Strap It On
Strap It On
Lifting accessories have been around since lifting began. Accessories cover the gamut from bars to gloves to belts to hats to knee and wrist wraps.
Letter of Resignation
Letter of Resignation
This letter is to inform you that I am resigning from my position as head strength and conditioning coach. I enjoyed my time while at the university and feel grateful for the knowledge and friendships that I have gained. I feel I owe it to you to offer an explanation as to why I have made this decision.
The Collegiate Power Rack
The Collegiate Power Rack
What makes the Collegiate Power Rack such a great piece of equipment? Just about everything!
A New Look at Three Days a Week
A New Look at Three Days a Week
I received a call two weeks ago from a friend of mine, and he had some good news for me. About five months ago, he and I were discussing a three-day split that would accommodate his needs and time schedule. He’s an ex-football player, and competes in the 242 lbs class. Like many of you, he’s tried the standard four-day
Professional 45-Degree Back Raise
Professional 45-Degree Back Raise
We’ve had the EFS Professional 45-degree back raise in the EFS weight room for about 2–3 years. It’s the best low back strengthener I’ve ever used.
The High School Odyssey
The High School Odyssey
About 12 weeks ago, I started training with a local football player, Caleb Sexton.
The Arnold 2006 in Review
The Arnold 2006 in Review
I think everyone was holding their breath at this years WPO meet at the Arnold Classic.
The Magic of the Pin Pull
The Magic of the Pin Pull
Recently I have been flooded with e-mails and questions on the EFS Q/A, and rather than answering them one by one, I decided to put them into an article form so that everyone has access to them. There is a lot of great information in these answers.
A Beginners Guide to elitefts™
A Beginners Guide to elitefts™
I’m going to do is make a list articles and other assorted products that will make things very, very easy for someone navigating this site and trying to learn.
Deadlifting with Chains
Deadlifting with Chains
Almost a year ago, Matt Bash and I put our collective heads together and were thinking of different ways to approach our weak point in the deadlift; the lockout.
The Individualization of Team Training
The Individualization of Team Training
In many instances team weight training consists of athletes of varying levels of strength preparedness- all performing the same training parameters.
The Significance of Specific Strength Development in MMA
The Significance of Specific Strength Development in MMA
As the sport of MMA progresses so must the specific means and methods of fighter training.
Strength and No Holds Barred Fighting
Strength and No Holds Barred Fighting
“Strength is an essential component of all human performance and its formal development can no longer be neglected in the preparation of any athlete"
Training High School Athletes
Training High School Athletes
One of the most asked questions throughout the day was “What would you have done differently, if you knew what you know now?” And though I answered the question as best I could, I couldn’t help but rethink the question over and over.
General Training Journal For High School Field Athletes
General Training Journal For High School Field Athletes
When discussing training, there are many things to consider, such as speed work, building absolute strength, improving form, raising work capacity, recuperation, and selecting exercises and rotating them them in proper sequence to avoid adaptation.

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