Real Life Status — Who's Watching You?
Real Life Status — Who's Watching You?
After our recent bowl game, all-time great Denver Bronco and two-time Pro Bowler Rod Smith spoke to my team and shared an important message that got me thinking about my athletes and my personal mission statement.
Time Management Strategies by a Busy Fit Chick
Time Management Strategies by a Busy Fit Chick
If you don’t make the time to reach your own goals and make strides personally, you will become resentful of the things you let get in the way. You can really do it all — you’ve just got to do you first.
Being Skinny During the Season of Weight Gain
Being Skinny During the Season of Weight Gain
Life changes as our goals change, and life sure has changed a lot for me. My excuses of the past that let me go to extremes and live in excess during the holiday season are now gone.
Yoga for the Serious Strength Athlete
Yoga for the Serious Strength Athlete
This practice is useful for avoiding development of dangerous muscle imbalances, muscle tears, and joint impingements — but that’s just the start of what it can do for your training and your life.
Why You Should Use the Conjugate Method for Your Athletes
Why You Should Use the Conjugate Method for Your Athletes
There are many faults in the traditional model of periodization when applied in a sports setting. The conjugate method not only overcomes these faults, but also provides numerous other benefits to your athletes.
Programming a Test Day to Measure Client Progress and Build Accountability
Programming a Test Day to Measure Client Progress and Build Accountability
At Tank’s Training Facility, we design our program to test our clients every 12 to 14 weeks, which not only tells us about their improvement but also works to motivate and encourage their commitment to training.
Know Your Worth: Is It Smart for Trainers to Reduce Price?
Know Your Worth: Is It Smart for Trainers to Reduce Price?
I’ve heard, “Know your worth” a lot lately, and my response is to say that that statement is absurd and shows that you may not understand business as well as you think you do.
WATCH: 9 Strategies to Deadlift 900 Pounds
WATCH: 9 Strategies to Deadlift 900 Pounds
At Boss of Bosses IV, Steve Johnson hit the number one total at 308 with a 2260-pound raw total and the all-time American deadlift record with 909. Here’s how he did it.
WATCH: Table Talk — How Dave Supported Himself as a Powerlifter Before elitefts
WATCH: Table Talk — How Dave Supported Himself as a Powerlifter Before e...
Before the original Q&A, before the equipment, before the team, what was Dave doing?
The Squat Rack: The Heart of the Weight Room
The Squat Rack: The Heart of the Weight Room
In this article I will give you a glimpse of the many variations of the squat rack, its use, and its customization, as done by elitefts.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — How Triple H Became DeFranco's Client
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — How Triple H Became DeFran...
Beginning to work with Paul Levesque, better known as WWE star Triple H, was a turning point in DeFranco’s career that helped lead to less time in the gym and more time helping other coaches and trainers.
Keeping My Promise
Keeping My Promise
Like most powerlifters, I’ve always bought into the old adage “weight moves weight”, and as my numbers grew, so did my ass. No matter how fat or out of shape I got, 40 was gonna be the turning point.
Joe Gazio Memorial: Honoring a Great Weightlifter and Coach
Joe Gazio Memorial: Honoring a Great Weightlifter and Coach
As a tribute to Joe and his coaches, I’d like to share his knowledge of the Soviet training system. He knew these methods as well as anyone outside the USSR ever could.
Q&A with James Smith: Should I Run After My Workouts?
Q&A with James Smith: Should I Run After My Workouts?
At 41 years old, returning to the military and going through Basic Training will require intelligent prioritization and accepting that some goals will be set back. In this Q&A exchange, James Smith provides guidance.
Integrating Weight Training with Rugby Units Skill Training
Integrating Weight Training with Rugby Units Skill Training
This model sequences weight training and skills, with the weight training acting as a neural primer before moving to skill work and then bringing the players back to the weight room to complete the lower body session.
Training the Atlas Stones
Training the Atlas Stones
It is the signature strongman event and can make you a champion or break you in half. Unfortunately, it’s often the most poorly trained event — but it doesn’t have to be.
Educate Your Clients for Better Buy-In
Educate Your Clients for Better Buy-In
It’s easy to tell your clients why you’re doing what you’re doing, but it’s much harder to prove to them they’ll be rewarded for their efforts. Here are six steps to helping them believe in your methods and the work they’re putting in.
How to Know If You Should Open a Gym
How to Know If You Should Open a Gym
For many people who are passionate about health and fitness, the idea of opening a gym is a very enticing one. These four clues can help guide you in determining if it’s the right move to make.
5 Training Staples for Your Off-Season
5 Training Staples for Your Off-Season
When the time rolls around to start prepping for your next competition, you’ll wish you’d used your off-season wisely. Here are the five things you should focus on to provide the most improvement, longevity, and resilience.
Strength 101 from Westside Barbell
Strength 101 from Westside Barbell
If people would take their heads out of their asses and set their egos aside, they would see that what Louie teaches has nothing to do with multi-ply powerlifting.
10,000 Hours and the Pursuit of Mastery
10,000 Hours and the Pursuit of Mastery
Most people fail to achieve their goals not because they lack the ability but because they lack the tenacity. Life’s hard and frequently people quit, sometimes 10 meters from the finish line and sometimes two inches. Don’t quit.
WATCH: Table Talk — Straight Line or Arched Bar Path in the Bench Press
WATCH: Table Talk — Straight Line or Arched Bar Path in the Bench Press
No matter which style you use, there’s one rule with your wrists and elbows you always have to follow.
The Simple Steps To Add Serious Weight To Your Deadlift
The Simple Steps To Add Serious Weight To Your Deadlift
Finding your ideal stance, nailing down good form, and programming properly for volume, intensity, and frequency will keep your weights moving up and your body healthy.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — DeFranco's Story and How to Start Your Career in Fitness
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — DeFranco's Story and ...
Answer two questions about yourself, go do shit, and be prepared for the hard work to not always be gratifying immediately. Then you’re on your way.
The Strongest Man in the Gym
The Strongest Man in the Gym
Although we have had a number of 1000-pound squatters and 800-pound benchers at the Monster Garage Gym, I can tell you—and so would the majority of the powerlifters at the gym—that Jerry is the strongest man in the gym.
To Arch or Not to Arch?
To Arch or Not to Arch?
For all of my powerlifting career and for my best squat and deadlifters numbers ever, I used an arched back. After working with Chris Duffin on neutral back positioning and bracing, I’m starting to think there’s a better way.
Observations of Beginner Powerlifting Mistakes
Observations of Beginner Powerlifting Mistakes
With five years in the sport of powerlifting, my best total before I came to Westside Barbell was 1685. After training at Westside for a little over three years, my best total is 1950. Here are the big issues to avoid if you want similar progress.
Athlete Programming Made Simple
Athlete Programming Made Simple
I cannot have rep integrity, movement efficiency, and tempo in the weight room if my athletes are dumbfounded by the extremely complex exercise selection that looks like a NASA test simulator. So let’s focus on simplifying things.
Rules for the Hard Gainer, Part Two — Six New Steps to Packing on Mass
Rules for the Hard Gainer, Part Two — Six New Steps to Packing on Mass
If you’ve mastered and are continuing to follow the eight rules from part one of this series, I want to show you exactly how you can create an even better program that will pack mass on any true hard gainer out there.
Irresponsible Social Media Practices in Strength and Conditioning
Irresponsible Social Media Practices in Strength and Conditioning
Social media can be a very powerful tool to enhance your learning and your network, but you have to use it with some responsibility.
Adapting to Needs — Phase 1 of Winter Strength and Conditioning for Football
Adapting to Needs — Phase 1 of Winter Strength and Conditioning for Foot...
Our team is pretty strong in the weight room and it has transferred to the field, but we’re not a big team. The head coach and I have come to an agreement on changes we’re going to make, with a phase that starts January 16.
3 Missing Links in Your Hypertrophy Training
3 Missing Links in Your Hypertrophy Training
Before you can ever execute advanced training techniques, you must first master what I call The Three I’s.
Opinions and Credibility
Opinions and Credibility
The problem, if I may opine, is that too many people do not understand that credibility is not given by the person who opines; credibility is given by others.
Powerlifting Then and Now
Powerlifting Then and Now
The top guys today are light years ahead of where we were. Lifters today are far better trained with methods that are backed with actual science. But there’s something missing.
I realize powerlifters are all lions, beasts, and savages, but let’s not lose sight of the big picture.
WATCH: Table Talk — Making Time to Train Around A Busy Work Schedule
WATCH: Table Talk — Making Time to Train Around A Busy Work Schedule
A busy work schedule can make it hard to train at the times you’d like to, but there’s always a way to make it work.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — No Chihuahuas
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — No Chihuahuas
There will be people in life who you have to pick up and carry around because their legs are so short that they can’t run fast enough to keep up with you and where you’re going. You need to cut these people out. Get rid of them.
Extra Workout Bodybuilding-Style Lat Training for Strength Athletes
Extra Workout Bodybuilding-Style Lat Training for Strength Athletes
Feeling your lats engage on accessory work will make it easier to activate them on the compound lifts. One of my favorite ways to do this when I can add an extra training day is with a light, high-rep extra workout.
Peak Mental Performance Podcast — Electrical Brain Stimulation for Athletic Performance
Peak Mental Performance Podcast — Electrical Brain Stimulation for Athle...
Dr. Brett Wingeier is a biomedical engineer and neuroscientist who designed the Halo Sport device. In our conversation, we discuss the science behind transcranial direct current stimulation and its use for athletes.
MEET REPORT: 365 Strong Nationals — A Long-Ass Day and Questions Answered
MEET REPORT: 365 Strong Nationals — A Long-Ass Day and Questions Answered
I had help getting into my single-ply suit and didn’t have to wrap my own knees, but there was still the hand to deal with. There’s a long way to go and I’m taking it one post-surgery PR at a time.
WATCH: Equipment Feature with Steve Diel — elitefts 3x3 Rack
WATCH: Equipment Feature with Steve Diel — elitefts 3x3 Rack
The most essential item of any home gym, you can use this rack to do anything you need for competitive powerlifting or general strength training.
Killer Mentality
Killer Mentality
Killer mentality means doing whatever it takes to be your very best and being willing to put it all on the line when the time comes. You have to be able to block out all negativity and draw in all positivity.
'If You Build It They Will Come' — Remembering My First Championship Team After 20 Years
'If You Build It They Will Come' — Remembering My First Champi...
How do you build your team? How do you take a group of athletes from every aspect of society and get them pulling in the same direction toward a common cause?
The Student Guide to Grocery Store Navigation — Lucky's Market
The Student Guide to Grocery Store Navigation — Lucky's Market
Moving from theory to practice, this lesson took us from the classroom to Lucky’s Market on High Street in Columbus, Ohio.
A Letter to the Next Me
A Letter to the Next Me
I've often heard people ask the question, what would you tell a younger you? This is a great question all strength coaches should answer.
WATCH: Should You Keep Your Lats Tight When You Deadlift?
WATCH: Should You Keep Your Lats Tight When You Deadlift?
This popular deadlift cue might not be all it's cracked up to be.
WATCH: Programming Back Exercises for Mobility, Strength, and Joint Health
WATCH: Programming Back Exercises for Mobility, Strength, and Joint Health
Our daily routines force us to live anteriorly dominant, meaning that everything we do is in front of us. These banded accessory and mobility exercises will build a stronger, healthier, more stable upper back.
Ways to Sneak Cardio into Your Training
Ways to Sneak Cardio into Your Training
Following one, any, or all of these suggestions is a solid way to help prevent packing on some holiday pounds and to keep your strength gains strong.
WATCH: Table Talk — Too Much Science?
WATCH: Table Talk — Too Much Science?
There are two types of people when it comes to using science in training. Don't be the first kind.
Instilling A Growth Mindset
Instilling A Growth Mindset
During his first soccer season, there were several things I said to my son each week in hopes of helping him understand that no matter what he does in life, it will take work to get there.
The Five Exercise Assignment
The Five Exercise Assignment
You must pick five and only five exercises or drills to train all of the university sports for all of the seasons. What makes your list?
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — Action vs. Education, Gym Ownership Metrics, and Staff Compensation
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — Action vs. Education, Gym ...
Chris Cooper shares the story behind his mentorship and books, outlines the two most important takeaways from his lecture, and shares several key lessons all gym-owners should know.
Thanksgiving 2017 — A Letter from Dave Tate
Thanksgiving 2017 — A Letter from Dave Tate
Reflecting on past Thanksgiving letters, my closing from 2016 hit me like a ton of bricks. It has been a big year of challenges and opportunities, hardships and success.
Competition Report: The Third Annual Beer City Brawl
Competition Report: The Third Annual Beer City Brawl
I only trained the events once or twice each and hadn't hit competition weights on any of them. But I hadn't done a strongman competition in 2017, and between PT school and my relocation to Virginia, I wasn't giving up the chance to compete.
Alycia’s List of Takebacks
Alycia’s List of Takebacks
There are a number of thoughts, beliefs, and philosophies about life and training I once thought to be true that I no longer do. Here are the disagreements I have with my former self.
The Candle Protocol for Deeper Sleep
The Candle Protocol for Deeper Sleep
What you will find in this article is an easy-to-implement solution that will have a quicker, more impactful, and longer-lasting effect on your health, your physique, and your progress than anything you’ve ever done before.
Powerlifting — A Sport for Everyone?
Powerlifting — A Sport for Everyone?
If you wait for the perfect training cycle before doing a meet, you aren't a powerlifter. You should stop calling yourself one and instead start saying you like training the squat, bench press, and deadlift.
Full Circuit Athletics and the Role of Strength and Conditioning for Baseball Players
Full Circuit Athletics and the Role of Strength and Conditioning for Bas...
Charlie Karstedt has left no stone unturned in giving his guys every opportunity they need to be successful at his facility.
Surviving Max Effort Day
Surviving Max Effort Day
I thought about just putting my workout off until tomorrow. That would have been the smart thing to do.

Items 2656 to 2714 of 5431 total