There are few coaches and business owners that have had the vast experience within various sub-disciplines like Mike Robertson. After receiving his Masters Degree in Sports Biomechanics from Ball State, Robertson left with DI coaching experience and the tutelage of Dr. William Kraemer and Dr. Robert Newton. Robertson also gained valuable experience in a physical therapy and rehabilitation environment. He is still using that foundation to fix everyone from "broken" powerlifters, to world class athletes, to poor-postured soccer moms who drive their min-vans way too long.
Robertson has been adamant about the unnecessary distinction between rehab and performance. Their undeniable overlapping when it comes to achieving results for athletes and clients shouldn't be ignored. Roberston has brought his experiences and education to develop a comprehensive system that addresses the needs of clients by treating every one who walks into the iFAST doors, where Robertson and co-owner Bill Hartman do business.
Seeing Robertson present at the 2014 NSCA Coaches Clinic definitely reinforces his knowledge base and his ability to communicate to coaches, trainers, and athletes. Robertson has bridged the gap between training methodologies and specific populations through an integrated training philosophy — one that has purposefully created a system with built-in progressions, regressions, and some of the most innovative ways to increase performance and health.
Topics in this Podcast
- How Mike got into the profession
- How Mike hooked up with elitefts.com
- Making the connection between rehab and performance
- The difference between medical based and performance based re-hab
- The two sides of the R7 Philosophy origin
- Creating systems for program design
- Treat everyone like an athlete
- Assessments and screening for new clients and athletes
- Athlete needs and weaknesses
- Mike's staple movements for all athletes and clients
- The benefit's of standardizing training templates
- Progressions, regressions, and exercises variations
- The one thing that will help any athlete or lifter
- Mike's advise for people getting into the profession
Elitefts™ Sports Performance Podcast on iTunes
Elitefts™ Iron Subcultrue Podcast on iTunes
Mike Robertson is the President of Robertson Training Systems and the co-owner of Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training (I-FAST) in Indianapolis, Indiana. Mike has made a name for himself as one of the premier performance coaches in the world, helping clients and athletes from all walks of life achieve their physique and sports performance goals.
Mike Robertson is the President of Robertson Training Systems and the co-owner of Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training (I-FAST) in Indianapolis, Indiana. Mike has made a name for himself as one of the premier performance coaches in the world, helping clients and athletes from all walks of life achieve their physique and sports performance goals. - See more at: http://robertsontrainingsystems.com/blog/who-is-mike-robertson/#sthash.SpfwXzgI.dpuf
Mike Robertson is the President of Robertson Training Systems and the co-owner of Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training (I-FAST) in Indianapolis, Indiana. Mike has made a name for himself as one of the premier performance coaches in the world, helping clients and athletes from all walks of life achieve their physique and sports performance goals. - See more at: http://robertsontrainingsystems.com/blog/who-is-mike-robertson/#sthash.SpfwXzgI.dpuf
Mike Robertson is the President of Robertson Training Systems and the co-owner of Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training (I-FAST) in Indianapolis, Indiana. Mike has made a name for himself as one of the premier performance coaches in the world, helping clients and athletes from all walks of life achieve their physique and sports performance goals. - See more at: http://robertsontrainingsystems.com/blog/who-is-mike-robertson/#sthash.SpfwXzgI.dpuf