The Dash — What's Your Legacy?
The Dash — What's Your Legacy?
The passing of my father led me to look at myself and think about the kind of legacy I’m going to leave.
Finding Your Values — Useful For More Than Business
Finding Your Values — Useful For More Than Business
When Dave told me to create a list of my values, I thought it would be no problem. Instead, it has proven to be an extremely difficult exercise. Here’s why.
Finding Strength: Refuge Barbell
Finding Strength: Refuge Barbell
Derek Stone has grown his gym from an old shed into a fully functioning gym, littered with equipment that can help anyone reach their strongman goals.
Adaptive Thermogenesis  — The Beauty and the Beast of The Biggest Loser
Adaptive Thermogenesis — The Beauty and the Beast of The Biggest Loser
Starvation Mode is the not-so-accurate term for your body’s reaction to extreme caloric deficits. What price do you pay for rapid weight loss?
2016 APF Equipped Nationals — Qualifying for WPC Worlds
2016 APF Equipped Nationals — Qualifying for WPC Worlds
What I overcame for this meet is far more than I have for any other.
Comeback Programming — Returning to the Gym After An Extended Break
Comeback Programming — Returning to the Gym After An Extended Break
You’ve been away from the gym, but now you’re back. With some intelligent programming you can resume training in such a way that you’ll be blowing through your old numbers without ever getting stuck.
The Diet of an IFBB Pro Six Weeks Out
The Diet of an IFBB Pro Six Weeks Out
This is a practical example of exactly what I ate during the sixth week before hitting the contest stage. Why is this important to you? Because it pushes right up to that life sucks and I hate dieting threshold.
Do You Have a Fat Slob for a Wife?
Do You Have a Fat Slob for a Wife?
I’ve been married for 23 years and have had a wife fluctuate from one extreme to another. Just hear me out.
WATCH: Table Talk — Analyzing Training Methods
WATCH: Table Talk — Analyzing Training Methods
The people who really don’t know what the fuck they are doing are the ones that are taking the business from you because you are too wrapped up in the wrong things.
Why Do You Lift — Defining Passion
Why Do You Lift — Defining Passion
We need to discuss passion and our affective response to any autotelic activity: it is important to understand that humans engage in things for internal forces other than survival.
Three Questions to Answer Before Opening a Gym
Three Questions to Answer Before Opening a Gym
Much of our success can be attributed to insanely hard work, lots of sacrifice, and a good bit of luck. But first I had to answer these questions.
Hip Squatters vs Back Squatters  — What is the Proper Way to Squat?
Hip Squatters vs Back Squatters — What is the Proper Way to Squat?
There are two types of squatters: hip squatters and back squatters. The proper way to execute the lift depends on which technique is best for you.
Muscle Fiber Types and Training
Muscle Fiber Types and Training
In this article I aim to explain the difference between slow and fast twitch muscle fibers and what impact training may have on them.
 Resistance Training for Young Girls — Building More Than Strength
Resistance Training for Young Girls — Building More Than Strength
As a father raising a young girl, I have seen the importance of empowering the next generation of women. Here are my recommendations.
Doing What Works
Doing What Works
This six-month training block for a young man (program included) explains everything you need for half a year of size and strength gains.
WATCH: Dave Tate's Closing Speech — April Training Camp
WATCH: Dave Tate's Closing Speech — April Training Camp
The founder of elitefts spoke with all attendees, finalizing a day of learning with coaches JL Holdsworth, Swede Burns, and Casey Williams,.
How Can I Get Stronger?
How Can I Get Stronger?
Whether you’re healthy or coming back from injury, try incorporating these things to increase force production and longevity.
Practical Programming Adjustments Determined By Age
Practical Programming Adjustments Determined By Age
If you aren’t considering this factor, your training is suffering.
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Juarez Valley 10 Push-Ups
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Juarez Valley 10 Push-Ups
The Juarez Valley 10 is the ultimate chest finisher — this sequence will have your chesticles swell up like the Himalayas!
Zoo RunRun — Blaine Crosses the Finish Line in His First 5K
Zoo RunRun — Blaine Crosses the Finish Line in His First 5K
Two faces in a crowded zoo, here’s our story: a 14-week play-by-play that prepared us for the rigors of race day.
Building A Great Lifting Crew — Advice for Hardcore Lifters
Building A Great Lifting Crew — Advice for Hardcore Lifters
The information in this article is meant for lifters who care about only one thing: building the biggest powerlifting total possible.
Building A Great Lifting Crew — Advice for Normal Lifters
Building A Great Lifting Crew — Advice for Normal Lifters
The majority of people that go to the gym want a place where they can have fun, get stronger, and not be stressed in an overly-competitive environment. Here’s how to do it.
Resume Writing Rules for Strength Coaches
Resume Writing Rules for Strength Coaches
Your resume is your written presentation of you. If you have a bad presentation, it can be assumed that you will not be a good hire. Don’t let this happen.
WATCH: Table Talk — How Should a Powerlifter Use a Sled or Prowler?
WATCH: Table Talk — How Should a Powerlifter Use a Sled or Prowler?
You can use a sled or a prowler for a lot of reasons. People like them for conditioning but I think they’re best used for recovery and restoration when you’re getting ready for a meet.
WATCH: Reintroducing Dynamic Effort Bench Day
WATCH: Reintroducing Dynamic Effort Bench Day
I just added speed work back into my training after a long time without it. Here’s how I’m doing it.
Help Impact A Hero — Memorial Day SS Yoke Bar Special
Help Impact A Hero — Memorial Day SS Yoke Bar Special
$100.00 from the sale of each bar goes to Impact A Hero to help support its mission of providing immediate and ongoing support for severely wounded, post 9/11 combat veterans.
Sensory Awareness: Rotator Cuff Activation
Sensory Awareness: Rotator Cuff Activation
Rotator cuff exercises are important, useful, and extremely beneficial when these four points are taken into account.
WATCH: Black On Black Signature Line Now Available
WATCH: Black On Black Signature Line Now Available
Your favorite elitefts logos presented in a new way.
Training Through Injury: The Edema Press
Training Through Injury: The Edema Press
A broken back doesn’t mean you can’t build your bench. Try this movement to teach better stability through squeezing your glutes and bracing your abs.
Reaching the Outlier — Tips for Interacting with Difficult Athletes
Reaching the Outlier — Tips for Interacting with Difficult Athletes
In coaching, it’s easy to lose hope in the student athletes that don’t seem engaged or interested in your help. It’s your job to find a way.
Finding Strength: Team BSS Training and Fitness
Finding Strength: Team BSS Training and Fitness
Located in Boardman, Ohio, the Schumakers have created a competitive playing field for strongman competitors to learn and refine their craft.
7 Bodybuilding Lies That Are Keeping You Skinny and Weak
7 Bodybuilding Lies That Are Keeping You Skinny and Weak
These fallacies are plastered in every shitty magazine and web blog — you may still be falling for them. I’m here to share the truth.
The Mythos of Training Female Athletes
The Mythos of Training Female Athletes
When an argument comes up about training women and the differences, I have a perspective that many of my male colleagues do not: there is no difference.
3 Old-School Exercises You Need in Your Training Plan
3 Old-School Exercises You Need in Your Training Plan
Growing and progressing is the name of the game. You should do what works even if it isn’t new.
WATCH: Interview with Stan Efferding and Mike Dolce
WATCH: Interview with Stan Efferding and Mike Dolce
Alongside the World's Strongest Bodybuilder, Mike Dolce and Chris Duffin discuss a plethora of training topics: nutrition, lifestyle, recovery, proper movement principals, and advanced methodology.
WATCH: Table Talk — Muscular Balance in Training Programs
WATCH: Table Talk — Muscular Balance in Training Programs
Should you do twice as much pulling volume as pressing volume? Some people think so, but it's not that simple.
50 Things All Handlers Need to Know
50 Things All Handlers Need to Know
This list and the included video give you what you need to know before, during, and after the meet to help your lifter reach their competitive goals.
WATCH: Training Camp Q&A — Recovery and Weight Class Transition
WATCH: Training Camp Q&A — Recovery and Weight Class Transition
JL, Swede, and Casey continue their question-and-answer session by addressing how lifters can increase recoverability and maintain strength during weight loss.
3 Reasons You Can't Lock Out Your Deadlift
3 Reasons You Can't Lock Out Your Deadlift
I’ve heard many times that there’s no technique to deadlifting, you just grab the bar and pull. I have to disagree.
WATCH: Do You NEED A Dynamic Effort Training Day?
WATCH: Do You NEED A Dynamic Effort Training Day?
Power output is what you're looking for. Will a speed day produce it?
Close the Vents
Close the Vents
Here are a couple of ideas that you could do today to improve your work or team culture — they all start with reducing negativity disguised as venting.
Communicating Your Vision
Communicating Your Vision
How can you sell your vision when it's difficult to score your vision? Start with goals!
Bottoms-Up Training: Fix Your Shoulders and Pressing Technique Today
Bottoms-Up Training: Fix Your Shoulders and Pressing Technique Today
If you’re unfamiliar with this humbling training method, it works by creating significant instability and forcing the lifter to recruit additional muscle fibers and motor units.
Find Your Weak Points By Becoming Strong
Find Your Weak Points By Becoming Strong
Before getting hung up on specific weaknesses and special exercises, try this simple approach first.
Juarez Valley 8 Deadlift Workout
Juarez Valley 8 Deadlift Workout
You've probably heard of ascending or descending pyramid methods. The Jaurez Valley 8 is different. It's a valley that is as brutal as it is effective.
Powerful (Yet Healthy) Boulder Shoulder Training
Powerful (Yet Healthy) Boulder Shoulder Training
Building rock solid shoulders with excellent functional strength requires the correct strategies and gritty effort. This guide will show you how to get the most out of your shoulder work.
WATCH: Reno Hardcore with Guest Chris Duffin
WATCH: Reno Hardcore with Guest Chris Duffin
Kabuki, mental aspects of training, masculinity, geared vs. raw lifting, RPE — it's all here in this video with two all-time great powerlifters.
Lifting on the Platform — In Honor of My Father
Lifting on the Platform — In Honor of My Father
The journey was difficult but I walked away accomplishing something much more important at the Women's Pro-Am than a big total.
Things I Have Learned From 15 Years of Conjugate Training
Things I Have Learned From 15 Years of Conjugate Training
Through a lot of ups downs since 2002, I've learned things both the hard way and the easy way. In one quick read, here are 137 of the best things to remember about conjugate.
WATCH: Table Talk — How Should A Big Guy Lose Weight?
WATCH: Table Talk — How Should A Big Guy Lose Weight?
For someone over 350 pounds, the rules of dropping weight are a little different. There are a few things you need to remember.
Wish They Could All Be California Meets
Wish They Could All Be California Meets
The whole point of the US Open was to show Tarra and instill some confidence in what I already knew: that she would still be able to perform well at a lighter bodyweight.
WATCH: Training Camp Q&A — Overtraining, Openers, and Body Composition
WATCH: Training Camp Q&A — Overtraining, Openers, and Body Composition
JL, Swede, and Casey answer multiple questions in this video, ranging from how to control training intensity to picking openers to nutrition for powerlifters.
Are You Asking the Right Questions?
Are You Asking the Right Questions?
If you aren't getting stronger or making gains, you're doing something wrong. Your first job is figuring out what that is.
Top 10 Mistakes Men Make in the Gym
Top 10 Mistakes Men Make in the Gym
If you have the slightest inkling that this article may offend you, proceed to mistake number 5. You’re probably that guy.
Summer Programming — Eliminate the Two Steps Back
Summer Programming — Eliminate the Two Steps Back
You took a step forward and now it's summer. This time of year means nine weeks of strength and conditioning bliss and nine weeks of scheduling, programming and executing our own version of “the master plan.”
Old School PE — Valuable Today?
Old School PE — Valuable Today?
In today's world of athletics, does the 1975 work of Dauer and Pangrazi hold up?
Finding Strength: North Carolina’s Strongest Man and Woman
Finding Strength: North Carolina’s Strongest Man and Woman
At this event, the return for victory is high, which means the competition is harder and heavier than most contests out there.
Performance Enhancing Drugs: The Nature Of The Beast
Performance Enhancing Drugs: The Nature Of The Beast
Regardless of sport, every athlete is looking for an edge to be better than his opponent. When is supplemental help acceptable?
How You Do Anything Is How You'll Do Everything
How You Do Anything Is How You'll Do Everything
I want to share some of the key principles to success that I have learned over the last few years. Start here and you'll be well on your way to achieving your goals.

Items 3718 to 3776 of 5431 total