants, are better off than those who plan everything. It is my considered opinion that those who can alter or adopt a new one in the face of adversity or changed circumstances are the ones who succeed in anything.
Specialized: The Baseball Training Manual
I’m no wizard when it comes to baseball, but I’m about to blow your mind: My team lifts heavy, keeps volume down on max effort work, does a lot of speed work, and I don’t condition the strength out of them.
Death to the Belly Breath
Stop saying “breathe into your belly.” It’s physically impossible for us to breathe into our bellies! We need to rethink this cue and review breathing mechanics before we can go around fixing people’s breathing.
From a Side Hustle to a Full-Time Job: Building Your Online Coaching Bus...
A lot of people think online training is easy to do, easy money, and something anyone can do and be successful at doing. They're all wrong. It takes a lot more work than that. If you're thinking about dropping your 9-5 gig for an online training job, take these points into consideration first.
Hard Lessons Learned From Half a Lifetime of Lifting
With a bachelor's degree in exercise science, a master's degree, and a doctorate in the works, you think I'd be smart about how I trained. Well, think again! I've spent most of my life training like an idiot. Don't make the mistakes I did. Learn from them.
What's Changed at Age 45
As I approach my 45th birthday in December, people keep asking me what things are like now that I'm in this life stage. Some things change; some things don't. But the things that change are important, and I'm going to talk about them here.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Going All In
What does it mean to go all in? Is there a point where you've gone too far down the rabbit hole of all in? Clint Darden and Dave Tate attempt to answer these questions with their different perspectives.
To Hell With Ankle Mobility...
In the strength industry, we’re putting too much emphasis on the side dishes. We’re combining the main course and the dessert. When’s the last time you smeared your cupcake frosting over your fat juicy steak and mushrooms?!
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #28 — A Simple and Effective Template for Con...
It’s back to the drawing board for Dave Tate — specifically the drawing board for explaining how to set up a conjugate method training program.
Applying The French Contrast Method to Beginners
As with all great articles and ideas, this one was inspired... by a controversial tweet. Rather than rail against the idea that newbies shouldn't use the French Contrast Method, I argue that this training method actually may be suitable for beginners in some situations.
The Biggest Pitfalls of Powerlifting
Think about all of the things you would never miss a training session for, and then think of all of the things you missed with your family due to those sessions. Those memories you missed out on are only a fraction of the pitfalls you'll face in powerlifting.
WATCH: DIY Sissy Squats
Want to mix up your home gym training session with the equipment you already own? Grab your rack, a pair of elitefts Pro Light Bands, and a pipe, and we'll get you all set up in no time to do some sissy squats.
Competing in the College Classroom
I wrote an article about planning to achieve athletic success, and the classroom path is no difference. By following the same (or similar) principles, students can achieve academic success as well. If you want to avoid a terrible GPA, please read onward.
WATCH: Matt Rhodes' Problems with Sports Coaches
Strength coaches have a lot of problems to deal with. Some of those problems come from the strength coaches themselves, but don't even get him started on the sports coaches... too late, though. We got him talking about them.
7 Items Rugby Players (and I) Can't Lift Without
I am seeing that the specific injuries that are inherent in rugby need a modified program that’s not using traditional training equipment to get results, so here are 7 of my non-traditional tools of the trade.