#218 Ali Gilbert | Men's Health, Testosterone School
#218 Ali Gilbert | Men's Health, Testosterone School
Ali (the Queen of Testosterone) helps busy men get jacked and look great naked. Let’s sift through all the bullshit.
Live Your Outcome, Not Your Goal
Live Your Outcome, Not Your Goal
Uncover the key steps to success through outcome-focused beliefs.
#217 Joey Smith | Nebobarbell, 700 Pound Bench Press in 4 Weight Classes, Team elitefts
#217 Joey Smith | Nebobarbell, 700 Pound Bench Press in 4 Weight Classes...
A team member of elitefts for the past 16 years, Joey Smith joins us to talk about everything Nebobarbell.
Off-Season Conjugate Training for Rugby
Off-Season Conjugate Training for Rugby
Ashley’s off-season program uses the conjugate system—focussing on neural, mechanical, and metabolic work. Plus, core accessory rehab exercises.
#216 Dr. Andrew Lock | International Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation, College of Functional Movement Clinicians
#216 Dr. Andrew Lock | International Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation, Co...
Dr. Andrew unlocks his practice of treating the strongest athletes around the world.
Master These 5 Things Before Hiring a Trainer
Master These 5 Things Before Hiring a Trainer
Save your hard-earned money by learning how to train yourself. You’ll never need to hire a trainer again.
#215 Jen Thompson | 4x IPF Classic Title, 7x Bench Title, 77 World Records, USA Powerlifting
#215 Jen Thompson | 4x IPF Classic Title, 7x Bench Title, 77 World Recor...
Jen is kicking ass on the platform. Learn more about her, her day job, and how she’s prepping for Nationals.
Specialty Bars for Combat Professionals and First Responders
Specialty Bars for Combat Professionals and First Responders
Discover why these specialty bars are indispensable for first responders and military personnel, providing unmatched value that extends far beyond the gym.
#214 Nicolas Cambi | World's Strongest Man, American Record Holder Log Clean and Press, Training Structure
#214 Nicolas Cambi | World's Strongest Man, American Record Holder ...
Nicolas Cambi has been competing in strongman since 2012 and turned professional in 2015. Learn how trains and what he prioritizes to reach his goals.
Use the Skater Squat as a Deadlift Alternative
Use the Skater Squat as a Deadlift Alternative
Master the skater squat, an single leg alternative variation to the deadlift. Here are variations, regressions, and programming tips.
#213 JM Blakley | Mental Discipline, Team Black, 7th Level
#213 JM Blakley | Mental Discipline, Team Black, 7th Level
JM is back! Listen how you can try out his latest training discoveries for growth and strength.
Unlock the Power of Full Body Training
Unlock the Power of Full Body Training
Learn how Full Body Training (FBT) can optimize your workout time, enhance mobility, and improve body composition.
A Bodybuilding  Offseason (with Full Program) for the Powerlifter
A Bodybuilding Offseason (with Full Program) for the Powerlifter
The bad news: You can’t go hard all the time. It’s the quickest way to burn out — to see your progress stall, to get injured, and to lose interest in your training. The good news: A bodybuilding-style approach to the offseason has a ton of benefits for the powerlifter.
#212 Micah Marino | 795-Pound Deadlift at 181, Fight or Quit, American Pro
#212 Micah Marino | 795-Pound Deadlift at 181, Fight or Quit, American Pro
Switching hats (from lifter to promoter), hear about The American Pro and how it’s changing the sport—the Super Bowl of lifting.
Why I Hate the Deadlift
Why I Hate the Deadlift
The deadlift is just that thing you have to do in a meet before you go to dinner.
#211 Shane Haller | All-Time World Record Raw Squatter at 925 pounds
#211 Shane Haller | All-Time World Record Raw Squatter at 925 pounds
He holds a 2347 raw total (#4 raw total at 308 all-time). Here how he trains and what he’s chasing.
How to Make Gains in Your Offseason
How to Make Gains in Your Offseason
You’ve just competed, now what?Here are YOUR tips for training during the powerlifting offseason.
My Favorite PED
My Favorite PED
The benefits of this performance enhancing drug includes increased appetite, sleep, and anti-inflammatory properties.
#210 Christian Thibaudeau | Thibarmy, T-Nation
#210 Christian Thibaudeau | Thibarmy, T-Nation
The man behind the T-Nation articles you’ve all read is here.
Adapt or Lose: Nonlinear Periodization
Adapt or Lose: Nonlinear Periodization
Discover the benefits of nonlinear training and its impact on strength, power and speed.
6 Ways to Increase Performance
6 Ways to Increase Performance
Increase your athlete’s performance so they become stronger, faster and more efficient. Here are 6 program designing concepts to implement.
#209 Dave Hoff and Anthony Oliveira | All-Time Highest Powerlifting Total, Night Crew
#209 Dave Hoff and Anthony Oliveira | All-Time Highest Powerlifting Tota...
The Night Crew is here. Friends Dave Hoff and Anthony Oliveira discuss their training, programming, Westside stories, and current prep.
How to Not Get Injured While Training Over 50
How to Not Get Injured While Training Over 50
As 50+ competitors, we have different rules to follow in order to the play the game. Choose wisely—you only have one life.
#208 Matt Wenning | 4 Areas of Stress, Specificity, Programming
#208 Matt Wenning | 4 Areas of Stress, Specificity, Programming
Matt is back in the house to talk training and programming— Verkhoshansky application and more!
4-Day Outlaw Program
4-Day Outlaw Program
The 4-Day Outlaw Program is a combination of conjugate and bodybuilding style training, setup for the multiply lifter yet modified for raw lifters.
#207 Bret Contreras | Booty by Bret
#207 Bret Contreras | Booty by Bret
Bret takes glute training to a whole new planet. Learn more about his approach and inventions for better glute development.
High-Performance Solutions to Common Injuries
High-Performance Solutions to Common Injuries
Overuse injuries build up over time due to incomplete rest. Take a look at the cycle to prevent your next injury.
#206 Ben Pauli | Rochester Performance Gym, Coaching Revolution, Michigan BarBenders
#206 Ben Pauli | Rochester Performance Gym, Coaching Revolution, Michiga...
Ben Pauli joins us today at the table. Let’s hear how he maximizes his role at these three entities.
The Education of a Strength and Conditioning Coach
The Education of a Strength and Conditioning Coach
Motivate your pupils to become the best version of themselves and the TEAM will dominate on the field.
#205 Methods of Maximal Effort
#205 Methods of Maximal Effort
The Max Effort Method explained with Dave Tate.
Create a Whole-Body Training Program
Create a Whole-Body Training Program
In this final part of these series, let’s create a full-body training program. Rule 1…
What to Do With Your Head in the Deadlift
What to Do With Your Head in the Deadlift
Learning what to do with your neck and head in your deadlifts might give you just what you need to hit a new PR. Don’t take head positioning for granted.
#204 Pete Rubish | Extensive Talk on PEDs
#204 Pete Rubish | Extensive Talk on PEDs
Pete is BACK! Thirty pounds down in bodyweight since the last time he was here, here’s what he’s up to now.
Speed, Power, and a Pump for the Washed-Up Meathead
Speed, Power, and a Pump for the Washed-Up Meathead
As a retired powerlifter (aka washed-up meathead) I still want my workouts productive and worthwhile. Try this out!
#203 Jim Wendler, Matt Rhodes, Vincent Dizenzo
#203 Jim Wendler, Matt Rhodes, Vincent Dizenzo
The boys are back in town to talk about EVERYTHING training and coaching.
#202 Nathan Payton | 7x World's Strongest Man Nutritionist, Brian Shaw, Nutrition Peaks
#202 Nathan Payton | 7x World's Strongest Man Nutritionist, Brian S...
You may have heard of Brian Shaw, Martins Licis, and Tom Stoltman. Guess who feeds them? This guy.
Protect Yourself From Stress: Keys to Performance, Recovery, and Quality of Life
Protect Yourself From Stress: Keys to Performance, Recovery, and Quality...
Understanding all the mechanisms of stress can help you become aware of your response to stressors. Believe me, you can do better.
Make More Money by Ditching These 4 Things
Make More Money by Ditching These 4 Things
Most people want to make more money but don’t know how. Here are the 4 most common obstacles I see people struggling with when it comes to building their wealth.
#201 Greg Panora and Luke Edwards | Westside Barbell, 7X World Records, Pro Totals in Multiple Classes
#201 Greg Panora and Luke Edwards | Westside Barbell, 7X World Records, ...
Greg Panora and Luke Edwards sit down to rehash their relationship at Westside Barbell and how they climbed the ranks in powerlifting.
Letter to a First-Time Competitor
Letter to a First-Time Competitor
Are you getting ready for your first powerlifting meet? Learn these tips and tricks now before you step onto the platform.
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: Extra Workouts
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: Extra Workouts
Extra workouts, if programmed right, can kick your training and results up a notch.
#200 Marc Lobliner | Tiger Fitness, IFBB Pro, MTS Nutrition
#200 Marc Lobliner | Tiger Fitness, IFBB Pro, MTS Nutrition
Listen how Marc is chasing the ranks as an IFBB pro while building and running multiple companies, and nurturing his family.
Build Your Ruck Without Breaking Your Body
Build Your Ruck Without Breaking Your Body
Did shuffling with a ruck for 30-40 miles a week wreak havoc? Absolutely. Learn now to build your ruck SMARTER and STRONGER.
#199 Bryce Lewis | World Record Deadlift, The Strength Athlete, 2K+ Total as a 231-Pounder
#199 Bryce Lewis | World Record Deadlift, The Strength Athlete, 2K+ Tota...
Bryce is a competitive drug-free powerlifter and powerlifting coach (13 years of experience at the local, national, and international levels).
5 Keys to Getting the Most Out of Your Training Program
5 Keys to Getting the Most Out of Your Training Program
Programming is important, but having a foundation that allows you to tackle your programming is the key. Don’t forget these 5 pillars to get the most out of your training.
#198 John Rivas | 2023 SHW Arnold Classic Champ, ATWR Raw Total
#198 John Rivas | 2023 SHW Arnold Classic Champ, ATWR Raw Total
A former powerlifter (took the ATWR raw total—formerly held by Dan Green), John is now dominating in bodybuilding.
The Pros (and Cons) of Whole-Body Training
The Pros (and Cons) of Whole-Body Training
In the second article of this series, we look at the pros and cons of utilising a whole-body approach with your training.
#197 Mike Tuchscherer | Reactive Training Systems, Coach of 12 IPF World Record Holders
#197 Mike Tuchscherer | Reactive Training Systems, Coach of 12 IPF World...
The founder of Reactive Training Systems, Mike has taught more than 500 athletes and coaches how to make better training decisions.
How to Beneficially Program a Side Plank
How to Beneficially Program a Side Plank
The side plank is one of the toughest exercises to do correctly. Use these cues and tips to get the most out of your side plank positions.
#196 Dr. Mike Israetel | Renaissance Periodization App, Hypertrophy, Show Prep
#196 Dr. Mike Israetel | Renaissance Periodization App, Hypertrophy, Sho...
Mike Israetel visits elitefts for the second time to talk everything about growth, business, training, the industry, and his current show prep.
Training Thoughts and Ideas From a Lifetime in the Trenches
Training Thoughts and Ideas From a Lifetime in the Trenches
Ashley Jones started training in 1979 and has coached athletes and general population alike. Forty-four years later, he shares some of his most poignant takeaways.
#195 Andrew Clayton | Pro Strongman in 2 Classes, First Called Strength and Performance
#195 Andrew Clayton | Pro Strongman in 2 Classes, First Called Strength ...
Andrew became a strongman at the age of 16. It wasn’t until 2014 where he became a pro strongman in 2 classes!
Scale the Summit 6 Weeks Out
Scale the Summit 6 Weeks Out
Peaking for your meet day should happen around six weeks out. Here’s a thorough plan to make sure you get the most out of your lifts when the time comes to step on the platform.
Correct Application and Execution of The McGill Big 3
Correct Application and Execution of The McGill Big 3
The McGill Big 3 has been used for over three decades to help people recover from back pain. However, with the surge in online gurus and overnight trainers, the Big 3 has often been butchered and changed from its original intent.
#194 Paul Barnett | Anabolic Bodybuilding, Justin Harris
#194 Paul Barnett | Anabolic Bodybuilding, Justin Harris
He completely quit the gym and got his big ass back in shape with the help of Justin Harris.
Can We Stop Blaming Every Gut Issue on Gluten?
Can We Stop Blaming Every Gut Issue on Gluten?
Gluten-free this, gluten-free that. Do you really need to be gluten-free, or are there other gut issues at play? Maybe ditching gluten isn’t your best bet.
#193 CJ Murphy | Total Performance Sports, TPS Method
#193 CJ Murphy | Total Performance Sports, TPS Method
An elitefts coach, CJ has been a coach and nutritionist for over 35 years. His gym, Total Performance Sports has been ranked in the top-20, twice!
The Student Guide to Grocery Store Navigation
The Student Guide to Grocery Store Navigation
For autistic college students, these guidelines can be instrumental in minimizing stress at the grocery store.
#192 Dr. Jeremy Girmann | Inertia Medical, Board-Certified Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physician
#192 Dr. Jeremy Girmann | Inertia Medical, Board-Certified Physical Medi...
His practice interests include non-operative orthopedic and sports medicine, musculoskeletal ultrasound, aesthetic medicine, and health optimization.

Items 237 to 295 of 5429 total