In this 120th podcast episode of Dave Tate's Table Talk, Dr. Ken Kinakin and Dr. Eric Serrano take a seat.
Chiropractor Dr. Ken Kinakin is located in Mississauga and specializes in weight training injuries and sports medicine. Dr. Kinakin's chiropractic clinic provides a variety of alternative healing modalities for everyone seeking chiropractic care, including active release technique (ART), acupuncture, laser therapy, and more.
Dr. Kinakin is the founder of the Society of Weight-Training Injury Specialists (SWIS), which focuses on the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of weight-training injuries.
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Dr. Eric Serrano, MD, is the ace sought out by elite athletes and business professionals worldwide for help with the most difficult of problems. Dr. Serrano spends the majority of his time promoting the success of his family practice patients in Pickerington, a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. Amongst the thousands of patients are elite athletes who travel to the ends of the earth to consult with Dr. Serrano.
A unique approach to medicine enables Dr. Serrano to customize nutrition, exercise, and supplementation protocols to support quicker success. A constant desire to learn leads Dr. Serrano to review thousands of patient hormonal blood work tests and read over 30 medical/ingredient journals each month. At any given time, multiple nutrition, exercise, and supplementation trials are conducted within the Serrano Family Medical Practice.
Dr. Serrano is a graduate of Kansas State University and earned his medical degree from Kansas University. He previously served as an award-winning professor of family practice and emergency medicine at the Ohio State University.
About the Host
Dave Tate is the founder and co-owner of elitefts.com. He is the author of twenty books and has logged more than 40,000 hours of training and consulting. Dave is married to elitefts co-owner Traci Arnold-Tate, and they reside in London, Ohio, with their two sons. Personal Credo: Live, Learn, Pass on™.
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Marek Health
Marek Health is the telehealth platform that connects customers to partnered providers focusing on hormone optimization and preventative medicine—offering self-service labs at great prices and guided optimization.
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elitefts is a proud sponsor of Dave Tate's Table Talk Podcast. If you can put it in a gym bag or load weight on it, we have you covered. Get 10% off your first elitefts order by using the discount code: TABLE TALK.
elitefts Shop: https://www.elitefts.com/
elitefts IG: https://www.instagram.com/elitefts/
Dave's IG: https://www.instagram.com/underthebar/?hl=en
Ken's IG: https://www.instagram.com/drkenkinakin/
SWIS: https://www.swis.ca/
Infinity Fitness: https://www.infinityfitness.com/
Serrano Family Practice: (614) 833-5520
Health First Group: (905) 812-0644
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