Spacial Awareness
Yeah, I’m pissing and moaning a lot about bullshit, but this just isn’t necessary.
The Angry Coach: Discovery Epidemic
It’s like that old question about Christopher Columbus: Did he really “discover” America if there were already millions of people living there?
How to Make Better Gains with Chains
Are you looking for a better more efficient way to use chains? If so read this...
The Research Meathead
Due to a wide variety of factors involved, it isn't yet possible to formulate any definitive recommendations concerning protein intake for maximizing sports performance.
The Executive Meathead: "Those Awful Employees!"
After hearing his answers, my advice to him was to go back to his facility and genuinely thank his employees for working so hard and doing a tremendous job in spite of their staffing difficulties. The answer shocked him.
Troubleshooting the Unrack on the Bench Press
Unracking the bar without losing your positioning is key.
Encouragement: Not Always A Pat on the Back
I had a great workout today, in fact, it was almost too good and got me too fired up.
The Angry Coach: It's Not You. It's Them.
You're not always wrong, and it's possible for the majority to be the f-ed up ones, and not the individual with a goal and a plan to achieve it.
The Angry Coach: 5 Travel Tips
I actually managed to make the most of everything by sticking to this plan. I hope this helps.
Chain Me to the Squat Rack
I'll try to give you my advice as best as I can without reviewing your strengths, weaknesses, training, etc.
The Angry Coach: State of Fitness
I honestly have no idea where fitness is going, but I'm thankful every day that we have this site to help fight it off.
The Angry Coach: Interesting Ethical (Business) Question
I'm curious to know people's thoughts on this.
The Angry Coach: But He Played Ball
To sum this up, I was told that the bench press has no application for football players, and that it's more harmful than helpful.
The Angry Coach: Commercial Gym Nightmares
Commercial Gyms: Where 98 percent of the people walking in the door shouldn't even be there.
Strengthening Your Core (Values)
With many great things, the precise point of origin is not always obvious.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Commitment to Excellence
I would love to hear feedback not on the content of this article, but ideas YOU have about the Commitments you can make to Excellence.
Our Salute
“The Nation today needs men who think in terms of service to their country and not in terms of their country’s debt to them.”
–General Omar Bradley
Personal Trainer Writing Mistake #1
Responding to popular demand, I'd like to cover something I see lots of guys doing on websites and in articles.
The Angry Coach: Top Three General Mistakes
Just something to think about when you're in the middle of the learning process – like we all still are.
Lee Gerney on Building the Perfect Home Gym
One of the best parts of working for EliteFTS (besides the diet advice from Dave) is helping people create their own home gyms.
How a Home Gym Can Save You MONEY?
He never really considered working out at home because he couldn’t fit the equipment in his house.
EFS Classic: Flexibility/Mobility: An elitefts™ Roundtable Discussion
With Jim Wendler, Mark McLaughlin, Bob Youngs, Alwyn Cosgrove, Tom Deebel, Jason Ferruggia, Julia Ladewski, Dave Tate, and Mike Hope.
The Angry Coach: High School Strength Coaches - Don't Make This Mis...
I learned that it's pointless to bring a gun to a knife fight, if you will.
Equipment 101: Monster Mondo Leg Press
The more you know about your equipment, the better you can use it.
Meathead Inc. – Prowler® Parenting
After about a half-hour of this sheer craziness, we all found ourselves laying on the front lawn of our new house laughing and talking while attempting to catch our breath.
3 Mistakes Made by High School Football Head Coaches
If you're a head coach, don't do this. If you're going to do this, don't hire a strength coach.
How to Use the Sled for Virtually Everything
How many of you in the "elitefts™ family" have a sled, Prowler®, or homemade version of one of these?
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Shopping with My Wife
You can replace “wife” with any other word of endearment for your “significant other” that you’d like, but I need to tell you of from my perspective, I did something along the way VERY right.
Five Meals in Five Minutes Each
Here are five meals that can be prepared in five minutes or less using natural, organic foods that aren't man-made!
Do the Pros Look to Little League for Advice on Pitching?
In the studies conducted on youth and adult pitchers, it was established that most injuries occur from overuse.
Spotlight: Marshall Johnson – Relentless Drive
We fully expect 98-pound weaklings to protest outside of our offices when this article is posted.
Stoners Gym: State of The Gym Update 1
It’s crunch time and we have some moves to make pretty quickly.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: It’s About Making “The Decision”
What decision are YOU going to make? I know, you know!
The Strength & Conditioning Internship: A Simple Guide for Strength ...
Young coaches spend a great deal of time on program design, sets, reps, percentages, and every new drill or exercise that appears on the internet.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Sweat Pants, Cargo Shorts and Hawaiian S...
Does anyone remember the Zubaz pant? They were those crazy baggie pajama bottoms that were worn in the late 80’s and early 90’s with those incredible “tiger stripes” of various color?
Second Annual Capitol Classic Strongman Challenge Writeup
I headed down to Crossfit South Arlington in Virginia to the new home of The Edge 2.0 on Saturday morning for Barry’s contest.
The Strength & Conditioning Internship: A Simple Guide for Strength ...
As the head strength and conditioning coach, the development of your assistants is a direct reflection of you as a professional.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: FEAR or F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appear...
Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!
Cacao Chip Meal Replacement Bars
Warning: These are dangerously good. You can go ahead and plan on devouring the entire pan.
Rolling Pins: They Aren't Just for Rolling Dough, Part 2
If you read the first article in this series (if not, you need to) and are using the rolling pin or elitefts™ stick to roll the areas of the upper body that the foam roller or PVC pipe can’t address, you're going to love this one.
Brute Strength Gym's Strongest Man IV Write-up
My ears got bumblebees in them, legs went to jello, vision began to shrink down to a tiny dark tunnel and everything got tinted red.
Chipotle's Beef Barbacoa Slow Cooker Recipe
If you're getting sick of the same meat over and over again, this recipe is definitely for you!
The Strength & Conditioning Internship: A Simple Guide for Strength ...
I was introduced to the writings of Patrick Lencioni via an audio interview with Joe Kenn on
Equipment 101: 0-90 Standard and Collegiate Dumbbell Bench
The more you know about your equipment, the better you can use it.
RotatoReliever: An Effective New Option For Repairing Shoulder Injuries
Well, surgery or expensive and timely rehab may not be your only option.
The Strength & Conditioning Internship: A Simple Guide for Strength ...
Organizing and implementing a quality internship program can enhance the overall goals of your strength and conditioning program, which has limited budgets and resources.
The Executive Meathead: Fire the Unhappy People!
This simple philosophy of “firing all the unhappy people” was one of the major reasons why he was so successful.
Idaho Champion Series Snowman Invitational Write Up
The events were changed and lightened a bit, so I was bummed.
Listen, Assess, Learn: Family Values, Fireplaces and Fine Bourbon
Now back to my Wild Turkey 8 Year…
elitefts™ Classic: Athletic Preparation or Destruction
The Process of Attaining Sports Mastery (PASM) is a multi-year and tremendously complex endeavor. The PASM encompasses the training and development of every conceivable physical, psychological, technical, and tactical component of sport performance.
Top 10 Mouth-Watering Shakes
Whether you are looking to gain weight, or lose it - these shakes are amazing...and they were designed by our readers.
EFS Classic: Coaching Axioms
Recently, I was able to observe a high school football team lifting. While the coaches sat in the corner and talked, the athletes proceeded to do their version of a power clean.
A "No Bull Shit" Q&A with David Allen
NBS stood for "No Bull Shit" and was our "mantra" for our approach to training for the meet.