How to Build a Yearly Plan for Powerlifters
How to Build a Yearly Plan for Powerlifters
Plan, execute, evaluate, readjust, and repeat. Those are the steps I take when developing a program for a client — and coincidentally, the same ones I cover in this article.
Your Do and Don't Guide to the CSSCa Conference
Your Do and Don't Guide to the CSSCa Conference
For those new to the game and for seasoned vets alike who’ll be attending the CSSCa National Conference, here are some do’s and don’t’s that will make your annual trip a success — both in terms of enjoyment and employment.
Strength Programs Don't Work
Strength Programs Don't Work
Unless you just have some crazy genetics or happen to be the perfect person for a strength program, the majority of these programs are not a valid long-term plan. But don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater…
What I Think About the Lifting World
What I Think About the Lifting World
The lifting world is small — if I’m being generous, there are a couple hundred thousand of us. There are over 7 billion people on this planet. You are no one. How’s that for some perspective? If you haven’t noticed, I’m going to rant about the crap that annoys me.
Motivation is Bullshit
Motivation is Bullshit
Motivation is good to get the ball rolling, but as soon as the terrain shifts to uphill, the motivation dies, and your ball comes to a screeching halt. Instead, you’ll need to develop enough discipline to move forward on a daily basis.
Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps Workout of the Day with 30-10-30 Cable Presses
Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps Workout of the Day with 30-10-30 Cable Presses
There are only two sets here but with a significant emphasis on the eccentric on the first and last rep. Select a weight in which you can get 12-14 reps. Begin each set with a 30-second negative, followed by 10 normal tempo reps, finishing with a final 30-second negative.
LISTEN: Beyond Sets and Reps Podcast #3 with Dr. Bryan Mann
LISTEN: Beyond Sets and Reps Podcast #3 with Dr. Bryan Mann
Get to know Dr. Bryan Mann, from his humble beginnings to his current position at the University of Miami, and how he became one of the leading experts on Velocity Based Training.
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
This program was based on a study that burned 450% more calories post-workout than a traditional workout. Are you ready to feel the burn?
Refueling and Recovery for BAMF Wrestlers
Refueling and Recovery for BAMF Wrestlers
In the final part of the #BAMF Wrestler series, Steve “Kono” Konopka and I answer questions about post-match recovery, supplement suggestions, and refueling. Sleep, cryotherapy, contrast showers, foam rolling, vitamin C, beetroot powder, and protein powder are just a few things we suggest.
Just an Old Guy Fighting for Cool
Just an Old Guy Fighting for Cool
I went to the Arnold this year, and though I have berated guys in the bodybuilding industry for a very long time about how they dress, I wasn’t about to show up looking like my friend, who was the valedictorian of our high school graduating class, wearing 25-year-old Levi jeans, white New Balance tennis shoes…
An Easy Lunge Regression
An Easy Lunge Regression
Frequently, athletes understand the lunge movement but do not understand what should be moving and what is the primary goal. You can fix this by regressing the athlete and utilizing these tips to help them better understand the proper mechanics of the lunge.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Playing the "Autism Card" in Public
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Playing the "Autism Card" in...
When a stranger asks the guardian of a child with autism to calm down their kid, should they say, “Sorry, my kid has autism”? Dave Tate and Sheena Leedham share their perspectives on what to do in that situation.
When Did Everyone Become Allergic to the Eccentric?
When Did Everyone Become Allergic to the Eccentric?
Nobody wants to watch their favorite athletes practice what they do best. But if you want to be the Michael Jordan or Reggie Jackson of powerlifting, you’ve got to work on the eccentric.
Live and Coach Your Why
Live and Coach Your Why
My why is to improve athletes through and of the human body and mind by giving them all a well-thought-out program to make them faster, stronger, and more resilient. What’s your why? And why?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #6 with Dave Tate (Rant Edition)
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #6 with Dave Tate (Rant Edition)
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, you might want to grab your headphones because Dave Tate has some choice words on a variety of topics.
Meet Report: Taking Third Place at APF Women’s Pro-Am
Meet Report: Taking Third Place at APF Women’s Pro-Am
I told Dave to listen carefully because this is the only time I’ll ever say it, but this was a pretty good meet. I’ll take a 50 lb meet PR.
Discipline in Training and Life
Discipline in Training and Life
As someone who often trains alone, I tend to have time to reflect on things between sets. It’s in those moments that I see connections between training and everyday life. Here are a few ways that training and life are closely woven together, particularly in the area of discipline.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate's Strongest Bodyweight
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate's Strongest Bodyweight
Keep in mind that Dave’s bodyweight here was before Westside and was around the time when he tried out bodybuilding for a little bit… ’cause why not?
The Four Weeks Post-Meet
The Four Weeks Post-Meet
Look before you leap into training right back after your last meet because the next four to six weeks can (and will) set up your next cycle for success… or for failure. Take time to reflect on that. Success or failure… which one will you choose?
Turning Pro at the 2019 APF Women's Pro-Am
Turning Pro at the 2019 APF Women's Pro-Am
My goal for this meet was a 400-pound squat until Dave asked, “What’s the Pro total for your weight class?” In that moment, I knew that was no longer the goal — it became a Pro total.
Union Fitness: Pittsburgh's Community Gym
Union Fitness: Pittsburgh's Community Gym
“We only have our word.” For Union Fitness owner Casey Williams, his history with elitefts, staff, integrity, and the imagery of Pittsburgh unions and steel are the things that hold his gym and community together.
5 Upper Back Basics to Build Strength and Size
5 Upper Back Basics to Build Strength and Size
Can you deadlift 600 pounds but can’t budge a 225-pound stone off the floor? If you didn’t know, the upper back comes into play in nearly every strongman event; therefore, a weak upper back will surely decrease your chance of winning and advancing in the sport.
Leg Workout of the Day with Cambered Bar and Ground Base Squats
Leg Workout of the Day with Cambered Bar and Ground Base Squats
If you’ve got lower back issues and want to up difficulty without adding pounds like I do, then this is the Workout of the Day for you. Today, the goal was to increase time under tension.
Troubleshooting Strength Injuries: Dealing with Injury
Troubleshooting Strength Injuries: Dealing with Injury
For those of you who are currently dealing with a significant injury, this article, the fifth and final part of the Troubleshooting Strength Injuries series, will help serve as a road map to recovery.
What's Right About "Rain Man"
What's Right About "Rain Man"
Begin the motion to expand upon the public’s perception of autism with an educational application. How? Try filling in the blanks by using the movie “Rain Man” as your springboard.
A Pro's Post-Contest Advice for a Safe Transition to the Off-Season
A Pro's Post-Contest Advice for a Safe Transition to the Off-Season
Your motivation is sky-high because you either won your competition and want to reach the next rung on the ladder, or you bombed and want the sweet taste of redemption, so you want to jump back into it. Slow down, kid, or you’ll hurt yourself.
WATCH: What I'm Seeing and Why It’s Wrong: Flaring the Bench
WATCH: What I'm Seeing and Why It’s Wrong: Flaring the Bench
elitefts coach and 2019 Stronger Sports Training Success Summit speaker Julia Anto has seen far too many social media lifts with poor form — enough to start up a video series to correct lifters’ form. In the second video of the series, she fixes the bench flare.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Programming Process Behind the Workout
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Programming Process Behind the Wor...
Training is more than the squat, bench, and deadlift — especially for a child on the autism spectrum. According to Sheena, bring together observation, communication, scheduling, progression, and motivation, and you’ll have a solid start to a program.
A Legendary Interview with the Legendary Al Vermeil
A Legendary Interview with the Legendary Al Vermeil
It’s not every day that you get to listen to an interview with the only strength coach who’s won a championship in both the NFL and NBA. That means today is your day! A few topics we cover are recovery, early morning workouts, trends, intensity, injury, calf exercises, buy-in, and more!
Training and Competition
Training and Competition
It is crucial to delineate these training and competition as separate but mutually impactful things. I’d wager that the majority of lifters who had a bad meet were doing a whole bunch of competition in training, leading up to the actual competition.
Supplemental Training Mistakes and Essentials
Supplemental Training Mistakes and Essentials
I learned a large portion of my knowledge of supplemental training from many mistakes I made in the gym. I am hoping to help all of you readers avoid at least a few of the mistakes I made and get more out of your supplemental training.
A Program Progression for an Alternative Use of Basketballs and Volleyballs
A Program Progression for an Alternative Use of Basketballs and Volleyballs
It would’ve been easy to create another brand-new workout with different recreational equipment. But a more powerful lesson rather than starting at ground level in terms of skill, was for the students to observe their strengths and weaknesses and then create a plan to reach a new level of skill mastery.
Is Your Foundation Made of Rock or Sand?
Is Your Foundation Made of Rock or Sand?
Your foundation needs to be deeper and stronger than your core values. It must be a part of your being, some things that you will never give into or allow to change. These can also be small things that will get you, your staff, and your players through just about anything.
Pushed by Pain
Pushed by Pain
I’ve realized I’ve never told my story, save for a couple of people. Those who’ve heard it were surprised because, against all odds, I didn’t end up completely fucked up because of everything that happened. Instead, I became strong and independent. So here it is. My story.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #5 with Sheena Leedham
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #5 with Sheena Leedham
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate opens up about being a father to a son with Asperger’s, and elitefts Managing Editor Sheena Leedham talks about training and educating Blaine and other young adults on the spectrum.
Supplemental Material for Table Talk Podcast on Autism
Supplemental Material for Table Talk Podcast on Autism
Do you have questions relating to exercise for a child or young adult with autism? For a father raising a child with autism? Click here to ask questions that Dave Tate and Sheena Leedham will address tomorrow at 11 a.m. EST on the Table Talk Podcast.
Murphy's Law Reigns Supreme at Tennessee State Championships
Murphy's Law Reigns Supreme at Tennessee State Championships
Murphy’s Law: Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. That’s pretty much a solid description for how the Tennessee State Championships went for me. But hey, good job to the victors. Now it’s time to prepare for my next meet…
Back and Bis Workout of the Day with Banded Pullovers and Spider Crawl Superset
Back and Bis Workout of the Day with Banded Pullovers and Spider Crawl S...
Don’t let those creepy eight-legged critters stop you from getting a good workout. Instead, use them as inspiration as you do spider crawls and spider curls in this workout of the day. Or pretend to smash them. Yeah, that’ll work.
Going on the Record with ATWR Holder Heidi Howar
Going on the Record with ATWR Holder Heidi Howar
I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing and training with Heidi, and I can say with absolute certainty that she is the real deal, an ATWR-holding meathead who’s willing to do what it takes to become, and in her case, stay the best.
How Strong is Strong Enough?
How Strong is Strong Enough?
Generally speaking, if we can get an athlete stronger, that athlete will get faster. But at what point is the athlete strong enough for continued speed improvements? I hope you weren’t looking for a quantifiable answer on this one…
Under The Bar: They Are NOT Angry Birds! You Are the Parent
Under The Bar: They Are NOT Angry Birds! You Are the Parent
Navigating the seas of parenting a child with autism means weathering storms, passing shipwrecks, and getting stranded on an island. But there are always people willing to help get both parent and child back on board with resources aplenty.
It's Time to Stop Calling Suicide Selfish
It's Time to Stop Calling Suicide Selfish
I’ve seen a lot of people call suicide “selfish.” I’m not saying I understand why people kill themselves, but when I’m the compassionate one who has to say maybe people should be a little more understanding, that should say something.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's 2-Minute Conjugate Breakdown
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's 2-Minute Conjugate ...
Conjugate. You keep using that word. We do not think it means what you think it means. Why is conjugate training so hard to understand? It’s not! In fact, because it’s so easy to understand, Jim Wendler can explain it in two minutes. Two minutes! It’s that simple.
How Stuff Works: The Belt
How Stuff Works: The Belt
If you are reading this, either you train/enjoy strength training or you like/manufacture personal equipment. In either case, I want to help you. As always, I am committed to causing as much damage as I can to shallow thinking and shortcuts to critical-thinking. This is how the belt works.
Start Building Aerobic Capacity for Your Sport
Start Building Aerobic Capacity for Your Sport
Science has proven time and time again that having a football player running endless 100-yard sprints isn’t the best option. In fact, it shouldn’t even be thought of as an option. Instead, use current information about energy systems to improve training.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Worst Powerlifting Injury Dave Saw at a Meet
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Worst Powerlifting Injury Dave Saw...
Dave answers this question barely even a second after hearing it aloud: “Marc Bartley.” This one isn’t for those with weak constitutions… or stomachs…
Editor's Letter for April
Editor's Letter for April
Take a look at what we can expect to read from Matt Mills, JP Carroll, Chris Cooper, Mark Dugdale, Swede Burns, Matt Ladewski, and Dave Tate this month. Inside we'll also rewind to March to see the most popular content from your favorite guest writers, columnists, coaches, and athletes.
Our Children, Athletics, College, and Memories
Our Children, Athletics, College, and Memories
I will refrain from boring you with a litany of reasons for children to participate in athletics, outside of the apparent physical conditioning benefits, but I will mention that sports are a great way to acquaint them with adversity and the dedication and commitment necessary to overcome.
3 Technique Fixes to Squat Like a Baby
3 Technique Fixes to Squat Like a Baby
Do you seriously call that a squat? I've seen babies squat better than you! No, seriously, I have. Babies don't know how to do the squat wrong! By the time your kids are toddling and in soccer camp, their squats start to fall apart. Here are the three things I do to correct athletes' poor squats.
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — Huge Pecs
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — Huge Pecs
As the bodybuilder or raw powerlifter, you have to lift heavy-ass weights and build a big-ass chest. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done! So here are some ideas (cues and a sample chest workout) to help you get started.
Ocham’s Razor and the Pareto Principle in Weight Training Programming
Ocham’s Razor and the Pareto Principle in Weight Training Programming
According to the Pareto Principle, 80% of results come from 20% of your time. Ocham's Razor states the simplest solution tends to be the best one. Simplicity is the missing ingredient in most training programs. Hence why I return to the famous paradigm of the pull-push-squat.
Top 5 Accessory Exercises for the Squat — New for 2019
Top 5 Accessory Exercises for the Squat — New for 2019
I still stand by my original Top 5 article series, but even I can admit it needed an update. So I expanded on the list I already had. The original articles were for assistance and accessory work. This series is for accessory work only. We'll start things off this time with my 2019 accessory exercises for the squat.
Unlocking Your Muscle Chain
Unlocking Your Muscle Chain
Muscle chains are like dominoes: It's enough for you to drop the first one, so the others fall from the power that is constantly transferred from one domino to another and then the weight takes over the job and pulls over the domino that falls and hit the next one into falling... and the next one... and the next one...
LISTEN: Table Talk Clip — Dave Tate's Worst Powerlifting Meet
LISTEN: Table Talk Clip — Dave Tate's Worst Powerlifting Meet
As the title states, Dave Tate talks about his worst meet. It happened not long after he'd joined Westside in the mid-1990s at the Junior Nationals in Aurora, Illinois...
Use Heavy Prowler Pushes for a Massive Leg Pump Finisher
Use Heavy Prowler Pushes for a Massive Leg Pump Finisher
2019 elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit presenter Joe Bennett describes the Prowler as "one of the most intelligent, brutal, effective, and underutilized tools in bodybuilding." See for yourself what else the Hypertrophy Coach has to say about the elitefts Prowler.
These 10 Words Are All You Need to Get Your Clients Back
These 10 Words Are All You Need to Get Your Clients Back
Rather than try to get new clients, why not try to win back your former clients? They just need a teeny, tiny bit of a nudge to come back through the door. Lucky for you, I have 10 words that'll get these guys and gals back in your gym — and three easy-peasy alternatives, too.
The Specific Demands and Application of Conditioning for Sports
The Specific Demands and Application of Conditioning for Sports
With all the knowledge we have available to us, you would think that we have gotten past the idea that distance running will get an athlete in shape for any sport. So how should we program for athletes? Sport-specific? Sort of. In order to approach something that is actually sport-specific, we must take into account the actual demands of the
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Is An Exercise Science Degree Worth It?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Is An Exercise Science Degree Worth It?
Dave Tate advises potential college students to bust their asses, get the best grades they can in high school, try to get scholarships and grants to knock the price tag down; Jim Wendler suggests going to a junior college to get basic requirements out of the way; and both of them stress the importance of internships.
WATCH: Why Geared Lifting?
WATCH: Why Geared Lifting?
I think a lot of people who’ve never used anything like these in training have a negative perception of people who use gear. It’s easy to think it’s cheating since you can lift a bunch more with gear or that it makes the lifts easier. But these are misconceptions, and they're gravely wrong.

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