The Executive Meathead: Leaning Up, Poster Cultures & Great Books
What we do is too important to waste time on that which is shallow, false or unproductive.
Protein Peanut Butter Ice Cream
They freeze solid, so let them sit out for 30 minutes on counter before eating.
Amy Wattles' Recap: Frozen Stones Highland Games
Doing this competition is like going to the all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet. At the time, it sounds like an excellent idea.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Keep Your Standards High, Not Your Mind
This statement is summed up with one word, WISDOM.
Heavy Music for Heavy Lifting
I’ve been asked approximately a thousand times about what kind of music is good for training and what I would recommend.
Under The Bar: Is Your Pricing Legal?
One very important aspect to understand about pricing is that some strategies are illegal and unethical.
Grip4orce Grippers for Total Body Muscle Building and Strength Gains
Whether training for quality gains in lean muscle mass in preparation for bodybuilding competition or for elite level athletic performance, we could all benefit from additional strength and muscle size increases.
The Executive Meathead: "Gossip Killer," Mini Meatheads and Ch...
When an employee enters your office to complain about a co-worker, make certain that you listen.
Under The Bar: They are NOT Angry Birds! The Holidays
I saw a chance to pull out and hide and took it. This is not something I’m afraid to admit.
The World's Dirtiest Dessert: Oreo-Brownie Cookie Bars
Research Type II Diabetes, which is what you'll likely have after consumption.
Equipment 101: EFS Walk-Thru Monolift
The more you know about your equipment, the better you can use it.
Nine Things Young Athletes Need to Master
So, hopefully if we all continue to do our jobs really well, every coach will be educated on proper exercise execution.
Equipment 101: Signature Monolift
The more you know about your equipment, the better you can use it.
Meathead Inc. – Delegate This!
Delegation can be something that you dread, or it can be something that can take your business to the next level.
Reverse Band Presses
In this clip Dave, John, and their group are doing some heavy reverse band presses. These work much in the same fashion as benching against bands by overloading the top of the lift. This is another way to feel a heavy weight in your hands and gain confidence.
In the Belly of the BEAST
My training was Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Band Stomps for Healthier Hips
Band stomps hit the deep muscles that cross the hip joint in the front—the psoas major and the lliacus.
Meathead Inc. - It Gets Good When It Gets Hard
A regular column about getting strong(er) on the platform, strong(er) in business and strong(er) in life.
Angry Coach: Back in the Fight
Last week, because of injuries, Mark Herzlich got his first start at linebacker for the Giants.
Angry Coach: How Teams Work
Or would you rather win a championship? That's something we all get to choose.
Angry Coach: Delivering Bad News
Long story short, I had to tell a very close friend of mine that his wife was cheating on him.
Sledgehammer Conditioning for Athletes and Weekend Warriors
The tool of demolition workers and superheroes.
The Angry Coach: Who are you?
Everything is a competition to this guy. Even in a basic email exchange, he has to get the better of you. To some people this is probably grating. To me, it's funny, and it's also a valuable lesson in realizing that it pays to be "on" and paying full attention at all times.
Manual Labor and Strength and Conditioning: Is There a Connection?
This article is a bit of a 'shout out' to my dad for making me do hard manual labor when I was a kid.
Is It Block Training, Concentrated Loads, or...?
I’ve been reading with interest—and amazement—the many articles that have been appearing lately on the use of the “block” method.
Equipment101: elitefts™ Super Yoke
The more you know about your equipment, the better you can use it.
Is Sports Practice Rationally Constructed?
Attention coaches: consider the athletes you coach and how they move during contests.
Advanced Squat Cycle
I had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Paul Childress recently and talk about how he sets up his squat cycles before a meet.
Youth Sport Training Considerations
Setting the stage for sport success when it counts- begins when it doesn’t.
Introducing the Shoulder Tornado: The Best Shoulder Warm Up You Aren...
In this article, I'll introduce you to a brand new shoulder warm-up drill that we use before any upper body movements.
An Inside Look at VIP Training and Strength Sport
The faults and failures of commercial gyms were holding him back.
The Top 10 Reasons for Attending a Learn to Train Seminar
For those of you who might be “on the fence” when deciding whether or not it is worth going, I went ahead and compiled my top ten reasons for attending a Learn to Train seminar.
How I Train
Anyway, this is what's been working like a charm for me. If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to clarify whatever you need.
Club Sports Conundrum: Part II
The solutions to these problems are as multi-faceted as the nature of the problems themselves
Club Sports Condundrum
The current climate of club sport, in combination with school sport, in Southern California is one in which the majority of athletes are being placed under a degree of physical stress that their bodies are unsuited to handle.
Explosive Dead Hangs
Clapping at the top of a pull-up doesn't make it explosive anymore than clapping in the bottom of a dead hang does.
Welcome To The Dungeon
You have to make the decision to turn your dream into a reality, take the first step and don’t let anyone hold you back.
Metal Jack Shirt Review
I've worn a lot of bench shirts over the years and I can say unequivocally this is the best one I ever put on.
The Dumbing Down of Fitness: “Globo Gym” Style
I've had plenty of time to think about my experiences in the corporate fitness world over the last year, simply because that’s where I cut my teeth and then subsequently got them knocked out.